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Hey guys! <3

This post is to inform you that from now on there will only be two suggested character polls per month. This is because I will save the third publication to draw more popular characters or that I really want to draw. I do this with the purpose of getting a little more support on my patreon page! For the next five months I plan to draw these characters:

August: Pony version of the Atomic Heart twins

September: Princess Celestia

October: Princess Luna

November: Twilight

December: Fluttershy (Christmas special)

By the way, now the "Give me a hoof" post will only be published when the characters on the waiting list have finished! So if you still don't suggest the character that you would like me to draw, you still have time to do it, here is the direct link to the post:

Give me a hoof! 🦄 | Patreon


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