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Here it is folks, completed and in color for the very first time!

Not only the coloring, but also this kink and (multiple) time jumps are new as well so this was a fun comic to make! And you may notice an additional 13th page, as a patron suggested some time ago instead of trying to wrap everything up right at the end I gave the 'finish' a little time to breath and I think it flows much better.

Thanks everyone for hanging in there, and as always, hope you enjoy!




So glad to see this come to fruition- thank you for this awesome story

Luis Hernandez

You should color the rest of your comics it be so lit

Luis Hernandez

How I found you was from the college Roxanne post I feel like that should be the next comic and maybe the male star should be goofy (Mr steal your girl) moment


I actually prefer the non colored stuff. I like the consistency across each panel. I like having to rely on shape and value to create spaces. Plus, it's easier for something monochromatic to look finished. Once you do color, it more often than not highlights how far away a work is from looking truly finished. Or it can create distracting qualities.



Adrian V Mejia

Great end to the story. Glad this one could get in under the wire before the SubscribeStar changeover. One of my favorites.


What are the odds (or what needs to be done)we can have this continued? I’d love to see her pregnant again with perhaps us seeing her bare belly more?

Not Enough Milk

The premise for July's comic has already been chosen, but I would be more than happy to include a part 2 as an option in the following Monthly Comic poll. You could make a suggestion in the monthly open requests post as well and seeing as there is some interest in seeing more of this (and I do take other's likes into consideration as well) there's not a bad chance I might end up doing more of this intermittently.


Omg, I love this, impregnating his own sexy mother, I hope there will be part 2 with her giving birth to their kid and them making another one and another one and another one… It is sad that you are leaving to subscribestar cause for me their payment processing doesn’t work. Are there any other options?