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Who wouldn't want to wake up to some useful portals surrounding you? I thought this one was going to be an easy one, but the portals did not work as well as I hoped 0-o Took a lot of post editing to get it looking decent enough, I hope you guys like it! Angus voiced by Darkwit. Thank you all for your support!




So, In crittermatic lore, was the portal fleshlight made with ore from this portal rock?

Nekari V

I'd love to see a part 2 with him riding himself


He never could though, if he humps into one portal, he moves his butt away from the other. So it would only work if the portals themselves could move. I had planned to start the animation with him trying this before giving up and doing oral, but I ran out of time this month xD

Christian Ne0L1nk

that's pretty cool actually. and well, hot of course xD and that end scene looked pretty funny, but I liked it pretty much


i want me one of those rocks


look funny but imagine fridge mare sleeping next to a rock and he sneaks up to a portal to mate with her from another 4 meters away

Oscar Ardon

This what happens when you mix acid with Viagra