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Direct links -   A B C D 

(You need to be logged out of PrimeLeap, or to have not made an account for the direct links to work)   

Getting back into the non-Fridge work after having lots of fun with Fridge for a while. Time for the rest of the guys to make a comeback :D




Not a fan of the prime leap setup but fridge is cool.


Hey, can you please let the PrimeLeap folks know that I can't log into PrimeLeap when my password manager fills in my email and password? It hides the login button until I manually type things in. I have to literally delete my credentials from Firefox and manually type them in to log in. Please also consider using something other than PrimeLeap. It's such a horrible experience. At the very least, PrimeLeap needs to have some way to contact them for support, I hate needing to bug artists like you for tech support but they don't leave us any other options.


I'll pass that along to the PL dev no problem. Sorry it's been causing you problems. If you would prefer to not use PrimeLeap, there are direct link options that you can use linked above. If you do have any further issues, please message me via PM so I can help quicker.


The direct links still use PrimeLeap sadly so even if you click the direct link you goes to the same place.


The description explains how to use the direct links without PrimeLeap, please send me a DM if you do have any issues with it though.


Sorry, no, the direct links still require me to log into PrimeLeap.


The direct links will check with PL to make sure you are pledged at the time of clicking it, and when you click allow it will direct you to the image. As you have removed your pledge to me, PL doesn't recognise you as a patron anymore even though you still have until the end of the month. In this case only logging in to PL will work as that is updated at the start of the month.


Right, so the direct links are not actually direct links since they require being logged into primeleap, and logging into primeleap has only gotten more and more painful over the years


As explained, the direct links are direct for anyone still currently pledged, and without a PL account or not logged into a PL account. Click the link, click allow, image loads outside of PL without logging in. If you are still currently pledged and logged into a PL account and click the link, it will take you to the PrimeLeap page for the image instead. You will not be able to see this however as you have depleged, so the checker counts you as a non patron for the time between your deplege and the end of the month. This will be a process that will only improve over time, your initial request of fixing the password manager issue is due to be fixed by next week by the PL dev. So as annoying as running into these issues can be, I thank you for reporting them to me so we can get this platform to as smooth an experience as we can do.


Much appreciated. They also really need to have a support contact of some type so users don't have to bug artists like this.