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Welp, it's finally happened y'all. I've gone and made myself a true 'sona... So meet Starr! They're going to be my new avatar for most things, so Loomy will finally get a rest from that duty.

Now I don't want this to seem like Loomy is being retired or anything - on the contrary - she'll be getting as much love as ever, it's just that she was never meant to represent me online... she just kinda got stuck with that role, and as much as it hurts to sorta separate from that, it feels like the time is right to finally do so, and give myself a real, intended representation for my online spaces. 

Starr is going to, for all intents and purposes be me, but as a fluffy raccoon (yay!), so I'll use them more in that fursona role. I hope you all like what I've come up with for them! This also is a good time for me to really come into my own self as being the nonbinary, genderfluid person that I've sort of realized I was over the past few years. (Just in time for pride!)

 I'll be sure to draw more of them in the future! <3



Accalia - That Silly Foxxo (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-27 19:54:42 Starr finally gets a face of their own! And such an awesome one too! Foxxo wants to hug! &lt;3
2022-06-01 15:53:55 Starr finally gets a face of their own! And such an awesome one too! Foxxo wants to hug! <3

Starr finally gets a face of their own! And such an awesome one too! Foxxo wants to hug! <3


Of course it’s for a good cause! (Even if that cause is just fun)