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As I continue to make changes to the story, I realize that some of my decisions may not be popular among my patrons. I want to apologize for any disappointment or frustration that these changes may cause, but at the same time, I want to thank you for sticking with me on this journey. I understand that I may be taking the series in a different direction than what you originally signed up for, and I respect your decision if you choose to part ways with me.

Please know that I have no ill feelings toward anyone who chooses to leave, and I am grateful for the time we spent together. At the end of the day, I am committed to creating the best story I possibly can, and I hope that you will eventually check back on me to see how this wild and unpredictable adventure has progressed.

After much thought, as I beat my head against a wall, I have decided to make some changes to Blake's story in the process of heavily editing or rewriting Book 1. I want to clarify that these following changes are not set in stone, and until I self-publish the book, everything remains subject to potential revision.

My first change will be to remove Ava from the story.

Name meaning, according to Google:

  • Circe – The name Circe is girl's name of Greek origin meaning "bird". In Greek myth, Circe, daughter of Helios, the sun, and was a sorceress.
  • Ava – Means bird; birdlike; life; voice; sound.

At first, Ava was supposed to be an alter ego for the Primordial of Magic, Circe. However, negative feedback about Dissociative Disorder and readers comparing Ava to a skill from "So I'm a Spider, So What?" prompted me to alter her character. It's worth noting that initially, she wasn't intended to be a part of Blake's soul, but rather, that was how the first draft of the story developed. Despite having some interesting ideas on how to use her, I don't have a particular fondness for Ava, and as a result, I've made the decision to remove her from the second draft.

I have decided to replace the unique skill "Dissociative" with "Oracle" and give Blake the ability to activate and deactivate passive skills. Circe will attempt to use Oracle to manipulate Blake to achieve her own goals, but Blake will only take the information she needs from the goddess and often turn off Oracle mid-conversation, much to Circe's frustration and Blake's amusement.

With Oracle, Circe will no longer be able to control Blake's body, removing the puppeteering that was a source of annoyance for some readers during the battle with the undead in Chapter, "Passenger to Mayhem." Instead, Blake will have Oracle activated and will receive instructions from Circe while fighting. I plan to add humor to the situation and show Blake making some mistakes, which may lead to humorous consequences. By making these changes, my goal is to create a training montage-like atmosphere in the story and eliminate any impression that Blake is a Mary Sue character.

Don’t worry, it looks like Blake is still a few screws loose, but who's counting? Even without Dissociative Disorder, she's still a certified nutcase, and I'm here for it. As I continue to work on the story, get ready for some hysterical back-and-forths between Blake and either herself or Circe. I mean, let's face it, who wouldn't want to eavesdrop on a conversation between a girl who's lost her marbles and a goddess with an attitude? Whether they're bickering or joking around, I have a feeling that these conversations will be a highlight of the story. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and get ready to laugh your socks off... Okay, I might be overselling that part, but I'm trying! Tee-hee!

A significant modification I want to make to Blake's character is to add conflicting personality traits. I want her to have moments of internal debate as she transforms into the Daughter of Nightmares. It's as if she's struggling to accept her inner darkness, especially since she's discovering that she enjoys the cruelty and darkness more than she had anticipated. This will create a more complex and dynamic character for Blake, one that readers can empathize with as she grapples with her inner turmoil.

As I work on the story, I've hit a bit of a snag with the Crone's decision to adopt Blake as her daughter. The previous reasoning I had come up with no longer fits with the direction I'm taking the story, so I'm currently at a bit of a loss. But as they say, when one door closes, another one opens, and I'm confident that I'll come up with a new and even better reason for the adoption.

To provide readers with some variety in the story, I plan to include a few lighthearted chapters.

One of the chapters I have in mind features Blake and the red-tailed lizard from the Dungeon Folk going on a journey to the arena. They may fight alongside each other, but the primary focus will be on Blake's development as she learns to manipulate her human form into various shapes, which differ from the Status Descriptions.

As part of my plans to enhance the story, I am considering adding another chapter during Blake's time in the village as she works to rescue Aurelia. Within this chapter, I am thinking of including some darker moments where Blake takes pleasure in killing unsuspecting guards, possibly from their perspective. Jason may also be present, reluctantly cleaning up the aftermath of her actions.

While I would like to add more chapters to the story beyond these two, I will need to evaluate how the rewrite progresses before making any definitive decisions.

It's clear that removing Ava from the story will require significant changes to the overall plot, which has me feeling a bit overwhelmed. However, I believe that this decision will lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling writing experience for me as I work on the second book.

As new ideas come to mind, I plan to update and repost this page on Patreon for those who are interested in following along with my progress. I value the support of my readers and appreciate your interest in my writing journey.

After finishing editing book 1 and completing the first draft of book 2 for Black Pudding, I am over the moon with excitement about taking a break from the series. As a writer, I have come to the realization that I love jumping around and working on different stories, and I feel that this will be the key to keeping me happy and motivated.

Please don't get me wrong; I still adore Black Pudding, and I am committed to finishing the rewrite for book 1 and completing the first draft of book 2. However, I am eager to take a break from the series and write something completely different for a few months before returning to Blake's cruel adventures.

I have so much respect for authors who can stick with a single series for years, but I am thrilled to embrace the variety and creativity that comes with working on multiple projects. I am excited to see where this writing journey takes me, and I am looking forward to sharing my progress with all of you.

Sincerely and Forevermore,



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