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Sorry guys, it's happened again.

Patreon staff have requested I remove Pepper, despite previously approving her for Patreon. They have also requested I remove any content featuring the human rig. This means I'll have to now retire these characters and will not be used in my future works.

This months animation was human POV featuring Pepper and Cookie, I plan to replace Pepper with another Cookie (As seen below) and replace the human with a variety of floating toys.

I can't expect you guys to stick with me with just the one character for so long, I really appreciate all the support you have given me just with Cookie. As such, next month will be spent creating a new character rig and making a little intro video. Some of you may remember the work I started on Charcoal way back, I'll be using the same design but heavily updating the mesh. I also plan to create a new tier on Patreon for daily updates via discord, I'll start this next month as it would be great to share the process in building a character with you guys.

Again I'm so sorry for the bad news, it was really out of my control, anyone who signed up specifically for Pepper and wants to leave, message me and I'll refund you for this month. 





Hey, sorry about that! This sucks! =/


Complain about the human I sorta understand, but Pepper? Just because she resembles a mare too much, and Cookie is more in the realm of fantasy? This seems arbitrary to me.


That's totally fine, you pulled me in with cookie, and I'll stay regardless how many chars there are

Kiran Otter

I'm not going anywhere!

Riot Goes Woof

Wait I'm confused. They don't allow humans?


Uugh, you'd think they would at the very least stick by things they approved. Did they at least give you a reason? In more positive news, any hints on what kind of character Charcoal is? I can't say I recall them, was probably before my time here.


They just said they revised their decision, it's always rather tricky getting a straight answer. Charcoal is an anthro wolf character, I made a start a long while ago but got stuck with the fur. I'm glad I got stuck because looking back at the model, I can heavily improve it.


But does it really matter if you upload the content to primeleap?


i guess the humans and thee horse' are zoophilie for patreon :/ patreon love ruin the work of the worker. thanks patreon for your closed mind.


Primeleap isn't there to escape Patreons rules, so I can not continue to post content with Pepper or the human there sadly.


What about just posting the pepper stuff on Primeleap or your discord, not on Patreon?


I don't want to go against Patreons rules, this is my full time job so I can't risk it sorry

ren andrews

I am staying I love your work I hope things get better for you.


You can keep my pledge for this month, I'm not petty, but I am out. I didn't sign up to support you -just- for Pepper (though it was a big part of it), but honestly, I'm not bowing out because of that. I'm bowing out because you don't understand how Patreon works and you're allowing nonsense levels of paranoia to rule your decision making. Patreon DO NOT have any knowledge of or say over what you do OUTSIDE of Patreon, that is simply not how it works. Patreon cannot and will not take action against you for what you post anywhere -except- Patreon itself. You are ENTIRELY capable of continuing to provide content Patreon doesn't like through Primeleap by simply NOT POSTING about it on Patreon. I can't even begin to work out how you find this so hard to understand.


Absolutely staying I signed up for cookie and while pepper was great you have to do what you have to do to maintain this as your full-time. Sometimes rules interfere and the best you can do is roll with it.


Thank you for your support so far, I am most certainly paranoid about this when it is my full time job at risk, something that took over a year to build up. So I have no choice but to follow the rules as best I can do.


You're already posting your work on primeleap, just post a preview here that doesn't show anything objectionable, and post the full animations on primeleap. Patreon has no say over what you post there.

David Ewell

I'm not going anywhere.


Patreon do check outside websites as they have done with my content in the past. Anyway I can't risk it with this being my full time job.


What strange archaic rules allow for dragons but not pegasus? Thats so odd. I actually went and looked up the guidelines just out of curiosity and it seems painfully arbitrary. It's too bad, the human/character stuff was my favorite stuff.


Is it just me or is anyone else lost? Does Pepper look like someone else's character or something? Is it a copy rights thing?

Something Creative

Damn, I was already having the worst day ever. I was really looking forward to that. Is all the past content at least staying on PrimeLeap?

Razuel Dracon

I will stay as I really like your work. I find this to be a bit of a nitpicking of the staff, but as you've said, there isn't much to be done about this.


Ignore all these condescending jackhats trying to tell you how to do your job/risk your job all while blaming you for the setbacks patreon imposed. Keep it up I'll stick around.

Dragon King Development

critter, seriously consider just using patreon as a way to collect funds, and use discord/your new content host to actually make posts.


maybe there is a way to upload all your pepper artwork on a other page? For example e321? Pepper is my favourit character and it would be sad if u didnt upload any content of her :(


I do love your dragons most but a shame to see that fine work cut short. Maybe try some new charters?


At the very least I'd love if you'd upload the stuff you have to take down to somewhere else. The cookie/human bondage piece is my favorite of all your work and there isn't a way for me to download the whole thing from primeleap at the moment. If you have to take down all pepper/human stuff it'll be a big loss.


i pledged for Pepper and will not be continuing my pledge after this month. keep my pledge for this month. you should consider other avenues of funding or perhaps a way to privately share creations through google drive or personal email. if you keep limiting yourself and bending to outside forces against the desires of your consumer base you can't expect this to remain profitable indefinitely.

Seraph Silverpaw

I'm honestly thinking about dropping Patreon in it's entirety, I'd hate for it to harm the creators I support but I"m really losing trust in the platform especially if they don't even honor a previous direct approval.


probably to close to a realistic depiction of bestiality. comical when you consider all the things that are allowed through patreon. including many feral artists but i guess 3d just hits a nerve with patreon.


Damn dude, I'm sorry this keeps happening to you. If it makes you feel any better, I prefer a good cookie any day.


honestly you can just set up a page on primeleap and call it a day; patreon has nothing to say what is hosted on a third party site and if you arnt linking directly to post on the site and just saying that your updated "works" are now available on your primeleap page then they have no recourse; your not direct linking and your not referencing anything that they can bitch about. numerous other patreon pages do this and it follows patreons ToS as much as they (patreon) might not personally like it they have no option to do anything about it as the only way to block it would be to forbid linking or hosting on any third party site what so ever and they would be committing financial suicide as a large chunk if not the majority of patreon pages would abandon ship as they already do not use patreon file hosting due to sites like yiff.party scraping page posts


It will be yeah, I'll be keeping the rigs in case I can find an alternative to Patreon in the future, so hopefully it won't be the last we see of them


Thanks for sticking around! Yeah it does seem to be that way, if they had some clear rules for nsfw content it would be a lot easier to follow on both sides.


Patreon have checked my external websites in the past, it wouldn't be too hard for them to do the same via discord or anything else, so I really can't risk it sorry.


I can't continue to upload any content with Pepper on any website, but you can still view the old content on PrimeLeap.


That's the plan yeah :) Ideally I'd like lots of character rigs to chose from, another dragon is certainly on the list!


You can still view the old content via PrimeLeap, I can't post any new content featuring Pepper or the human anywhere though.


Sadly it's not me that's limiting myself, it's this platform, of which there is not yet an alternative. If I don't bend to outside forces, there will simply be no content, so I have little choice in this matter. I am remaining hopeful that there will soon be a payment alternative to Patreon, I'll keep everyone updated on that search.


Oh I am certainly losing trust, I had it in writing about four times that I was ok to use Pepper in my previous and future animations. Here's hoping there will be a new alternative to Patreon soon.


Unfortunately Patreon do have things to say about third party websites. When I was first suspended for Pepper, they would not revert this until the content was off my FA and inkbunny. Although there is a chance I could continue content with Pepper without them noticing if I only posted links, I can't risk going against their requirements.


Patreon do monitor third party websites so that wouldn't be an option I could take.


That's my problem too, they have no clear rules on nsfw content. Every furry website manages to create rules for their content, I don't see why Patreon can't, seeing as nsfw content is their biggest paying market.


Though I will still support you, I hate that you’re are forced to retire any characters. Especially, after making so many good animations with them, and putting in a ton of work to get them ready. Though Patreon now checks third party sites, I can think of one potential alternative. Host the files to a file hosting website as an archive (Mediafire or something) then email the patrons with a link. This way, the Patreon page is not directly linked with the content. Also, I am not sure about this, but will Patreon throw a fit for material that you release to the public, not linked/sponsored/mentioning your patreon? For example, if you post the link to an animation on FA and do not even mention Patreon on the post, will they still hold that against you?


It's very hard to say, there has been a case with other creators being banned for their controversial views outside of the platform, so my online presence has to be within guidelines too pretty much. I appreciate all the suggestions but what everyone is suggesting are methods to bend or break Patreons rules without being caught, I can not risk this. Especially as all these plans against Patreon are being written in Patreon comments, easy for staff to read and ban me for if I agreed.


Yet i still see tuns of Cubs get posted and there even a guy i see on here who does animals of all types. In fact just below this is a post of someone doing Feral dog. He done a lot of other feral animals.


Yeah I've seen plenty of creators out there way beyond Patreons guidelines, I'm just very unlucky I guess.


if they are doing that then they are contradicting their own ToS; at no point does it mention third party hosting and even the main gripe they have been giving you is not valid, i'll copy and paste it: "... We define pornographic material as real people engaging in sexual acts such as masturbation or sexual intercourse on camera." if they want to contradict this section of their ToS by disregarding it and telling you that you cant have art or 3d animations concerning ferals with people then they are violating their own ToS by doing so. and i have looked on both their legal ToS page and their community guidelines just to make sure and it does not even broach third party hosting of files or in fact third party ANYTHING outside of the indemnity clause saying you cant sue them or their third party affiliates for anything at any point.


primeleap requires an account that is an active and paying patron for your page to show any content you mark as non-free; so unless patreon make a fake account and then pays you they wont see anything


I don't understand what problem they have with Pepper. That doesn't make you less enjoyable to watch. It's just... dang though. Thanks for all you do and sorry for all your hard work on her that can't be used anymore.


not to defend patreon, but i bet you they're responding to article 13 getting passed in the EU and don't want any chance they could be held financially responsible for user-posted content should similar legislation come to the US. and now you're just you're just an easy target for this round of redaction because they have tickets on you from past discussions over pepper's design.


Any chance of going with a different site?

I swear I'm not furry, mom

Aw man, that does suck. Pepper was a cutie. I'll still stick with you though, you definitely deliver on your stuff.


That’s unfortunate, and definitely a step back. Perhaps you could create a anthropomorphic character? Patreon might not have as many issues with a species other than human.

