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Greetings, my cherished minions,

I must impart a fair warning to you, my adored malevolent beings: I am one who recoils from the shackles of outlines and structure, opting instead to let the story run wild as an untamed beast, guided solely by my whims. Nevertheless, as this realm of wonder burgeons in complexity, I have resolved to devise a road map, lest any crucial concepts I labor upon languish, forsaken. The knowledge I now bestow upon you constitutes a grievous defiance of convention, for it unveils MAJOR SPOILERS that lie in the depths of my deranged mind. Tread lightly, dear friends, as you descend into the labyrinth of my lunacy.

With Stockholm Love,


Sinister Undertakings: I shall subjugate and distort – I meant, I shall rewrite and edit the primordial passages of earlier chapters.

As I lurk within the shadows of the ominous task of editing and reshaping the initial chapters, I’ve unearthed a twisted revelation that certain segments demand unification, like the morbid union of chapters 1 and 2. The consequence, disarray in my numbering scheme, shall be a mere sacrifice to the altar of superior storytelling.

Translation: While editing the early chapters, I’ve been merging some of them together, leading to a disruption in the chapter numbering system. This doesn’t affect much, but it may cause confusion once I post those rewritten and merged chapters.

To accomplish this within a reasonable timeframe, I will decrease my writing pace to three weekly chapters, occasionally including a surprise fourth chapter here and there.

In this delightfully grim transformation, I shall take the wheel, wickedly toying with the very soul of the narrative like a mischievous child poking a doomed animal with a stick. With a devilish grin, I shall sculpt this tale into the most horrifyingly entertaining, spine-tingling masterpiece, or a sick parody of one…as though it were the punchline of a morbidly twisted joke spun by the dark corners of hell.

Translation: It’s my goal to provide a more detailed portrayal of Blake’s distorted and twisted mindset.

Extremely Rough Road Map and Cruel Concepts of Upcoming Machinations

Behold the airships! I envision these soaring majestic behemoths of the heavens swooping in to partake in the merciless onslaught against the accursed dungeon ruins and their dark inhabitants. Did I emphasize the splendor of airships enough? AIRSHIPS, I tell you! Tee-hee!

As for our protagonists, Blake and Ava, I shall bestow upon them a formidable might. And yet, I shall artfully try to steer clear of morphing them into the loathsome creatures known as Mary Sues. Rest assured, they will savor the tang of defeat in head-on battles while continuing their sinister dance as deadly hunters, stalking their clueless quarry.

I’d like to emphasize that Blake and Ava’s successes have been limited to facing weak opponents. Catching individuals by surprise. And their adventure commenced within the confines of a beginner-level dungeon. This is an aspect I’ll need to incorporate into the revisions of earlier chapters.

The grand escape shall unfold in a chaotic, ill-fated manner, with our dear Blake and Ava making a rare, selfless choice to push Aurelia through the portal. This ultimately forsakes their own salvation. The valiant knights breach the chamber as the dungeon core sustains the portal. In their frantic attempt to close the portal, Blake and Ava drag the core into their Void, slamming it shut and igniting a cataclysmic explosion. The explanation for this has been subtly suggested through the occurrence of a stomachache.

A pocket dimension nestled within another pocket dimension. Possessing both the reawakened core and a dimensional ring nestled within their Stellar Void, Blake and Ava unwittingly unleash a cataclysm of monumental proportions. It’s no surprise that Blake experienced stomach pains before the explosive event.

On the other side of the portal, Aurelia finds herself secure in the ironclad grasp of her father’s embrace, a sinister salvation.

In the aftermath, Blake and Ava are summoned to face the Crone, who regrettably cannot offer them another respawn. However, their possession of the dungeon core bestows upon them the power of endless resurrections, so long as they guard the core with their lives. I wonder what other gods’ champion shall come for it?

I will maintain the concept of Levelers, but it will be revealed that other deities have tampered with Circe’s system, creating their own hybrid versions. Blake and Ava will transition from being Levelers to becoming Transcendent, surpassing Levelers within the Crone’s distinct system.

Additionally, Circe’s system is broken due to its connection to the soul. Blake and Ava are now two separate souls sharing one body, and this causes a glitch in the system. This issue will be resolved once the Crone implements her own update, modifying the system specifically for Blake and Ava.

During their reunion with their doting mother, Blake and Ava unearth the unsettling truth of soulmates and the profound impact it has on them.

A soulmate is formed when a soul is cleaved apart. This happens naturally with the birth of identical twins. These severed souls traverse their first lives together, perish, and reincarnate into separate lives in the endless cycle of life and rebirth. These once identical souls occasionally cross paths as if they were drawn together by an inexplicable force. Makes you wonder what type of connection Aurelia has with Blake and Ava?

When the Crone intervened and broke Circe’s connection to Blake and Ava, she unwittingly birthed the division of Blake’s soul into two fragments, giving rise to twin souls. Such an occurrence is typically spontaneous and never befalls a fully matured soul. As a result, the Ava that exists now is not the original one created by the Unique Skill. In turn, this implies that the Blake we once knew has also been irrevocably altered.

So, the main question is: which of them has the original soul? I’ve been purposefully creating ambiguity in the narrative, making it more challenging for readers to discern if they’re reading Ava’s or Blake’s thoughts.

Though not entirely identical, each fragment inherited different aspects of the original Blake’s personality. For example, the newly formed Blake possesses a stronger inclination toward sadism, while Ava is attracted to her own unique dark desires. Therefore, it appears that the Crone genuinely serves as their authentic mother, having given birth to their now-separated souls.

I plan to add more hints toward this outcome as I edit past chapters.

I plan to concentrate on the story of Aurelia’s ring and the repercussions she faces upon reuniting with her father without it. The ring was stored inside Blake and Ava’s dimensional void, concealed within another dimensional storage ring. I’m still working on a reasonable argument that it wasn’t destroyed when Blake and Ava detonated… Though, perhaps it was destroyed? I’m still considering this explanation.

Stripped of the ring’s symbolism, Aurelia’s father coldly dismisses her claim to the revered status of an elder. Driven by a sinister desire to forge a new alliance with the western covens, Lord Demidicus ruthlessly schemes to marry off his daughter, a sacrificial pawn in his twisted game of power, as he greedily seeks to seize the mantle of their Grand Elder.

Meanwhile, Blake and Ava reemerge from respawn, yet not within the familiar confines of the dungeon ruins, and no longer as a single entity. However, they maintain the ability to seamlessly merge, often finding solace and preference in that unified state.

End of Book 1...? My concern lies in the feeling that there may not be sufficient content. My current solution is to emphasize each character’s role during the siege and their involvement in the ensuing battle. Nonetheless, I worry that I’m dragging out the story by following this path.

I’m toying with the notion that several years have passed while Blake and Ava were with their mother. The Crone cunningly employed this time as a ploy to fool the other gods into thinking her daughters were dead. I’m also mulling over the idea of initially keeping this information concealed from both Blake and Ava and the readers.

Book 2: My vision for Blake and Ava’s tale involves a treacherous odyssey across the diverse Moons of Völuspá. Their relentless pursuit of finding Aurelia will leave a trail of bloodshed everywhere they go.

Subtle hints have been dropped already, alluding to the fact that they’re traversing a moon.

Additionally, Völuspá is a Gas Giant planet I previously referenced in another series I once endeavored to write. I managed to make it to 11 chapters before setting it aside in favor of Black Pudding. I’d like to revisit that series at some point, but that’s a consideration for the distant future—MUCH LATER!

Furthermore, I want to orchestrate Circe’s ascent as the series’ primary antagonist. Her constant interference and manipulation will intensify and become more malevolent as the narrative unfolds. Besides, it’s sort of evil to force mortals to fight the battles of the gods on their behalf.

Ah, my cherished inquisitive companions, it is my sincerest desire that the bizarre escapades and exploits of our esteemed Blake and Ava have captured your fancy and enthralled your minds. May their odyssey persist in enchanting and ensnaring your fancies!

Should you possess any qualms, inspirations, or thoughts regarding this curious cartography, I implore you to share them with me. And fret not, for this is but a sketch of the path ahead. Nothing has been etched into the everlasting stone of fate.