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(With today being a day typically associated with pranks, the ErinLaugh emote felt appropriate)

But with that out of the way....

Howdy everyone! Happy to have you all here for another month of fun and sin! Before we get to the newsletter stuff, just want to make a quick announcement on some things! First of all, this month, Day and I will finally be taking our trip that got cancelled in February, so I’ll be out of the office from the 7th to the 11th (next Thursday to Monday). There will also be a bit of slow down on wednesday and the tuesday after we get back for prep and to recoup after all the travel. So things might be a bit slow during that time, content wise, and I probably won’t have time to really work on anything significant either. I’ll still have my iPad and stuff, so I’ll try to draw what I can when down there, but just letting y’all know now! Thanks for your patience during this time, I hope to enjoy some nice weather down there! Anyway…

Moving on to the first order of business, gonna get the April exclusive poll posted later today for you all to start voting on, and the animation poll will follow early next week as well!. I’m still pretty happy with the current system we have going for it, but I’m still open to all of your feedback, should you have any!

Next order of business is WOA2! This is it guys… the final page of Chapter 2 drops tomorrow… how will it end? What will happen? Are we gonna get stuck on a bit of another cliffhanger? Most certainly! But jokes aside, I’m super happy to finally be wrapping up this chapter, and epilogue aside, this is the last we’ll be seeing of their story for at least a bit here as I recover for a couple weeks and begin work on the next big storyline project, which has yet to be announced.

Moving forward is still chugging along, like usual, and I’m just now finished up with the next CG of the Loomy scene, gonna keep writing and drawing for it, at least trying to get one piece of art for it done a week and a bit of the script done too. I struggle a bit, because it feels like a lot of work to go into something few people will end up seeing right away, but I’m pushing through.

Next order of business is commission slots. For April I’ll probably take 4 or 5, and if you’d like a slot and haven’t already talked to me about them, please do asap! They haven’t been opening publicly in a bit because they go fast, and as much as I’d like to offer more, I currently have been at max capacity for my current workload. Excited to see what yall have in store this month!

Lastly, I need to do a quick word about the sketch streams, and their format in the future. I LOVE the engagement and participation they’ve been getting as of late, but I also know that I’ll have to make some changes here, as the format for them will grow unsustainable in the future if more people get involved, and the last thing I want to do is offer less for everyone just because more people are participating! So while nothing will change this month, afterward I plan to make some changes that will be talked about later on in more detail when I iron out some of the kinks. I’ll also be holding the concept in a bit of a forum, taking any and all feedback and input you guys may have once I officially announce the changes I have in mind!

That’s all for this month! I know it was a bit more than the usual newsletter, but I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your continued support and for taking the time to read through this all if you have! I’ll see y’all around, and stay sinful! <3



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