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$4 Tier Patrons click here to view!  

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Here he is! So happy to have another feral to work with, and he opens up so many new animation ideas that I can't wait to work on :D Thank you everyone for your support and feedback when making Angus, I hope you enjoy all his future works, please let me know if you have a cool idea for an animation involving him!

Animation WIPS to come soon after I've completed high tier rewards, keep a look out! :D

*Couple people having issues viewing this on PrimeLeap fixed by re-linking their accounts, if that still does not work please send me a DM and I'll reply ASAP :3




Gotta be a record for erection speed. Like a 2 stroke engine pumping blood XD


Oh my God that's hilarious


One way to introduce a character XD


Did Angus bring the beef? lol Thanks for sharing man. Glad I made it back to catch the reveal. New buddy ^ ^

Ds wolf

that...that got me to laugh pretty damn hard XD good stuff


Hmmm finally A new one with "balls". That's good work. Can't wait for the next animation...:D


Angus and Cookie when


That tailhole of his looks like it could use a licking ;)


Well ........... Angus intentions towards Cookie are clearly defined =^_^=