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It’s Spooktober! Aww yes! One of the best months of the year, in my opinion. And for Day and I it will be getting even better this year. I’d like to start by welcoming everyone back for another great month, and extend my gratitude for your support! So thank you! Moving on to the big news for this month, that was hinted at or some of you may already know about, Daydreamer and I will be getting married next week! It’s a huge moment for us, and as such this month will likely flow a bit differently than most. You’ll see the full details of the effect it will have on scheduling below, when I post this month’s schedule, but to sum it up I’ll be taking a week off this month at the least. More on that later.

First thing to go over is the theme for this month’s supporter polls. As I’m sure you’ve all astutely imagined, we’re getting spooky this month for our pinup and our animation! I’ll be posting the sketches and character choices for this month’s polls later today when they are ready to go, so keep an eye out for those everyone!

Moving on to Moving Forward for now, I plan to get the last little bits of stuff finished up this week and get the next and second to final alpha build shared before we leave for the honeymoon! But we’re practically there, and I appreciate everyone’s patience in regards to how long its been since I’ve been able to push an update. I will probably alter how I do these in the future so I can get you all updates more frequently.

Next on the docket is WOA! As you all have seen, we’ve finally been able to start moving along on the story of Ryn and Kyo and the first two pages are already public! I plan to maintain my weekly release schedule of those pages throughout the next year, until the chapter is complete, if possible! I will even attempt to get a page released during my vacation, and will  get that finished up a week early so that’s good to go!

As always, we have commission slot openings for the month. As these are the one thing that can vary the most each month, here’s where I’ll be cutting back on my workload for the month to allow room for the other obligations to have time to be done during this exciting and jam-packed month. So I’ll only be opening 1 or 2 (if they’re small) commission slots for this month. If you’re interested in nabbing a slot, contact me ASAP! ^^

Lastly, I’d like to once again thank you all for the continued support and also welcome all the new patrons who may be joining us for the first time and seeing this newsletter for the first time! I hope you all enjoy your time here and I love the community we’ve continued to build! Stay sinful and I’ll see you all around!



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