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Howdy everyone! Welcome back for another great month of sin, and thanks for your continued support! Overall I felt that June was a successful month.I really enjoyed that summer sun vibe theme with everything, but now we’re into July which is another great summer month! However to give a bit of a pull back, we’re gonna make this month a bit more of a wildcard month and have less stringent of a theme for everything, so our pinup this month and animation will be chosen from a wider pool of ideas!

Moving Forward is coming along, albeit a bit slower than I would have hoped for June, but I’m still making good progress overall. The Eve scene’s main environment art is finished, and the first of two CG’s has been started. I should get to the main scripting for it this week too.

WOA 2 is still in the works, I promise, and I’m super excited to get the first pages out later this month.

Finally, as always, I’m opening for a couple commission slots for the month of July! I’ll be taking around 5 this month, so if you have something in mind please DM as soon as you can to claim a slot! (The commission guidelines are still pinned above if you need a refresher!)

That’s it for this month’s announcement/newsletter, and I wanna say once again thanks for your support everyone, it really does mean the world to me! I love working with all of you and having you all around in our community! <3




Your planner is so colorless and rigid 😢 are you sure you're not a robot 🤖? Jokes aside, this looks like a very fruitful month in the making. ♥️