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 July! July! We’re in the latter half of the year now, wtf. Hope everyone is doing wonderfully! Glad to have you all here for this month’s sinful content, and I hope you enjoy your stay! I don’t have any major news on my end this month, other than some small quirks on some work days in order to accommodate a trip Day will be taking this upcoming week.

Moving on to business: The monthly exclusive poll should be going up later today, and I’m excited to see who y’all choose this month! Also remember you can suggest characters for the polls by filling out the form here! I’ll be focusing on the animation poll early next week as to not overload myself (lol) today. Hope yall understand!

Ask-the-Cast is returning, and I’ll be adding Tozi to the list of characters this month, so keep an eye out for that post early next week as well!

Comics! Yes! “Requisitioned” has completed, and Saya has been acquired! (+1 Chee power unlocked!). We’re a good way into storyboarding WOA3, and I hope to finish this task this month, so I can start working on the pages themselves by August. It’s gonna be by far the longest, most developed chapter yet, and I can’t wait to get the pages out to you guys!

Moving Forward Alpha 0.10 should be going up over the weekend for you all to enjoy! I had a lot of fun with this build, and I appreciate y’alls patience on my progress on it. I assure you, we’re nearing the end of the main project! Alpha 0.11 will be the final alpha build, and I’ll probably do a super quick beta afterward to clean up a few things before stamping the project as complete and ready for public release! I already have ideas for my next SSSNP and I can’t wait to dig my teeth into them..

Lastly, commissions. It would seem that all my slots for July are set and claimed already, so unless something changes, I won’t be taking any more apart from the occasional stream or quickie sketch comm. Thank you all for your interest this month!

That’s it for July, I’m excited for this month, it will surely be fun, and I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support in making my job here possible! <3

P.S. Not gonna bother updating the pic here, but July 4 will otherwise be an off-day, apart from posting the animation poll, so apologies there!



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