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First things first, since I have never really announced this before, but please make sure you have your discord linked to patreon, so you can be added to our server! That's the best way to access and discuss content, plus I think our community is pretty nice, if I say so myself! <3 Anyway....

Howdy everyone! Just making a quick announcement (well, quick is debatable) about the future of the patreon! I’m not shutting down or anything like that, so no worries there! I’m just going to make some adjustments moving forward, and more into the new year. I’d also love to get some feedback from you guys on what you think, or ideas you’d like to see implemented as well!

First off: I’m probably going to retire the SinBin reward at the SinfulSavior tier, as I don’t feel like it really worked out in the way I had planned, and I’ve also been kinda bad at making sure it’s stayed up to date. (Plus patreon’s way of showing it on my page is kinda wonky)  I’m open to suggestions for alternatives if we want to keep something like it at that Tier, or if you guys would prefer something else entirely.

Next up, I’m going to shift to 1 monthly sketch stream, at the end of each month, instead of two. I’ll just make the stream run longer, and will add fun raffles or something else like that during them if we run out of suggestions to doodle! The main issue I’ve found is that I usually end up with 4-6 requests, when statistically I should have at least double that, so I’m not sure whether the process isn’t clear enough for everyone to participate who has the right to, or the interest just isn’t there. If anyone can help clear that up for me, I’m open to listen to what you all think!

Finally we come to the subject of monthly polls. I personally love trying to find themes for each month, when they work, but I also have been struggling a bit lately to make sure of the ideas for each one. In particular the characters in the polls stay varied enough to make sure we don’t get a bunch of repeats… I’m considering shifting the way the monthly exclusives operate as well as changing their exclusivity time to match the animations, and keep them exclusive for a full month, releasing them publicly as the next one is done. I was also considering switching from the themed picture idea to simply a rotating block of 4-6 characters up for poll each month, with any character gaining no votes being eliminated and replaced. With this system we’d get at least one, but maybe more, new characters to choose from each month, with the other characters carrying over their votes from previous months. That way no votes will be “wasted” so-to-speak. I may even add a weight system based on support level, so $5 get 1 vote, and $10 gets two, while $15 gets three votes. But I’m not settled on that system yet either. I’d love to hear what you guys think, too! Should I keep our current system? Modify it? Scrap it entirely? As of the time being, I would only be changing the exclusive “pinup” and not the animation poll system, but that may be up for consideration later on as well.

Those are the big things that I’ve had on my mind for a while now, and with this being near the end of my first full year working on art full time, I thought it was a good time to go in and see if we need to tidy up systems for you all! Thanks for taking the time to read this, to anyone who has, and I’m sorry it wound up being so wordy. >.>


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