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     Howdy everyone! Welcome to any new supporters, and welcome back to everyone else! Excited to get another month started for you all! Should be a fairly standard month, content and schedule wise, so nothing major to announce here!

    First order of business is discussing polls. We’re moving on with the current system still, and the new contender to replace Bailey will be announced later today! As for the animation, I’ve got a couple cute canine contenders in mind this month, and I hope you’ll all like what we have in the works there! Also on that topic is a reminder that you all can suggest characters you’d like to see in future polls by dropping them at the link below!

    Next up is WOA2, which will nearly be reaching its conclusion this month, assuming all pages release on time! I’ll then likely take a short break from comic work to recoup and begin working on prepping for the next big project, which has yet to be determined.

     Moving Forward. Admittedly, I’ve not been able to work on this project nearly as much as I’d like to, and I apologize. I’m going to put more into getting back into the swing of things on that, and do my best to wrap it up in the next few months here, hopefully get it ready for a Beta release with all major content by summer.

    And with that we move to Commission slots! I’ll be taking 5 or so this month, depending on complexity, so if you’re interested, shoot me a DM with your idea and we can get to work on that! Any unclaimed slots will go public in a day or so. My guidelines are attached below!

    That’s it for this month! Again I appreciate the support from all of you and I’m glad to have you all around! So thanks, and stay sinful! <3



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