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Hello everyone hope you are all doing well! As usual I have been accepting the automated requests for the Milk Gallery and the other day, to my surprise, I was met with a message saying I had reached the limit for individual invitations! After some shopping around (and even looking into the headache of creating my own website) it became clear the easiest thing to do would be to reset the access to the google drive to anyone with the link (rather than individual requests) as that apparently has no limit. The original file however was running into a glitch that would not allow me to change the access and an old forum post (as one often finds researching specific problems online) showed several people with the same problem with no solution.

Long story short, there is a new google drive that should act very much in the same way as before that you can access with the link below. This will of course have the benefit of not having a limit on members but also because it's been set to be available to anyone with the link your access should be instant and you will no longer have to wait for me to approve your request!

New Milk Gallery 



this is gold

TheBubbaclaw (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-13 19:02:04 Be great if I could download the files. I keep getting a message that says I don't have permission to download.
2023-09-13 14:39:06 Be great if I could download the files. I keep getting a message that says I don't have permission to download. Found out the problem I was having was my cookie settings.

Be great if I could download the files. I keep getting a message that says I don't have permission to download. Found out the problem I was having was my cookie settings.