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Hello everyone!

I’m new to Google Docs, and I’m sure there are going to be tons of mistakes early on with this, but I wanted to try a more interactive approach to my writing with the final draft of the first book on the horizon (fingers crossed)!

I would like to make this exclusive for Patreon members, but I don’t know how to do that without constantly adding and removing email addresses. Then I thought about making it accessible to anyone who’s ever had a paid membership. That might be more doable, but I’m sure I’ll still screw it up. I’m really not the most tech-savvy person. 

So… for now, I’m just going to keep this open to everyone but only post the link so that only Patreon members can see it. We’ll see how that goes. If no one is interested in the interactivity, I may open it up to RR and SH readers, but having too many people might be worse than having too few. Ah, the dilemmas. LOL


If the link doesn't work, please let me know. Most likely, I've screwed something up. Also, as of this posting, it's only a glimpse of the new system format along with a short blurb about the series. So, yeah, a test run. 



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