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Howdy everyone! It’s August (obviously) and its time to wind back and get the sin machine going again. To anyone who joined for the first time last month, I extend extra thanks for you sticking around despite the rather light content load from last month. I can’t overstate how much y’alls support means. And given a much more open schedule this month, I anticipate a lot more time to get a fair bit of content out in August!

First order of business is the image set for this month, which should go up later tonight, and this month will be fanart focused (Sorry lumiverse characters! Time for a break for something else this month) More on that later!
Moving On, The texture revamp for Moving Forward continues, and I plan to finish rendering out the Kris sprites today if I can, and Loomy should be done this month as well.

Next up we continue with WOA3. The page for last week was missed unfortunately due to crunch time on July projects, which I accept could have been handled better, so I’ll be doing my best to get an extra page out this month, if I can.

This month we return to commission slots like usual. I already have a couple spoken for, so they’ll be limited for now, but if you have an idea for one this month, feel free to give me a poke and we can talk about it!
Lastly for this month, we have the grab bag. As you all may be aware, Day and I finally got our online shop rolling, and we’ve had a very good reception to the merch available thus far! This is encouraging, and we plan to continue to expand our listings. We’re also very open to suggestions for future listings! Feel free to suggest things you’d like to see in the shop!

Thanks again for all your support, I’m so glad to have y’all around and I’m excited to get back to work for August!



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