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You may have heard from other Patreon creators recently, that the ever increasing restrictions on Patreon have reached a point where many adult creators are being forced off the platform. Every few days another creator is removed, sometimes without any warning. After seven years I've spent on this platform, I have to make steps to move as much of my audience as I can to SubscribeStar.

The good news is that SubscribeStar is very furry friendly. If I managed to fully move over one day I could then bring back past characters that were too spicy for Patreon, and animate spicier scenes!

The bad news is that because SubscribeStar refuse to restrict their creators, PayPal is not a payment option. There is also no SubscribeStar mobile app. Payments must be via credit/debit cards. Otherwise it functions exactly the same as Patreon.

If you can't use a card payment because of your region or other reasons, there are virtual card services (Getsby.com for EU, Privacy.com for US). You still need a bank account to pay for the virtual cards.

To encourage as many people to move over as are able to, I've uploaded this Alone Time short animation featuring the new Cookie rig, testing out how stretchy she can be! I'll also be making one of the 3D stills per month SubscribeStar only. All of the monthly animated/WIP content will remain the same between the two platforms other than this Alone Time animation/one 3D still.

I'll continue to use Patreon for as long as I am able to, hopefully this recent ban wave will pass by and I can keep going as usual, but there is also every chance that my account could be removed at any moment. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, for those of you that can't move over just hold tight and hope that Patreon lasts a little longer.

This is bad timing as many of you have just paid this billing cycle last week. I will be posting a reminder towards the end of this month (If I haven't been removed by then) to move to SubscribeStar so you don't have to pay twice this month.


1. Patreon are increasing their restrictions, banning many accounts without warning this month. I'm trying to move as many people to SubscribeStar as I can.

2. My Patreon and SubscribeStar have the same content, but SubscribeStar will have one extra 3D still per month and this Alone Time animation. I can't upload previously banned characters/animations to SubscribeStar unless it's the only platform I'm using.

3. I will continue to use both platforms for as long as I can do. SubscribeStar will not have previously removed characters/animations until enough people have moved over.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll answer best I can. <3




I'm gonna move over next month :)


Well it looks like its time to switch over, i will have to wait til im paid on tuesday but i will sub as soon as i can love the work cant wait to see more


I have seen that yeah Patreon is removing a lot of creators but I have also seen people dispelling g some of the worst rumors as well. I would prefer to stay here but it would take a full on move of everyone I support to get me to move over even if it is more furry friendly. Normally I am not this stubborn about trying other sites but this one I will stick out till the end.


Awesome! I'll be doing a reminder post at the end of the month for people to switch over then :)


Thanks! To save some money you can switch at the end of the month so you aren't charged so soon after the Patreon payment this month. I'm just doing this post now in case my account gets nuked for some reason.


I will move too the next month to your subscribe star.


Yeah there have been many ban waves in the past which had creators worried, this one is more worrying because of the banning without any warning aspect. Hopefully it does pass and things can continue just fine here.


Yeah, my payment comes out on the first so this month already came out but i dont mind paying for the switch, things happen and i dont mind being on the loop


I have absolutely no problem moving over there as your the main reason I got on this app in the first place. So here's hoping all goes well


I don’t recall all the updates but I recall it has to do with consent with those involved in the content being posting. I personally haven’t seen any artist getting removed on my feed. As long as the account is marked NSFW and all the content is behind a paywall it shouldn’t be an issue from what I recall. Like I said people have contacted Patreon about it with more questions clarifying things.


Is there a way to set up joining on subscribestar early? Like "I want to join in a month" button or option? I don't want to cancel here and forget to join so if thats not an option I'll be waiting for your next reminder to switch over uwu


It works the same as Patreon so it would charge you monthly from the first date you join, so yeah wait for my reminder :)


It's a bit of a mess, we're told contradicting information from the moderators constantly. I was suspended three times in the past and told contradicting statements each time. It really can just be the case of catching a moderator on a bad day that could end your career. Very scary stuff.


Will the limit on other subscriptions be removed from Subscribestar? Tried to migrate over, but am getting the message below when I attempt to do so. Rather enjoy the content, but I'd rather not unsubscribe from other creators to do so (Especially since it doesn't tell me). "You have more active subscriptions than a threshold set by this Creator. To subscribe, please reduce the number of active subscriptions"


Thanks for messaging, I've just updated this to 25 per person, hopefully it's updated right away for you? If not check back in a while.


I have to say since your first short you put out your lopping on these last couple have been outstanding. Great video as always.


Yeah that is an issue with human run companies is the human emotional state can be troubling. I recall you got suspended cause of the mare who got upgraded to an alicorn but still wasn’t allowed. Hopefully the wave passes over and Patreon clams down. And PayPal pulls their heads out of their asses.

William Noble

A lot of other artists I followed got kicked from here as well, but I'll wait for the next announcement to move. Don't want to pay twice in the same month if possible.


I'll move over soon just waiting for end of the month ish.


will move next month since payment went through

antonio kontos

Switched over at a lower tier for now hope it doesent effect my reward for the month lol


All switched over! :)


Decided to switch as well and currently making the getsby card. Man ngl it's so annoying that you can't just use paypal or direkt pay on Subscibestar


Yeah it's the biggest downside, but at least it means a safer platform for adult creators because paypal aren't telling them to remove stuff.


Thank God. I'm just glad you're moving to SubscribeStar and not trying to do everything through Discord. I fricking Hate Discord.


Yeah, that's why I also wrote there support already and suggested Paypal and Klarna since they are kinda open according to themself and those are from what I know the most used payment methods / Services


Thanks for bringing virtual cards to light, I had no idea such a thing existed. Unfortunately I can't use either of the options you mentioned, but at least I now know what to look for.

Rex Wolf

I’ll switch my sub over for you at month’s end.


Honestly hope you do move over there fully some time in the future since patreon has killed so many ideas. (RIP gryphon)


I already use SubscribeStar so will switch over soon, for the possibility of spicier content and characters it's a no brainer :D Especially if it gives you more freedom as well as peace of mind not having to deal with Patreon's restrictions. Any hint on what the spicier content might entail? I don't know what isn't allowed on this platform.


This is why we can't have nice things because of Christian groups pushing cancle culture on things they don't like.


Ill swap over at the end of the month


Curiosity: what animations/characters were banned?


if I'm not wrong there was a one horse character which was too much for patreon which had to be deleted and got replaced by Fridge

Leo Vistrom

I'll make my move next month! Just got hit the payment


Is it over hir on patrion ?


I'll be moving over next month with the payment cycle!!


I jumped over! See you on the flip side

Yellow SnowLeopard

Subscribstar is a fucking BITCH to use and sign up for.


Very good choice ^^

Felix Ortiz

This sight can just take ownership and delete someone elses work wtf? Get the fuck out of here, im moving over to your substar account now. I Hope Rukis will be ok, hopefully this sights management can't read or doesn't like reading.

Ds wolf

usually I am not one to reply i just like to lurk, been supporting since before you did this full time. So Im happy to switch over and make the switch easier! Hope everyone can follow suit with in the next couple months and hey, maybe some older chars could come back :D


Am already paid this month :c How am gonna move to Subscribestar?


There was a human too, used to have cookie + human animations that were real hot


Thanks for telling us! I will move over asap!

Logan grant

I wanna move over but I've already paid for patreon this month ;n;

Wave HBo

ฉันกด subscribestar ไม่ได้ฉันทำยังไงดีเพราะ บัตรฉันมันปฏิเสธฉันเลยสมัครสมาชิกไม่ได้เลย ตอบฉันหน่อยนะ Crittermatic อันนี้ มันจะอัพเดทเรื่อยไหม


Awww that sucks I just subbed to Patreon and i cant view the short :(


No worries I'll be making a reminder post at the end of the month to swap over so you don't have to pay twice this month


No worries I'll be making a reminder post at the end of the month to swap over so you don't have to pay twice this month


No worries I'll be making a reminder post at the end of the month to swap over so you don't have to pay twice this month


You may have to contact your bank if your card payment was declined, or if possible use a different card, or one of the virtual card services I mentioned


I don't mind swapping over to subscribestar, tho that'll be at the end of the month ^^


All G, I just only resubscribed today because i wanted to see Cookie’s New Model 😍😍😍 But ya will u upload this animation here because I don’t have the money on me to subscribe to the new place just yet ☹️


If you read this post it explains the situation I'm in, I'll be posting a reminder at the end of the month to people who can switch over to SubscribeStar :)

Wave HBo

ฉัน ใช้ SCB มันถูกปฏิเสธตลอดเลยฉันต้องหาบัตรเครดิตอันอื่นที่ใช้ได้ใช่ไหม ของไทยฉันไม่รู้ว่าอันนี้ไหนใช้ได้

Wave HBo

Crittermatic จะอัพเดทเนื้อหาปกติเหมือนเดิมไหม


Ich würde gerne folge doch sind mir die Gebühren der Bank zu hoch ich habe kaum Geld da sehe ich nicht ein der Bank so viel Geld in den rächen zu werfen sory aber das wird nix


No worries, I'll keep using Patreon for as long as I can do :) I wish there was an easier option for everyone but this is all there is.


The full switch over to SubscribeStar would truly be sad, since I'm one of the people blocked from using it due to the absence of the PayPal payment option. No longer having access to your full content would be truly sad, since your stuff is one of the most high quality contents available in this community, but if the switch would overall just be benefitial for you, dont let Patreon kick you down like that. The decision is yours in the end!


Sadly the decision is very much not mine xD It's all down to how long Patreon let me and other adult creators use this platform. I'll keep going with Patreon as long as I can because I realise there are many like you who rely on Paypal. Thank you for your support and I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Ich habe die Lösung gefunden bunq heißt die App meiner Wal bin schon auf der anderen Plattform

Nobody Important

I'll be switching over at the months end, looking forward to the possibility of some of the removed characters patreon had issue with having their content available again!


Yeah, I remember a couple from way back that I really enjoyed. Some POV stuff in particular. I wonder if Crittermattic still has those tucked away somewhere? Maybe he could reupload those to SubscribeStar if he's still got them.


Just switched over, might have already paid this month, yet I don't mind paying again for your EPIC art, kinda want to pay more per month, but my car project is keeping me tied


funny enough Patreon just promoted this post to my email I'll look into switching when i have money again lol

Ayrton Bersali

Cela veut dire que tu ne publira plus d'animation sur Patreon ?


Do you also upload that content on Discord?


I post daily updates to people in Gold tier on Discord, otherwise it's all posted via SubscribeStar/Patreon