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Hi guys! This post is to explain the reason for my little inactivity on Patreon and Discord recently:

There haven't been so many posts because I was getting everything ready for my move. And now finally, I'll move tomorrow. It will be a bit of a complicated process and it will take me a bit of time, maybe a couple of days. But, as soon as I have finished my move, I will start working more comfortably and with more time available, which will increase the quantity and quality of my posts. I have great things planned in the near future! Don't worry, you'll know what it is in no time. ;3

For now these are my priorities: Complete my move, finish the wallpaper of "The Mane SIx", and finish a commission that I have pending.

That's all for now guys, thank you very much for your support and patience, see you very soon, love you all! <3



I hope your move goes okay!