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Animation vote coming soon! Let me know what you are wanting to see next!




This is looking fantastic


Wish I could have some fun with them ~.^ looks amazing


I'm super hyped^^


They are really cumming together. Well, not yet. Once they are finished they will be, I'm sure. ^.^ In the animated position now shown, makes me think, two of them could end up doing a top down 69, wile one takes the one on the ground from behind as he is now. Currently in this view, we can't see the other that could join the one on the ground in the 69. It's just an idea, that this gave me.


Want to see cookie F/F or even other cookie stuff in the next one :)


Female Cookie pegging Angus with a strap-on, that could be interesting.


Angus doing cookie doggie style while cookie does oral on a 2nd Angus


i can’t wait


Oh' ideas for a new vid. The new 3D render Tasty, shows Angus to have one long tongue. And the position of what he is licking in the render makes me think of him going all in deep into her slit with his tongue, licking her as deep inside as he can go. And he may not stop there, as he moves up to her tail hole, and forces his tongue in there also. What he dose next, if anything else, I think is up for debate, as if what I suggest isn't already.^.^


Lovely stuff.


Agreed. That would be interesting. It be funny though if the strap-on had a dildo attached that looked a little too big to be on Cookie. But be about the right size, if not, still just a little big to used on Angus. ^.^