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Howdy everyone! Welcome to our test run of the new system for Exclusive Piece Polls. 

The basic rundown of how this system will work isn't too complicated, but I'll go over it here just so we're all clear!

We'll have 4 running 'options' at a time. Each month, you guys will all be able to submit your votes below as usual, and in the end of the poll, I'll tally up our results as usual. However, what's new is votes will carryover each month for any character that doesn't win, but at least gets 1 vote. This way nobody should feel like their vote is wasted, and eventually all the characters that get at least some attention will eventually get drawn! 

Any character that wins is removed from the pool and drawn that month in a situation/scene, etc that feels appropriate for the character, with any alts I feel makes sense and complements the piece. 

Any character that receives zero (0) votes will be removed from the pool as well.

Those slots will then be filled with new characters each month, to keep the pool rolling and fresh. 

If you have any questions or comments, please lemme know! Leave em below, in the discord server, or just dm me if you want! But enough of that, let's see who we have this month!

So as you can see, we have 3 new characters in this poll, with Maypul carrying over from our last poll. Maypul starts with all the votes she accrued last month, and all the new characters start with a score of 0. Remember that if you want to see a specific character drawn, give em a vote, even if they don't seem likely to win this month! It will keep them alive in the pool and get them a shot at a later win! Let's get voting! <3

