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He everyone!

I hope you are all doing well :)  

Now as usual, I'd like to share some of my progress with you.  And one of the things I'm quite excited about this time, is the new mini game for Space Rescue!

In this mini-game you operate a crane, to move around junk. And by doing so, Keen can dig out various items from the junk pile, which he can use again to solve puzzles.

The game itself isn't very difficult, but it does require a bit of thought...you'll see!

Here you can see how it works:

Now the challenge is always to design games that work both on PC & mobile.  This for example determines the size of the blocks you see  here. They can't be to small, otherwise you can't  put your finger on it. And besides that, I had to think awhile about how this game could be fun & make sense in the story as well. So I hope it will all make sense once you play it.

Now,  here you can see how I've drawn the individual parts for this game:

The first frame of this gif also shows the 'safety screen' of Space Rescue.  I always use this reference so that I don't draw important parts of the background under for example the HUD, or text-box.   

And this is then the final result!

Now, related to this. I like to thank Rob for bringing this game to life for me!  Rob is an experienced  programmer, with whom I worked on several projects before. Now until 2 weeks ago, he had never coded anything in Ren'py or Python (the game engine I use), so I think this is a pretty impressive result so far!  Now if Rob stays available, we should be able to add a lot more mini-games soon :)

The idea is that each storyline should (at least)  get 1 minigame.


Well, meanwhile I've also been exporting all the art I made to the game. And one of the new characters in the game will be Valerie. Here you can see a few poses & expressions she will have.  I hope you like her so far!

Well, that about all the news I had for this week.

And from here on I'll be mostly coding until the next update is done. And this update will be released in the first half of next month. I'm not sure when this excactly will be, because I still want to add a animated XXX scene for one of the characters.  But I'll keep you up to date!

Thanks again!

Oh, before I go! I noticed that many new patrons joined Space Rescue this month, which is... absolutly heartwarming :) So thank you for believing in this project & welcome aboard!

And at the same time I'm also deeply moved  to see, that so many of you have been here for so long already. I can't say it enough of course, but I really appriciate it!  Thank you all.

...and let's hang out some more on discord soon :)

Have a great weekend & all the best!




Anthony Docimo

kudos to you both on the accomplishment. Hitomi seems a lovely lass, bountiful and generous - maybe playful? but methinks Keen will be lured in by the rich assets a wee bit higher than the beauties on partial display in the animation.


Thanks Rob


Thanks Anthony! And yes... she will definitly try to sell her goods to Keen :)