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Hi everybody!
I have been giving it some thought and decided to reduce my pricing for the early Access of my Persona 5 - "Steal Your Metaverse" Growth Sequence.

Originally it was

30 Euros until 33% is freely available

20 Euros between 33-66%

10 Euros for the last third.

This has changed to:
20 Euros until 33% is freely available

15 Euros between 33-66%

10 Euros for the last third.

My reasoning was when I compared my work to other GTS comic prices. In the end I should count my Parts as panels and not whole Pages of comics.
Also 30 Euros is a hefty price for some parts of the worlds - Sorry for not having considered that.

The image you can see here is P5/P75.

Best Biggi1




Not even for free...


Man you must hove gotten the one copy of P5 where she can reject you