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My Beloved Dark Creatures,

The thrill of experimentation has seized me, sparking the creative depths of my mind as I present my latest endeavor to you, my cherished readers.

This week, I'm eager to test a new approach to releasing chapters in bulk. I posted a chapter yesterday, which, according to Patreon, has only been read by 6 individuals, making it an ideal time to attempt dropping multiple chapters simultaneously. I'll hold off on releasing new chapters until Sunday, April 2nd, when I'll unveil a collection of chapters for your enjoyment.

Following this release, I'll conduct a poll to gather your opinions on this novel format and determine if it's a strategy worth pursuing in the future.

A fellow reader on RR brought to my attention my frequent use of "like" and "as if" comparisons and excessive descriptive metaphors. In response, I've tempered these wild musings in the last two chapters and eagerly anticipate your feedback on this adjustment.

In light of this revelation, I must confess that I've chosen to pause the revision of earlier chapters, as I've also recognized my unrestrained indulgence in metaphors. My focus now lies in the riveting culmination of book one, diving fearlessly into the heart of the story. I'll address the remaining revisions at a later time.

Regarding book two, I plan to take Blake and Ava's characters in a new direction, focusing on their darker aspects. I've realized that I'm not particularly fond of writing action combat scenes and prefer more complex and twisted psychological moments. So, I entreat you to share your musings, your desires, and your fears. 

Together, we'll craft a tale that lingers hauntingly in the shadows of your dreams.

Sincerely and Forevermore,




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