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Who's next in line for their turn with Biscuit? <3
Brackets are showing genders for anyone not too familiar with the cast.


Unknown Secret

For me any one is welcome excluding male cookie especially if he is almost to similar to Angus. But he will most likely win so gonna have to wait until after he is done.


Always love me some Kale ❤️


Male cookie? He needs a name to be different. Cookie is the female name why not give him a name like Scone, Macaroon, or Crumb. That way he is not called mini Angus. Which might I add makes him redundant in that case. Mini Angus is the only reason he gets voted more. People just want horse dong all the time. I kinda wish he had a more unique color or something because he is just not that different.

Danny reeves

How on earth is male cookie mini Angus? Different color slightly different appearance and he definitely doesn't have a horse dick.


That is the nick name many of us have given him. Make cookie is mini angus. If he was different then it wouldn't be the case. All male cookie is to us is a mini Angus with a smaller dick. That is all. And no I am not the only one who calls him that. A LOT of supporters call male cookie that.


It's true though. Male cookie is kinda bland that he is just Cookie with a dick. I think he should at least be a different color at the minimum. Maybe purple or gray. That and since the names are all snack food why not make him another type of cookie?


Might I suggest you take the results of this to make the future turns with Biscuit.


Each new animation could change your opinion of what could be best to see next, so I will still let you guys get your votes each month :)


Not a serious suggestion but what if male Cookie's name was Carrot?


Please make it anal


Oh dear gods Cookie has a male form?! All this yes!!

Unknown Secret

Might a suggest a female only poll next obviously still gonna get though all the characters but judging by these results the males are all gonna be first personally I would like some girl on girl action with Biscuit but this is only a suggestion just wanted to ask.


Yeah it might be nice to break it up a little like that instead of all guys then all the girls.

Unknown Secret

That's what I was thinking you know just to change it up a bit. But either way keep up the great work.

Anon 26182

I agree, but at the same time I feel like Chip and Kale(Rescue Rangers) have been sat on the shelf too much lately and could use some more love. Come to think of it, maybe it's an anthro thing?

Unknown Secret

I partly agree with you as well but I still stand by the fact it will get dull if we have all the males back to back then all the females especially since if I remember correctly there are more female characters then there are male. And if Angus wasn't such a fan favorite then the others would get more attention if you go back though all the post Angus has more, weather they be gay or straight animations. To many people favor Angus which is also why I'm pretty sure Male cookie won the poll because he is similar enough to Angus. But regardless it was just a suggestion so there is no guarantee if the next poll will only be females and I have a feeling if it's not then either Kale or Chip will win just gotta wait and see.


If it's male Cookie I think it'd be hot to have him mount &amp; breed her doggy style. The way their bodies are shaped it would fit together perfect. After she sucks his dick with him on his back maybe? We GOTTA see her "oral skills" in the next one!

Yellow SnowLeopard

I'm going to hold out to see Sage and Biscuit have a bit of lesbian fun. Also a M/M or F/F post would have been appropriate considering the month it is.