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18+ only for this one.

This story has been languishing for a while now, but I just went through it and honestly think it might be the sweetest version of Bumbleby I've ever written.

But this is much smut.  Don't read if you don't enjoy sex scenes.  It's not the type of story where I could remove them, so you'll need to skip this one!

Also, I feel like I've been posting a bunch of new stuff recently...hopefully, no one minds!


As soon as the Governor’s mansion came into view, Yang glanced at the time and picked up her pace.  Any faster and she would be running but, considering she was already late, running would only leave her out of breath and disheveled by the time she arrived.  Late but presentable was her goal right now.

The manor’s busy driveway confirmed her tardiness and pushed her just a tad faster.  Expensive town cars and limousines already lined the circular drive, with another rolling past as she hurried along the sidewalk leading up to the magnificent home.

Two sharply dressed valets waited at the bottom of the elegant steps leading to the giant front doors.  They chatted amongst themselves until the limousine stopped in front of them, at which point they rushed to open the doors for their next esteemed guests.  Yang glanced over to see if she recognized the couple exiting the vehicle but found just another well-dressed, wealthy husband and wife offering their gratitude - and a suavely exchanged bill - to the valets.

While the newest arrivals headed up the staircase lined with immaculately pruned shrubs, Yang took the narrower, less well-established path leading to the side of the house.  There, she reached a far less opulent door and knocked twice.  The sound of pots and pans clanging together came from the room beyond, as well as a firm voice issuing quick instructions.

As that voice approached the door, Yang quickly straightened her tie and slipped the knot closer to her neck.  The door opened a second later, and she offered an apologetic smile as soon as she saw the subtle frown on her boss’ lips.

“You’re late.”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, following Glynda through the door and carefully closing it behind her.  “My class ran late, then my professor wanted to talk -”

“It’s fine.”  Glynda waved away the explanation and trained her sharp, green eyes elsewhere.  “Just get the drinks ready.  And tuck in your shirt.”

As Glynda swept away to oversee the rest of the preparations, Yang tucked in her shirt before hurrying into the manor’s kitchen.  The massive room had everything one could wish for to throw a large, classy event, complete with wait staff lining silver trays with napkins and a variety of appetizers still being prepared by two chefs.

“Look who finally made it,” Nora teased while Yang grabbed a heavy box from the stack near the doorway and lugged it over to the giant marble island.  “Glynda was about to blow a fuse.”

“When isn’t she about to blow a fuse?” Yang huffed, opening the box to reveal neatly arranged bottles of wine.  “Apparently, no one can open a bottle of wine without me.  And no wine means no party.”

“I was going to do it, but Glynda said no.”

“We all said no, Nora,” a tall, usually-silent boy spoke up from the stove.  When Nora pouted at him, Yang chuckled and started arranging wine glasses on round serving trays.

“I can’t believe how much wine these people drink…” she muttered once all the glasses were in order.

For a party of only thirty guests, over sixty glasses would be poured and, based on previous experience, almost all would be consumed.  After aligning the glasses in neat rows, she grabbed the first unopened bottle and read the label.

“Good stuff, right?” Nora asked while arranging tiny sandwiches on another tray.

“Yeah, no kidding.”

Even if Yang was celebrating a special occasion, she would never order a glass of this wine let alone dream of buying the cases of it stacked by the door.  Fortunately, she didn’t have to afford it - she just had to pour it.

After popping the cork out of the first bottle, she took a quick sniff before pouring one glass at a time, as fast as possible without making a mess.  Apparently, her bartending experience made her the ideal candidate for pouring liquids from one container to another, so she was always tasked with handling any beverage - whether that be wine, champagne, or grape juice for the kids.

At first, she thought that was just a bullshit excuse that her coworkers made up.  Then she watched Nora spill red wine all over someone’s white marble floor while simultaneously breaking half a dozen crystal glasses.  Fortunately, it cleaned up fine, and the glasses were replaced, but Yang had been in charge of pouring ever since.

A big, bellowing laugh caught her attention then, and she briefly paused to glance in the direction of the living room.  Once the joviality calmed down, she shared a smile with Nora.

“I’d vote for him for his laugh alone,” Nora announced, making Yang chuckle and shake her head while emptying the first bottle and grabbing another.

The Governor of Vale, and current resident of this mansion, was a bear of a man with a booming voice and inescapable leadership.  Equal parts personable and capable of commanding attention, he insisted that everyone call him Ghira rather than Governor Belladonna.  “‘Governor’ makes me feel old,” he once joked before knocking Yang off balance with a ‘light’ pat on the back.

She voted for him years ago, and she planned on voting for him again.  Her reasons had changed quite a bit over the past few months, but…he was still an excellent Governor.

When Glynda swept back into the kitchen, Yang glanced over but kept pouring.  When a second woman followed Glynda, however, Yang’s hand briefly stilled.  Just before overfilling the glass, she caught herself and refocused on the task while stealing glances at the two women by the door.

Compared to Glynda’s tight blonde bun, starched shirt, and no-nonsense demeanor, the second woman possessed an air of elegance and poise matching her flowing black gown and short black hair.  Her amber eyes had a way of reading through people, making Yang grateful that the discerning gaze was reserved for Glynda at the moment.

“Everyone’s here,” she explained with a subtle air of authority befitting her position.  “You can start serving whenever you’re ready.”

“Absolutely, Mrs. Belladonna,” Glynda replied with a respectful nod.  “We’re ready now.”

“Perfect.  And please, call me Kali.”

After smiling at Glynda, Kali glanced around the kitchen, nodded at what she saw, and returned to her guests.  The room’s energy grew more frenzied in her wake, all of them knowing that their time to prepare was nearly up.

“Everyone knows their order?” Glynda asked, earning a chorus of ‘yes’s while she checked their work.  She made small, last-second changes where she saw fit - fanning a stack of napkins, removing or adding an appetizer to make the tray look more appealing - before nodding that the server could take the tray out to the main event.

As the room emptied, the chefs kept cooking - preparing the inevitably desired extras - while Glynda motioned for one of the servers to take the first tray of wine to the living room.

“Take these out now,” Glynda told Yang, tapping the second tray.  “I’ll finish the rest.”

Knowing better than to argue, Yang set down the partially full bottle of wine and carefully picked up the tray.  Once confident she had it perfectly balanced on her left arm, she took a deep breath and followed the rest of the wait staff to the living room.

‘Living room’ was misleading considering the massive space was larger than almost every other living room in Vale.  And, compared to the living room Yang grew up in, which had bordered on cramped, the Belladonnas’ was more like a ballroom, complete with polished hardwood floors and floor-to-ceiling windows.

Tonight, affluent men and women in glamorous dresses or suits filled the space.  Their conversation drifted up to the tall ceiling, causing a pleasant drone of muffled words that never got too loud.  Yang’s coworkers already moved throughout the room, flitting from one group of guests to the next with their trays of finger foods, helpful explanations, and ever-present smiles.

Putting on a smile of her own, Yang made it only a few steps away from the doorway before an older gentleman motioned her over.

“Thank you,” he said, his gaze never truly landing on her as he took one of the glasses and resumed his conversation.  “I still think you should’ve set up the meeting,” he told the man standing across from him, who also took a glass without so much as a thanks.

“What was the point?  The deal was already dead.”

Having no idea what they were talking about, and not particularly caring, Yang headed further into the room.  Considering she was carrying the alcohol - by far the most sought-after commodity tonight - three well-dressed women stopped her just a few steps later.

“Thank you, dear,” one of them said while her friend took a sip and sighed.

“That’s fantastic,” she mused before taking a longer taste.

“There’s much more where that came from,” Yang replied, smiling when the women promptly twittered.

“Oh, honey, you can keep bringing these to me all night.”

Still smiling, Yang nodded at the friendly-yet-serious instruction and politely backed away from their conversation.  She didn’t make it far before an older couple picked up glasses for themselves and dipped their chins in thanks.

While the tray rapidly emptied, she scanned the crowd and tried to gauge what type of evening this would be.  Bold and rambunctious?  Intellectual and posh?

As the pinnacle of the upper class in Vale, the Belladonnas attracted some of the most recognizable guests to their regular soirees.  Corporate leaders, activists, celebrities - Yang had seen just about everyone over the past few months of working for Glynda.  But none of the guests held a candle to Vale’s ruling family, who were mini-celebrities in their own right.

A small crowd had already formed around Ghira, who entertained his admirers with a loud, boisterous story and warm smile.  His wife, Kali, swept through the crowd with the hospitality required from such a well-known matriarch, making sure everyone had what they needed or would have it soon.  Then there was Blake…

The moment Yang’s gaze landed on Blake, butterflies fluttered through her chest.

As Ghira and Kali’s only daughter, Blake could be found at nearly every event featuring her father, smiling and networking just like her parents.  She was also the prettiest girl in Vale, if not the entire world, as far as Yang was concerned.  With her long, jet-black hair, vivid amber eyes, and calm, unflappable aura, no one could hope to match her effortless beauty.

But Blake Belladonna was more than just beautiful.  Her last name opened every door to her, yet that birthright hadn’t led to complacency.  She was intelligent, passionate, and driven.  She cared for others.  She believed in making a difference.

And tonight, she looked incredible.

Well, she always looked incredible, but tonight even more so.  Her long, black hair held the slightest, most intentionally perfect waves as it cascaded down her back.  Her bright eyes danced with geniality under the warm lights.  She gave her full attention to whomever she spoke to, all while displaying one of those friendly, patient smiles that marked the most gracious hosts.

Blake’s dress, however, drew Yang’s frequent gaze.  The dark purple cocktail dress maintained an aura of modesty while simultaneously flaunting her flawless figure.  The sleeves hung off her shoulders and the neckline scooped low enough to accentuate the silver necklace hanging around her neck.  The back of the dress covered all but her upper back, giving everyone a tantalizing view of her perfect shoulder blades.  The slit in the side of the dress, however, dabbled close to indecency.  Running from her silver heels to her mid-thigh, it offered a glimpse of her long, smooth legs and toned calves with every step.

While circling the room with the tray of wine glasses resting on one hand, Yang snuck as many glances as she could without making a fool of herself.  Accidentally spilling wine on someone was guaranteed to get her the type of attention that she didn’t want, as well as a scolding from Glynda.

Blake was someone people wanted to talk to, as evidenced by the young man almost gleefully claiming her attention.  Even if she was only humoring him, he didn’t seem to mind or care.  Of course, Yang wouldn’t care either if she had Blake’s eyes on her like that, or got to stand close to her like that, or could even talk to her at all.

Even though Yang wasn’t a guest today, she wanted to go over and say hello, or at least be the first to offer Blake a glass of wine.  Unfortunately, her tray emptied before she made it even halfway across the room.

Resigned to doing her job - because her job was the only reason she made it through the door - she shot one last glance around the room before hurrying back to the kitchen to restock her tray.  Glynda had finished pouring the rest of the wine already, so Yang only had to set her tray down and cover it with more glasses before picking it up and leaving again.

Until every guest had a glass of wine in their hands, her job wasn’t done.  Immediately upon entering the living room, however, her gaze sought out Blake again - talking to someone else now.  Not wanting to interrupt, she went over to the first couple without a drink in their hands.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” she asked while offering the tray.

“That sounds wonderful, thank you.”

While the pair removed glasses from the tray, Yang smiled and made sure to hold it steady as the weight shifted.  Once they had their drinks, she nodded and made her way further into the room.

“A glass of wine?” she asked a group of four, whose smiles said all she needed to know.  While each of them chose a glass, Yang saw one of the other servers approaching Blake and her conversation partner.

But Blake shook her head to decline the offer, and the server walked away after passing a glass only to the man holding the other side of the conversation.  Unperturbed, Yang continued her slow circle around the room, keeping one eye on the conversation and another on the number of glasses left on her tray.

When it looked like the conversation was wrapping up, Yang altered her course and edged closer.  From there, as soon as Blake bid a polite goodbye and turned away, Yang took a deep breath and seized the opportunity to walk over.

“Can I interest you in a glass of wine?” she asked while offering the tray.  Her skin tingled as Blake’s eyes swept over her, and her heart skipped several beats when a slow, gorgeous smile appeared.

“Yes, thank you.”

When Blake lifted one of the glasses from the tray, Yang couldn’t help but smile.  Two seconds into the conversation and she already felt like a fool in love, but that was Blake’s effect on people.  At least, that was Blake’s effect on Yang, who watched enraptured as Blake lifted the glass to her lips.

Yang wanted to know what it tasted like - not the wine so much, but the wine on Blake’s lips.  Blake, however, lowered the glass and leaned closer.

“I think I saw some tiny salmon sandwiches floating around…” she said quietly, her eyes sparkling with humor.  “Was I just seeing things?”

“Nope,” Yang replied, laughing at the question and amusement in Blake’s expression.  “You weren’t seeing things - there’s lots of tiny food floating around, and salmon sandwiches happen to be one of them.”

“Maybe if you see some, you could send them my way?”

“Absolutely.”  Yang had already lingered too long, but a glance toward the doorway confirmed Glynda was currently speaking to someone.  Convinced she could get away with extending the conversation a little longer, she added, “Actually, if you like salmon, there’s an entire tray of it in the kitchen.”

“Oh?”  Now Yang had Blake’s full, undivided attention - the effect enough to make her heart flutter.  “What do I have to do to get just the salmon?”

“Well, since this is your house…just say the word and I’ll swipe it for you.”

When Blake laughed, Yang’s heart soared.  There couldn’t be a better sound than Blake’s laughter - of that, she was certain.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Blake said, her laughter fading but her smile remaining.  Then she casually ran a hand through her hair, drawing Yang’s attention first to her lithe, graceful fingers, then to her perfect hair, and finally to the way her dress shifted with the action.

“It’s a little early to be eating something so fishy, don’t you think?” she commented.  Spotting the humor in her eyes, however, Yang grinned.

“If you love fish as much as I do, it’s never too early.”

Blake’s expression lightened as if another laugh was on the horizon but just barely held at bay.  Yang’s immediate desire was to say something else, prodding that laugh out into the open, but someone else walked over and took the last glass of wine from her tray.  Abruptly reminded that they weren’t alone, and that Yang wasn’t even one of the guests tonight, she leaned away as the woman subtly positioned herself to command Blake’s attention.

“Blake, sweetie, how have you been?”

“Hi, Mrs. Johnston,” Blake said, offering Yang an apologetic smile before turning to the woman.  Yang, meanwhile, flashed a quick smile before returning to the kitchen, collecting several empty wine glasses and used napkins along the way.

That interaction hadn’t been as long as she would have liked, but it put a hop in her step that hadn’t been there moments earlier.  In a room full of well-to-do, borderline dismissive businessmen and women, Blake was refreshingly...real.  That sincerity made Yang want to talk for hours on end if only she had the chance.

But standing around chatting was for the guests, not her.  Her job, now that the party was well underway, involved cleaning up any trash while keeping the alcohol and food flowing at the perfect, Glynda-dictated pace.  Meander through the crowd, exchange full wine glasses for empty ones, return to the kitchen for more - rinse and repeat.

She didn’t find another opportunity to talk to Blake - disappointing yet understandable given the circumstances.  By the time the party’s lull arrived - the time when the guests had had their fill of wine and hor d’oeuvres - she retreated to the kitchen with most of the other servers to await the end of the party and inevitable last-minute requests for food and drinks.

“Think they ever get tired of schmoozing?” Nora asked, swinging her legs while perched on top of the island.

“Must be second nature by now,” Yang mused while leaning against the counter beside her.

“Wish I could schmooze by second nature…” Nora muttered before drinking straight from one of the leftover wine bottles.  Laughing at the dramatic gesture, which Glynda would blow a gasket about if she saw, Yang glanced at the clock hanging above the kitchen door.

“Think you can cover for me while I take a quick break?”  Once Nora nodded, Yang pushed away from the island and added a quick, “You’re the best.”

Blessed with a few minutes of freedom, Yang left Nora chatting with the other wait staff in the kitchen and walked into the hall.  The party was still well underway, evidenced by the steady stream of conversation and laughter drifting from the living room.  She glanced at the party as she passed, her gaze inevitably drawn to Blake.  Blake was in yet another conversation, this time by her mother’s side.  While Kali did most of the talking, Blake’s gaze scanned the crowd before landing on Yang.

The brief look and ever-so-slight smile were more than enough of a reward for Yang, who smiled but didn’t linger for long.  The last thing she wanted was for Glynda to catch her and immediately put her back to work, so she quickly averted her gaze and snuck down the long entryway running from the front doors all the way to the back of the house.

She probably wasn’t supposed to venture too far from the kitchen or living room, but that hadn’t stopped her before and wouldn’t tonight.  Away from the exclusive party, the Governor’s mansion was quiet, still, and peaceful.  Its sheer size always amazed her, especially knowing only three people lived here, but she loved looking at the details and finishing touches that went into such an amazing house.

Next to the kitchen, a formal dining room held a table big enough to comfortably seat at least twelve.  An exquisite staircase, with what appeared to be a handcrafted wooden banister, led to an upstairs landing appropriately decorated for this evening.  Several closed doors were further down the hall, which she had previously learned led to an office and a variety of coat or supply closets.  Her feet led her to her favorite room on the lower level - magnificent study tucked near the back of the house.

The door was open, so she walked into the room and paused to take a deep, relaxing breath.  Even if she could never imagine living in such a big house, she would love to have a space like this.

Bookcases lined the walls with books of all kinds filling the shelves.  Several comfortable, oversized chairs created an intimate conversation area around a giant wooden coffee table in the center of the room.  Two more chairs were placed underneath a large window offering a spectacular view of the landscaped backyard, lit by glowing yellow lanterns at night.

A cynic would assume the room was all for show, but Yang knew better.  The spines of many of the books were creased, some more than others from repeated reading.  The chairs lacked the ‘brand new’ vibe of the living room furniture, with the ones under the window especially broken in by frequent use.  Regardless of the room’s size, the atmosphere came across as cozy and warm.

Broken out of those thoughts by heels clicking across the hallway outside, Yang spun around just as Blake walked into the room.

For a split second, both of them froze.

Then Blake’s lips curled into a smile, and Yang’s heart tried to beat right out of her chest.

“Lost?” Blake asked, her voice sounding like it came from a dream Yang never wanted to wake up from.

“This place is pretty big,” Yang replied, her feet leading her to Blake as if drawn to her like a moth to a flame.  “Bet I wouldn’t be the first to get lost around here.”

Stopping in front of Blake, Yang paused and struggled to control her rapidly escalating attraction.  Up close, Blake’s magnetism was impossible to deny, and the way those intelligent amber eyes swept over Yang’s outfit sent a shiver down her spine.

“Should you really be away from your party?” Yang asked with a nod toward the living room.  Blake didn’t turn away though - her eyes remained fixed on Yang.

“My parents’ party,” she clarified while edging forward, her proximity making Yang’s skin tingle.  “I told them I needed a break.”

“It’s good to get away for a bit.  Recharge and...stuff.”  The closer Blake grew, the harder it was for Yang to focus on anything past her suddenly racing heart.  “What do you want to do on your break?”


Another step forward and Blake was nearly standing on Yang’s toes.  The closeness didn’t bother her though.  Instead, she casually picked up the end of Yang’s tie, sending fire through Yang’s veins.

“Are you an option?” Blake whispered, her eyes glinting with hunger that Yang knew all too well.

Unable to wait another second, Yang captured Blake’s lips for a kiss.  Blake responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around Yang’s neck and dragging her even deeper into the embrace.

Yang was already tasting the wine on Blake’s tongue while backing her against the study’s door, pushing it closed and sealing the rest of the world away.  Blake fumbled for the lock while Yang kissed her with every ounce of breath she had, all while feeling every bit of that dress like she had wanted to all night.  As soon as Blake slid the lock into place, she started touching Yang in the same way, igniting the wildfire in Yang’s chest.

“You look incredible,” Yang mumbled against Blake’s lips while Blake untucked her shirt.  Feeling Blake’s hands slide across her stomach, she finally broke the kiss - but only to sigh in unconcealed pleasure at having Blake’s hands on her.

“Speak for yourself,” Blake teased, smiling as she grabbed Yang by the tie and pulled her into another greedy kiss.

Even with her back against the door, Blake silently invited Yang even closer, not satisfied until Yang pressed against her and blocked any means of escape.  Having Blake pinned to the door only emboldened Yang further, unleashing her desire as her hands roamed wherever they wanted.  Her lips quickly followed, breaking away from Blake’s in order to trail quick, messy kisses across Blake’s jaw, down her neck, then as far across her shoulder as her dress allowed.

“How was class?” Blake asked, her breathy voice making it hard for Yang to focus on anything but the soft skin under her lips.

“Long,” she slipped in between kisses.  “Boring.  Just waiting to see you.”

Blake’s hum reverberated against Yang’s lips, adding to the overwhelming expectation racing down her spine while Blake’s fingers deftly loosened her tie and started working on buttons.

“How’s schmoozing?” Yang managed to ask in return, hardly breaking her trail of kisses.

“You know I hate these things…” Blake sighed, her fingers in Yang’s hair while Yang gently kissed and bit her neck, drawing soft gasps of pleasure that only encouraged Yang further.  “Only thing making it tolerable is getting to see you.”

“I thought I felt someone staring at my ass...” Yang teased while reaching down and sliding her hand up the slit of Blake’s dress.  As soon as she reached Blake’s thigh and discovered nothing but smooth, perfect, uncovered skin, she froze.  Then she pulled away to meet Blake’s confident, amused gaze with a baffled one of her own.


“A little bird told me a really hot waitress would be here tonight,” Blake explained, subtly shifting her hip so Yang’s hand slipped further across her bare pelvis.  “Figured I might as well be prepared...if the opportunity presented itself.”

Staring at Blake, who was unabashed about the admission, Yang couldn’t decide how she felt.  Amused?  Flattered?  Surprised?

The answer was all of those but, most importantly, very, very turned on.

“You’re incredible,” she said before kissing Blake again, loving the feeling of having Blake pinned to the door with nowhere to go.  Not that Blake wanted to go anywhere, evidenced by her hum of pleasure when Yang broke off the kiss and moved to her neck instead, then to her collarbone, before trailing down her chest.

Kneeling on the floor, Yang looked up to confirm this was what Blake wanted.  The blush on Blake’s cheeks and desire in her eyes were more than enough of an answer, so Yang thought nothing of pushing Blake’s dress out of the way to kiss the soft, sensitive skin of her inner thigh.  If they had time, Yang would spend hours kissing every inch of Blake’s body, tasting every bit of Blake with her lips before starting over again.  Unfortunately, they didn’t have time, which Blake reminded her with a quiet, vaguely pleading, “Yang…”

Those kisses would have to wait until later.  Yang trailed kisses upward instead, the smell of Blake’s arousal luring her right to where Blake wanted her.  This was the perfect moment to string Blake out until she begged - and she would beg under the right circumstances - but Yang was just as eager to please as Blake was to receive.  She was on display now, her dress pushed aside and that deep, alluring warmth drawing Yang in.  So she didn’t keep Blake waiting - she pressed one last kiss to Blake’s inner thigh before the next went right between her legs.

“Ah…” Blake gasped, sucking in a sharp breath when Yang’s tongue quickly followed.  “God…” she breathed out seconds later, dropping her head back against the door while Yang tasted her from her opening all the way up to her clit.  There, Yang stayed, determined and eager to make this as enjoyable for Blake as possible.

No matter how many times they did this, Yang could never get enough.  She loved the way Blake tasted. She loved the way Blake smelled.  She loved the way Blake responded to every flick of her tongue with a low, breathless moan that grew more urgent by the second.

As Blake’s desire for more took hold of her, her fingers threaded through Yang’s hair and her hips started moving with the rhythm of Yang’s tongue.  Desperate to get closer, Yang looped her right arm under Blake’s leg and lifted it over her shoulder.  Blake instantly became more vocal when Yang spread her legs and dove in, pinning her to the wall as support while licking and sucking her clit over and over again.

“God…” she got out before another moan slipped through her lips.  She ground herself against Yang’s mouth while chasing Yang’s tongue up and down, up and down.  Her hands were on the back of Yang’s head, fingers curling through Yang’s hair while pulling her closer in a clear request for more.

Yang was only doing half the work now while Blake did the rest, bucking her hips and grinding against Yang’s tongue, covering Yang’s mouth and chin and nose with her arousal while searching for that elusive rush of ecstasy.  Her breaths had reduced to short, heady pants, the sound alone announcing how close she was.

Craving Blake’s pleasure more than her own, Yang pushed down harder, applying even more pressure to Blake’s clit.  Almost immediately, Blake’s hips found a frantic, disjointed pace as she worked herself over Yang’s tongue, forcing Yang to hold her tightly to keep her from jerking away.  Soft “yes”s began falling from her lips, repeating over and over, faster and faster as Yang’s tongue pushed her closer and closer to a release.

“Oh god.  Yang -”

Blake’s head dropped back against the door and her back arched off of it.  A long, wanton moan filled the room while Yang pulled Blake closer and kept her tongue moving, drawing that peak out until Blake twitched away with a soft cry of pleasure.  Only then did Yang pull away and wipe the back of her hand across her mouth, letting Blake’s dress fall back into place.

“Jesus, Yang…” Blake breathed out, slumped against the door for support while Yang stood up and kissed her.  Still panting, Blake managed only a short kiss in return before setting her palm on Yang’s cheek and meeting Yang’s eyes.  “That felt...so good…”

“Sounded good, too…”  After kissing Blake’s cheek, Yang gently touched the back of Blake’s head.  “Your head ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”  Having regained some of her breath, Blake curled her fingers around Yang’s ear and smiled.  “Not the first time you’ve made me knock my head on something...definitely won’t be the last.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“So do I.”

Heart still racing, Yang returned Blake’s smile and wished they could bask in this feeling forever.  A nearby chorus of laughter, however, reminded her that they weren’t the only ones in the world right now.  Nor were they even from the same worlds.

When Blake finally withdrew her hand from Yang’s hair, Yang glanced toward the kitchen and sighed.

“I should get back…”

“Yeah…me too.”

If it was any consolation, Blake looked just as disappointed by the impending separation as Yang felt.  After straightening her dress and running a hand through her hair, however, she gave Yang a hopeful smile.

“Any chance you’re staying late?”

“Well, it’s a big event…” Yang mused while Blake toyed with the hem of her shirt.  “Lots to clean up, so...yeah, I’ll probably be staying late.”

Technically, Yang didn’t have to stay if she didn’t want to.  Blake’s smile convinced her that she wanted to.

“Meet me near the back stairs when you’re done?” Blake asked, running her hands down the front of Yang’s shirt before meeting Yang’s gaze.  “I’d like to...repay the favor.”

“Blake Belladonna…” Yang sighed, melting under that warm, amber gaze.  “You know how to make a girl say hell yes.  I’ll absolutely work late for you.”

When Blake laughed, Yang’s heart fluttered, and a smile wasn’t far behind.

“If you’re lucky, I’ll be working late for you.”

Blake’s wink got Yang’s heart going even faster, already anticipating what might be in store for her later that night.

“Then I hope I’m lucky…” Yang whispered while Blake reached out and, with a touch so intimate and caring that Yang’s heart nearly came undone, straightened Yang’s tie.

“You will be,” Blake answered, her smile brightening as she spoiled that little secret.  “We just have to survive the rest of the evening.  Well, I need to...freshen up a bit...then survive the evening.”

“In that case...after you?”

When Yang stepped back and motioned to the door, Blake nodded and undid the lock.  Before slipping out of the study, however, she turned around and pulled Yang into another kiss.  The action briefly caught Yang off guard, but it didn’t take long for her to melt into the long, lingering affection.

By the time the kiss ended and Yang’s eyes fluttered open, Blake was smiling and patting her side.

“Remember to tuck in your shirt,” she whispered before opening the door and, after flashing one last smile, heading down the hall.  Left in her wake - for a second too stunned to contemplate moving - Yang took a deep breath and let it out with a soft laugh.  Still smiling, she tucked in her shirt and ducked into the nearest restroom to clean up before hurrying back to the kitchen.

To say that she was turned on would be an understatement, but that was a problem Blake would solve for her later.  She just had to do her job until then, which meant pretending not to be a bothered mess while passing out glasses of wine to snooty strangers.

“There you are.”

No sooner had Yang stepped into the kitchen did Glynda motion her over to trays covered in champagne flutes rather than wine glasses.

“They’re about to have a toast.  We need these out there now.”

“Got it.”

Pressed right back into duty, Yang grabbed the first bottle of champagne, popped off the cork, and started pouring.  The other servers waited for the flutes to be filled before picking up the trays and heading to the living room, leaving Yang to fill and take the last tray for herself.

As soon as she rejoined the party, her eyes sought out Blake.  Blake already had a glass of champagne in her hand, so there was no use making an extra attempt to talk to her.  Instead, Yang made sure the rest of the guests had a drink while subtly watching Blake socialize amongst Vale’s elite.

Looking at her now, no one would ever guess that she had implored Yang to eat her out down the hall just moments earlier.  That girl wasn’t the Blake Belladonna who graced news articles and public appearances with her parents - this one was.  Calm, poised, sophisticated...she was perfect.

As much as Yang wanted to be the one standing by Blake’s side - champagne in hand while waiting to toast the Governor’s next great initiative - she couldn’t be further from this world.  She was only allowed through the door because someone needed to carry the trays of expensive wine and pick up the garbage.

Maybe she only belonged here in uniform, but that hadn’t stopped them from pursuing this…fling?  Tryst?  Whatever it was, she wouldn’t be the one who stopped it.

One day, Blake might realize that she was way out of Yang’s league.  That her social sphere put her far above Yang’s working-class roots.  Until then, Yang would enjoy every second they spent together, even if it was only a few minutes spent on her knees making Blake feel good during some classy dinner party.



This is going to be so much fun 😍