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I'll start by reminding everyone that my patron exclusive stream is scheduled for tomorrow starting at 12pm ET! 

....Now for the news.

If you look at my page, you'll see that my reward tiers are gone, with only the $1 tier remaining. Due to unfortunate financial circumstances, I have to put Patreon on the back-burner. That means, starting next month, all rewards, except for what is now listed, will be discontinued. I'm very sorry this has to happen, and I completely understand if you guys decide to pull your pledges! I'll still be drawing as much as I can, and posting what I create here, but as things are, I can't continue to focus on this for the time being. I appreciate your understanding, and am eternally grateful for the support you've given me thus far! <3 

If you have any questions or concerns about this big change, please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify!