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Hello everyone,

I wanted to give you a heads-up that the next chapter is slightly delayed but fear not—I'm on track to release two new chapters by the end of this week—or weekend. Apologies for making you wait a little longer than usual.

On a separate note, Chapter 12, which I uploaded last Friday, hasn't had any readers yet. There's a chance this might be a glitch with Patreon's analytics, and it wouldn't be the first time I've encountered this issue.

Exciting news for those following along the entirety of Book 1 is now posted for your reading pleasure. As part of the revisions, I've excised the name 'Ava' entirely from the first book. 'Dream' will be her identity forevermore, but not until Book 2. I'm still in the throes of perfecting Book 1, diligently editing and fine-tuning. Rest assured, this labor of love will continue unabated until the moment comes to self-publish—whenever that might be.

My appreciation for my SH and RR readers knows no bounds, yet I must tip my hat, particularly to the RR contingent for their eagle-eyed typo-hunting and error-spotting. They've turned feedback into an art form! So, it looks like I'll be revisiting some of the older chapters to make corrections based on their sharp observations. Who knew that free editing could be so delightful? Tee-hee!

As always, THANK YOU for your support!






It’s a glitch, i read chapter 12 last week.


Phew! I was slightly worried. lol