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The intro is now done! So onto the fun part :3

I haven't 100% planned it out yet, but one way it could go down is that one pair finish this month, and the other next month so we don't feel like either side is rushed. Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any suggestions for the pacing of the four characters!

Gold tier patrons - Full intro will be posted tomorrow! 




Cool news!


Lets see more pov scenes


Well tbh I had have other thoughts behind that animation wish I guess are a extremly hard to time manage. I had thoght you will jump between each pairing and give some overwievs about both pairings. But on that point I have no idea how handable that is. Working on one pairing each month sounds the easiest way for me, but on that point im not sure that it will be looks like a combined animation. I have the fear that it may looks like 2 single animation and not like a animation wish hangs together. Sry for my bad English. In the end I havent voted for that option so I think the others ideas should cunt on that point more. Last but not least I really liked the POV liking of Angus in your "Fast Charge" animation; probably thats would be an idea. Just keep going as always :)


Yeah I'm going to try to make this not just two pair animations side by side, because that's a bit pointless. It will be a mix of all of them going at it at once, and splitting things up to focus on the smaller details too. I hope I can sneak a POV shot in somewhere too :)


I have a question regarding the content of the Gold tier. Do you upload the single animation phases/loops of your videos just for that tier or what is exactly included in that tier?


Sounds nice for me. Well I dont want to set the animation on that point. I just want to throw in some ideas, because I guess time management on this animation will be the biggest problem. Probably a further cool idea is that you dont go for cumming scenes in part 1, because you have lost time by doing intro and so on. Then on part 2 the pairings could change their partners and you can go for two cumming scenes then, because background and everything is set in this point. But in the end I have no clue of this stuff and dont know what is realistic. So I hope you will find your way and dont rush yourself. Your stuff is awesome.


It can be anything like animation wips, test renders, full rendered clips or playblasts of things going wrong.


Ok, so there no general standard of content for every animation? Like the sinlge clips for every animation you do, as content. Asking because I would like to see the single parts of your animations as loops or something, I mean the whole videos are very nice but sometimes you want to see a special scene looping or so... you know. Not just for the 15$ tier then but maybe for the future?


This maybe a silly question but I can’t seem to access the “gold” intro🤷‍♂️ But lost


It's all via Discord so you have to link up your discord account with patreon. Send me a PM if you have any trouble :)


I agree when I overthink it the hottest scenes for me where in "Heads or Tails" where Kale sucked Angus; the licking in "Fast Charge" well and ofc the full Sixty Nine vid so yeah I highly would like to see more POV and probably some internal views one day again