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It's been a long while since I did a three character animation, as time consuming as it can be, it was a bunch of fun to make! Some of you may remember the intro from one of the first Angus animations, I've remade it with a little twist ending <3 Cookie voiced again by Princess_Lil!

Please let me know what you liked/didn't like! <3




The idea for this animation was great, but I think there were a few decisions that made it less great. First the lighting in some of the scenes made it very hard to see anything clearly. Also you should of had a second cumming scene for the second Angus taking cookie from the rear. The last scene was a good thought, but you could not see anything from the angle of the shot. If you had rotated the camera 180 degrees on the z axis we could have seen the cum leaking out of cookie and being licked up by Angus. As it was you basically left everything to the viewers imagination on the last scene. Sorry if I seem overly critical, but I always thought porn where you can't see any naughty bits was not actually porn.


Very good animation. Well Done


Dang what a comment lol I thought it was good and the element of thought sometimes it's good enough also the massive cum inflation was on point and very very good keep up the good work


Yessssss cum inflation :D


The second Angus coming out was a nice touch~ And is it just me or is his butt the nicest and bounciest to look at?


Ola first things first. Great animation I really liked it. I think all in all it was a pretty hard animation, because everybody including myself were awaiting 200% on this pairing. I got some points that I really liked and some which i probably was missing, but at least it was a great animation. First I really liked the reuse of the start it was a pretty nice idea - really good. I also liked that Cookie mouth was wet; just a little thing but that makes it way more realistic. No to the points I probably dont like. I think the female part often moans to loud compared to the male ones or you dont hear it good enough. Furthermore I wished the cumming scene would be a bit longer and dont jump instantly to the last loop. Dont know if it would be necassary to make two cum scenes but I think it would be look like a copy from the 3 Angus animation then. So I´m not sure. It´s no critic and probably all personel but to some up I think the female part moans to loud and the cum scene had to be longer. Maybe you should have dropped some loops on the middle part and work on 2-3 loops more on the end part. Maybe I´m to hard at all like I said its the best pairing I can imagine so far; and hopefully we will see it again someday. Keep on man :)


I wouldnt be that harsh but I have to agree in 1 point. The final panel was a pretty cool idea, but yeah I think there is a loop missing where you see Angus licking the vulva


Yeah the reuse was so amazing that I had to rewatch the old animation again :'DD


Feedback was requested. I was not being harsh I was starting my thoughts. I have 0 interest in M/M match ups. Can I mention how amazing the Angus/Angus animation was. Perfect angles, all the goods on display the entire animation. Amazing ending angle where you could see everything. For a person who is utterly disinterested in 99.99% of Gay porn I found that animation to be one of the best I ever saw. Not just in that category but any. This animation was a far better line up for characters, but the animation showed almost nothing past the BJ. Hard to see, most of the goods not shown, and most importantly the vagina cum shot and after shots were all hidden. Seriously, just reference Angus/Angus animation for how it should be done. I in no way meant to be harsh, but the good were not on display this time like they have in previous animations


The cookie moans are top tuer ! 😍


Well maybe "harsh" is the wrong word. I got your point there are other animations wish I more like, but in the end I´m fine with that one. Just wanted that the cum scene would be more extended. And yeah like you said the last panel was a great idea, but you definetely need 1 more angel there. But in the end I guess I´m really critical, because it´s my favourite matchup. There were other matchups which I´m not liking that much which got in the end better than expected for me.


I’m sad I cannot watch it until Monday since primeleap is down till then


Only just finding out about this myself, sorry about that. I've added a direct link to the $2 animation and the rest will be back Monday.


Hey the mp4 and webm file downloads don't work. It comes up as an 'XML.file cannot be found. Error tree below." But im noticing it has been downloaded over 100 times so is it just me or what?