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REMINDER: Anyone still on the $5 and $10 tier that content is not longer posted to those tiers! Please move to one of the active tiers! Thank you <3

Howdy everyone! It’s February! The month of love! (Or so they say) Welcome back to everyone who’s been here, and I’d like to extend a special welcome to those who may be new! It’s time for a summary of what this next month will entail. Let’s get to it.

Firstly, let’s talk about the image set. I’d like to get them finished up a bit earlier in the month, so I’m gonna set the poll up today and end it on Friday. I think y’all will like the options this month…. I may also experiment with making them more comic-page-esque.. but we’ll see!

Next up is WOA and Moving forward, to save space. Both are still in the works. I’m gonna probably aim for about three pages of WOA done this month, and the Kris update is getting quite close to release. I’ll be posting an update on that tonight if all goes to plan.

Lastly, we have comm slots! I’ll be opening 4 or 5 again this month, so please feel free to dm me if you have an idea in mind and we can get Rollin on that!

Thanks again for all your support, I can never say it enough. You all make this possible and I couldn’t do it without y’all!



changed to the new casual sinner tier...lots of posts from january that show up as locked even though they shouldnt be


Thanks for letting me know, I'm looking into it. If I can't get it figured out soon, I'll be reaching out to Patreon themselves about it.