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So. Much. Reworking.

1-3: The feel from the sketch keeps getting lost as soon as I add colours or shadows or clean it up a little... Maybe because the slight head turn gets lost? Either way... *sigh* sometimes (90% of the time for me actually) you gotta throw in the towel and restart or come back with more clarity on what you're trying to convey.. 

4-6: Same here! This is a comm for a friend, and while they did have a clear direction and concept they wanted to go with, sometimes you just lose the vibes for it in the middle of the process. We ended up going with the last picture (and it's almost done too~)

Laying out my thoughts like this, I think the most tangible conclusion I can come to on what I value most in my own art is that the viewer needs to feel what my vision. I always thought it was mastering the technical execution (anatomy, perspective, etc) that'd make me feel satisfied with a drawing, but the Kit back sketches are nOT IT despite them looking "fine"

Anyways- ramble over. Are you guys enjoying the cold weather? I'm LOVING it, but it *does* make me tired.... I'm starting to think that my tiredness is not weather-related....




I always love seeing the process and thought behind something you draw - Even if it ends up nowhere 😩 The last pic is stunning too, so I think your intuition was right 🧐