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And so it begins...

I'm really looking forward to working on this project for you all. I can tell I'm gonna enjoy building this story between these too and the world they live in, as well as the things they'll do~ uwu I've not yet worked out an official release schedule, as I don't know how much of my time I can afford to dedicate specifically to this yet, but Im hoping no more than every two weeks at the current rate, per page. We shall see how this goes, though!

Also, be on the lookout for the first pinup voting post to go up soon! I'll be gathering potential ideas/poses and get stuff for you all to choose from over the next day or so, and we can go from there. Once I get the post up, I'll be taking feedback on the system to be used and will be listening for any changes or ideas you may have to it in the future! But for now, enjoy the start of something new~

Edit: color change on dialogue for clarity



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