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It's been a few months coming now but as you no doubt have noticed this comic is a little special as it will be the first one fully colored!

I decided to go for a flat coloring style (almost like an old school 90s comic or something) but with the vibrant colors from this great palette I found and called in a friend to do some additional rendering for the cover.

As always, I hope you guys enjoy and please do let me know what you think!

More to come...



Adrian V Mejia

Love it, amazing dialogue and good chemistry between the characters. Can't wait for the rest.


The colors are incredible- I’ll be coming back to this forever 🙌🏽🙌🏽 I love her demand/control

Deso's Prophet

Man, the colors really add to this. Especially on the first page, the background colors really show that feeling of "Mom found my porn and I'm 2 seconds from jumping through the window."

Miles Upshur

More breeding yessss


The colors add so much to the story! This is great, agreed, more breeding.

Michael Gaal

I love this! More breeding please!


You gotta make this more than 12 pages. It’s so good

Not Enough Milk

I'll have to add a Part 2 to next month's voting choices for sure, people seem to really enjoy this couple!


👏👏👏 This is absolutely incredible!


just to let you know, the preview of this on Twitter is what made me pull the trigger and join here. I probably can't commit to sticking around for very long, but I had to jump in to see more of this. It's SO HOT! The cover is so good, I love the Mom's face here and through the comic - the shape of her eyes and the really sexy, strong looks she can give, and the way she bites her lip is gorgeous. Amazing design on her. I love her dress, I love her sexy pregnant belly, I love that he looks so happy as he wraps his arms around her, hugs her close and caresses her belly. This comic hits a LOT of the right notes for me, kinkwise, artwise, moodwise, and this cover does a great job of getting me excited to read more. The sex is so hot throughout. I love her faces so much and I love the action, how you make things feel intense and exciting. I love how her tits bounce in page 2 and he he holds her big belly. I love how her hair drapes over her face, I love how her face is smashed into the bed, I love the sexy looks she gives as she's fucked. I love the sweet, doting mood in page 4, when things calm down for a moment after he cums, how she holds him and kisses him and looks so lovingly at him. I love how she looks in the tight dress, how her belly pokes through. I love how casual and in love they are, how he holds her belly, how they smile, how she teases him as she gets excited. And I really love your comic work. You use the panels and composition so well to tell the story, to pace the action and mood. The closeup of her angry glare sneaking up behind him in page 1 is so fun and you shift angles, perspective, action in every panel just right to make the story, the action, the energy flow perfectly. It feels like we're right in the moment, in the story; it's not just images on a page. Can't wait to see where this goes next.

Not Enough Milk

Hey dorky! Thanks for your support man. Be sure to request access to the Milk Gallery (google drive) if you haven't already. All the old comics/drawings as well as every completed monthly comic is shared there and you will always have access to it!


How do I request access to the Milk Gallery? Do I just message you?

