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After this week's episode, I feel like we could use a dumb story ASAP.  Lucky for me, I happened to have several dumb oneshots that I never posted because I never finished the last one.  So, please sit back and rejoice in dumb, happy times.  (Also note to myself...I shouldn't sit on stories for years because then it takes me hours to go through and update it...)

This is part one of what I call "The Drunk Chronicles."  They aren't connected; they only share a similar theme of some members of RWBY being a little...tipsy.  Ok, drunk.  But it's fun so let's roll with it!

I have two more parts written, which I'll spruce up for the next couple of weeks, and maybe I'll finally finish the last part too.

The end gets a little spicy just fyi.  Enjoy!


“What’s this place called again?” Ruby asked, grinning and nudging Blake’s elbow when Blake rolled her eyes.

“I’m not even going to say it.”

“At least you can say it, right?  Unlike someone we know.”

Blake scoffed this time, but a smile slipped onto her lips as she remembered the excessive giggles accompanying the bar’s name.  ‘Wish You Were Beer’ sounded pretty cheesy to Ruby, but Yang had loved it far too much.  Yang loved it so much, in fact, that she insisted the four of them meet there for drinks after the end of another long week.

“Think she’s driven Weiss crazy yet?” Ruby added as they crossed another intersection.

“Probably.  You know how they get when they’re alone.”

“We probably shouldn't have said we’d meet them…” Ruby mused to herself, clutching her bag close to her shoulder before looking at Blake.  “Thanks for waiting though.”

“Of course.  I know how much you wanted to finish it, and I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“I hope so…”

While matching, or perhaps setting, Blake’s quick pace toward their destination, Ruby imagined Weiss’ reaction to the gift Ruby had spent the last few months working on.  It was just a small thing…a token of appreciation that had taken every minute of free time she could devote to it when not busy training or going on missions.

Well, she could have finished it a long time ago, but she wanted it to be worthy of being given to someone as perfect and incredible as Weiss.  All of the hard, tedious work would be worth it if Weiss smiled.  Even just a little smile would make Ruby happy.

“You aren’t...nervous…are you?”  Blake thoughtfully studied Ruby as they waited for another intersection to let them across.  “Because if you haven’t noticed, Weiss loves everything you make her.”

“A little nervous,” Ruby admitted, though she skipped forward a step as soon as the light turned.  “Mostly excited though.  I like making her happy!  Or, you know, trying to.”

While Ruby chuckled to herself, Blake cast her a sideways glance.

“How’re you two doing, by the way?”

“We’re doing great!  At least, I think so?”  After being momentarily concerned about her and Weiss’ relationship status, Ruby shook her head and smiled.  “I really, really, really, really like her.”

“Can you fit a few more ‘really’s in there, or can you boil them down to one word?”

Ruby tried not to blush at Blake’s knowing smirk, but there was really no ‘trying’ when blushing was concerned.  She was either not blushing, currently blushing, or just recently blushed.  Right now, she was firmly in the ‘currently blushing’ category.

“I’m, uh, you know, not sure how she feels yet,” she fumbled.  “And I don’t want to, you know, rush anything.  I mean, we only just had -”

Snapping her mouth shut to prevent any more words from slipping out, Ruby shook her head and spotted a safe haven up ahead.  Wish You Were Beer - more like Lucky You’re Beer for her right now.  Blocky white letters on the dark-green awning broadcast the pun-infused establishment to the darkening streets of Vale.  A chalkboard menu with even more elaborate puns stood outside.  And, with the double doors practically within reach, Blake couldn't pin Ruby to the conversation for much longer.

Of course, Blake could always slow her pace - which she did - and force Ruby to slow down with her.

“It’s ok to not be sure,” she said, her warm amber eyes offering as much encouragement as her words.  “You can still tell her how you feel - without the reallys.  Communication and honesty are important in any relationship.”

Ruby dragged her feet across the sidewalk and sighed.  Of course Blake said that - she might as well tattoo the mantra across her forehead by now.  It was good advice - Ruby knew that - but it was hard advice, too.

“Well, what about you and Yang?” Ruby countered as they walked up to the wooden doors leading into the bar.  Blake gave Ruby a curious look while opening the door so they could enter.

“What about us?” Blake asked, blinking while her eyes adjusted to the dimmer light inside the bar.

“You know.”  Ruby raised her voice so Blake could hear her over the loud music and many conversations they just walked into.  “How’re you two doing?”

Blake hardly had to think about the question before smiling - one of those smiles reserved for when she was talking to Yang or about Yang.

“We’re doing just -”

“Blake!  Ruby!”

At the sound of their names, they turned and spotted Yang hurrying over to them.

“Lovely…” slipped past Blake’s lips in an affectionate sigh as soon as she saw Yang.  “God, I love that jacket on her…”

Blake’s eyes were only for Yang, but Ruby was far more interested in the girl trailing two steps behind Yang.  The person holding all of her affections.  The girl who made her heart do all sorts of crazy flips and twirls while also stealing her breath away and making her feel like she just ran a couple hundred miles.  The girl she really, really lov...really, really liked spending time with: Weiss Schnee.  AKA, the most beautiful girl in existence.  Also the smartest, prettiest, and most incredible.

“Hey!” Yang said, using all the cheer in the world to greet them.  She quickly hugged Ruby before turning to Blake and stumbling backward as if pushed by some invisible force.  “Wow,” she gasped in genuine wonder.  “You - are - gorgeous.”

The theatrical greeting seemed pretty normal to Ruby, but Blake narrowed her eyes.

“Are you drunk?”

Yang vigorously shook her head, but the motion caused her to step sideways to regain her balance.

“Totally - not drunk.  But we had a competition!”  After shouting the words at them, Yang cringed when Blake motioned for her to quiet down.

“‘A competition?’” Ruby repeated, glancing at Weiss to see if she was also...significantly impaired.

“She said she could drink me under the table,” Weiss replied before scoffing.  “And I said…”  Raising one finger in the air, she paused and frowned while trying to remember what had been said.  After several seconds of silence, Yang started giggling and Weiss glared at her instead of finishing the sentence.

“What’d you say?” Ruby prodded, clasping one of Weiss’ hands in both of her own.  She lov- really liked - when they held hands.  It was one of the best feelings in the world.  Well, besides when they cuddled, or kissed, or...other things that involved even more touching…but holding hands was great.

So great that Weiss stared at their joined hands before looking up in…concern?

“You don't think she could drink me under the table, do you?”

Weiss’ clear blue eyes so desperately searched Ruby’s for an answer that Ruby reached out for Weiss’ other hand and gave both a reassuring squeeze.

“I don’t even know what that means,” she admitted.  “But I’m positive Yang can’t beat you in anything.  Except maybe arm wrestling.”

Weiss smiled at the answer - a really, really cute smile that made her pretty blue eyes sparkle.

“I knew you’d believe in me,” she said before kissing Ruby’s cheek.  The kiss lingered long enough that Ruby started blushing well before Weiss pulled away, but they remained holding hands all the while.

“Of course Ruby took your side.”  Yang huffed and threw her arms in the air, nearly whacking a passerby’s drink out of their hand.  “Whoops - my bad, buddy.  I would’ve bought you another one!”

Yang grinned at her new friend before turning back to them and clapping her hands together.  “What was I saying?  Oh, you -”  Yang pointed both of her index fingers at Blake.  “You are the hottest person in this place.  So hot, I’m pretty sure I need to take off my jacket just to stand near you.”

When Yang started pulling one arm out of the sleeve of her coat, Blake reached out to stop her.

“You’re so drunk,” Blake said, chuckling at Yang’s current state.

“I’m not drunk!  She’s drunk.”

When Yang pointed at Weiss, Weiss scoffed and shook her head.

“Of course you say that.  But only a fool listens to…foolery…”

Ruby tilted her head at the bizarre saying that wasn’t very...Weiss-like.  Normally, Weiss used fancy or smart phrases to prove she was right.  Ruby never understood them, and that was how she knew they were right.  That one she understood completely - because foolery could only be understood by fools, so of course fools would listen to it.

“I’m purrrrrfectly fine.”  While Blake was unamused by the rolled ‘r’s, Yang stepped forward and slid one hand down Blake’s side before resting it on Blake’s waist.  “I have plans for the two of us...later…”

“Do you…?”

After beaming and nodding, Yang shot a glance at Ruby.  She then leaned towards Blake’s ear, raised one hand to cover her mouth, and loudly whispered, “But I can’t tell you what they are in front of Ruby.”

When Yang leaned away and chuckled, Ruby wrinkled her nose.

“Get a room,” Weiss said, drawing Yang’s gaze.

“We have a room, thank you.  And we’ll be using it tonight if you know what I mean.”  Yang winked at Weiss before turning back to Blake.  “Can I buy you a drink, my ultra-fine girlfriend?”

Once Blake nodded, Yang beamed and then pointed to Weiss and Ruby.  “What about you two?  Want anything?”

“No, thanks,” Ruby said while Weiss shook her head.  Satisfied with that response, Yang headed over to the bar and Ruby leaned towards Blake.

“Blake,” she said out of the corner of her mouth, watching Yang almost immediately stop to talk with a stranger.  “What do we do?”

“What do you mean, ‘what do we do?’”

“They’re like...super drunk,” Ruby whispered, glancing over and finding Weiss mindlessly playing with the ends of her hair.

“And?”  Unable to keep her eyes off of Yang, Blake subconsciously licked her lips and smiled.  “I love when she’s like this…”

Miffed at the response, Ruby watched Blake follow - or stalk might be a more appropriate term - Yang to the bar.  Before Yang got the bartender’s attention, Blake slid a hand from Yang’s shoulder down to Yang’s wrist.  Yang’s response was to turn, lean down, and catch Blake’s lips for a hungry, demanding kiss.

The two of them didn’t care at all if people were watching.  And they especially didn’t care if one of their little sisters was in the vicinity.

Diverting her eyes from the spectacle, Ruby jumped in surprise when she discovered Weiss standing practically on top of her.

“You’re so cute…” Weiss said, reaching up and running her hand through Ruby’s hair.  Ruby quickly re-entered the ‘currently blushing’ state as Weiss curled her fingers, tugging Ruby’s hair in a way that was almost painful but more...uh, enjoyable than anything else.

“How’d you get to be so cute?” Weiss mused, tracing her fingers around Ruby’s ear and making it really difficult for Ruby to breathe let alone respond.

“I, uh - I don’t know -” was the best Ruby managed while Weiss’ other hand toyed with the bottom of her shirt.

“I know.”  Leaning in as if she was going to share a secret, Weiss wore the cutest little grin as she whispered, “Because you’re a star.”


“Yes.  A star.”  Weiss nodded, completely confident in her answer.  “You light up my sky - and not just at night, during the day too.  But also at night.  You really light up my night.”

When Weiss giggled, Ruby stared at her in a mixture of shock, delight, and embarrassment.

One, Ruby was really glad Yang hadn’t heard that last part.  Two, Ruby was usually the one making absolutely no sense, but tonight Weiss was speaking in riddles.  When Weiss’ hand found its way back into her hair, however, she stopped trying to figure out the ‘star’ comment and focused on Weiss instead.

“We’re going to...light it up tonight, right?” Weiss asked, leveling Ruby with a smile that hinted at more mature topics - the thought of which made Ruby’s cheeks burn.

“I-I mean, if you want to -”

The stutters made Weiss laugh - a sound so happy and clear that Ruby immediately beamed.  That smile faltered, however, when Weiss leaned close and whispered, “I always want to, Ruby…”

Feeling a warm, wet tongue slide across her ear, Ruby barely held in a gasp while Weiss pulled away.  And Weiss was smirking - knowing exactly what she just did and how it would affect Ruby.

Apparently, Weiss was so drunk that she was…very excited.  Kind of like how Ruby was always excited, only completely different.

As if to prove that theory, Weiss slid one hand behind Ruby’s neck and pulled her into a kiss that was not at all like the kisses they normally shared in public.  It started out as greedy and grew more passionate by the second, leaving Ruby torn between giving in or trying to keep it together in front of a group of strangers.  It was hard to think about anything other than Weiss pressing against her, their bodies jointly heating up and the kiss deepening.  Ruby tasted a hint of alcohol on Weiss’ tongue, and smelled it on Weiss’ breath, and felt the effects through Weiss’ desirous, lustful kisses.

Ruby only pulled away when one of Weiss’ hands slid fully up her shirt and started groping.

“Weiss!” she yelped, tugging her shirt down and glancing around.  “People can see us!”

“So?”  Unrepentant, Weiss gave a playful pout.  “Are you saying you don’t want to?”

Ruby’s cheeks quickly reached new levels of embarrassment just thinking about what Weiss was suggesting.  Mostly because she was considering it, too.  Could anyone blame her?  Weiss was so, so attractive...and the idea that she wanted Ruby, too…

“I do…” Ruby admitted, suddenly wishing they were alone.  “But Yang’s right over there.”

After Ruby gestured in the direction of the bar, Weiss glanced at Yang before turning back.  Her long, white ponytail flipped to the side as she did so, adding a bit of normal flair to this new version of Weiss.

“How many times have you seen Yang and Blake make out?” she asked, arching one perfect eyebrow.


Seeing as how Yang and Blake were currently making out, Weiss knew she had a good point.  Her smug smile said that loud and clear.

“I have an idea,” Ruby said instead of coming up with a very large number.  She touched Weiss’ elbow and motioned to the tables and chairs in the seating area.  “Why don’t we go sit down?”

“Do you want to sit down?”

“I do!  With you, of course.”

Smiling for good measure, Ruby was pleasantly surprised when Weiss matched her smile in return.

“I’d love to sit down with you.  We had a table, too…”  While scanning the tables spread around the bar, Weiss frowned.  Several seconds later, she stomped one foot and said, “I swear they make these places intentionally confusing.”

“Why don't we just pick another one?” Ruby offered, hopeful that she could diffuse the storm on the horizon.  “Look!  There’s an empty booth - let’s sit there.”

Taking one of Weiss’ hands in her own, Ruby gently led a surprisingly disgruntled Weiss to the booth in one corner of the main room.  After sliding into the booth, Ruby watched Weiss carefully weigh her seating options.  And by ‘carefully weighing her seating options,’ Ruby meant that Weiss looked back and forth at least a dozen times before finally huffing and sitting beside Ruby.

“You don't want to sit over there?” Ruby asked, pointing at the seat across from them.

“No,” was Weiss’ simple response, followed by no explanation.


Deciding to let that subject go, Ruby took a deep breath and pulled the strap of her bag over her head so that she could open it.  In the midst of undoing the buckle, however, she stopped when she was gently poked in the shoulder.

“If Blake and Yang come back,” Weiss finally said, nodding to the two empty seats across from them.  Ruby nearly laughed at the much-delayed explanation but smiled instead.

“That’s fine, Weiss.  I like sitting next to you!”

Weiss’ bright, uninhibited smile reached right into Ruby’s chest and squeezed her heart.  There was something so different about drunk Weiss…as if all of her walls had suddenly disappeared and she was doing whatever she felt like doing.

It was pretty awesome.

“How drunk are you?” Ruby asked, ready to file the answer away for future reference.

“I’ll tell you how drunk I’m not,” Weiss scoffed, waving one finger in the air as she spoke.  “I’m not...as drunk as Yang.”

Weiss pointed at Yang and Blake, who were still more interested in each other’s tonsils than anything else.  Blake sat on one of the barstools now with Yang standing between her legs as the two of them tried to see who could fit more of their tongue in the other’s mouth.  Spoiler alert: they were both winning.  The only loser here was Ruby’s eyesight.

“Yang is so drunk,” Ruby agreed, knowing better than to disagree (but not enough to avoid looking in the vicinity of the bar).

“Super drunk.”

Ruby giggled at the word, which wasn’t very Weiss-like at all.

“Can you say that again?”

That request hardly ever worked, but this time Weiss let out a small huff before slightly slurring, “Superrr drunk.”

It sounded so silly that Ruby burst into giggles, and Weiss giggled too - although she probably had no idea what she was actually laughing about.

“That’s superrr cute!” Ruby said, nuzzling her nose into Weiss’ hair before pulling her bag onto her lap.  “And guess what?  I brought you a present!”

Before Ruby even got her bag open, Weiss’ smile fell and a more gentle expression appeared.

“Ruby…you didn’t have to do that…”

“But I did!  Because, you know, you’re extra special to me.”

Ruby blushed when thinking about the other word that could be used in place of ‘extra special.’  Thankfully, Blake hadn’t heard that - Ruby would get another one of those all-knowing looks for sure.  And another hefty heaping of good/hard advice.

While Ruby dug through her bag for the gift, Weiss scooted closer.  Ruby looked up, curious, but Weiss studied her perfect fingernails until Ruby went back to searching her bag.  The instant Ruby did so, however, Weiss scooted even closer - and only stopped when their legs were touching.

There wasn’t a lot of contact, but Ruby blushed again.  She wasn’t used to Weiss being so...touchy-feely in public.  It was strange and also kind of nice and also something she’d be more than willing to see again.  In private was a different story, but…where people could see them?  They usually let Yang and Blake cause the scenes.

Not mentioning the whole ‘legs touching’ thing in case it made Weiss move away, Ruby reached one hand all the way to the bottom of her bag and found what she was looking for.

“I made this for you,” she said, pulling out what felt like a small lump of metal and placing it in Weiss’ hand.

It wasn’t a small lump of metal though.  Well, technically it was, but it was much more than that.  Starting with a series of tiny metal discs, Ruby had painted each piece in glossy white before painstakingly arranging them into the shape of a blossoming rose.

“It’s white because...you know, your hair’s so pretty and white,” Ruby explained while Weiss stared at the rose as if it might crumble to dust if she moved a muscle.

“Open it up,” Ruby prodded after Weiss remained frozen for several long seconds.


Giggling at how slowly Weiss’ brain was currently moving, Ruby tapped the top of the rose.

“Yeah!  It opens up!”

This was when Weiss would normally figure out exactly how to open it as well as how it had been made and of what materials.  Tonight, she slowly and carefully turned it over in her hands.  “Open…” she muttered to herself while poring over every little petal.  Eventually, she gave up and set the rose on the table.

“Open sesame,” she said while tapping one finger on top of it.  When nothing happened, she gave Ruby a silently begging look.

“You pull here, see?”  Ruby pulled one of the center rose petals upward, and the middle of the flower unfolded to reveal a tiny compartment hidden inside.  “I have no idea what you can put in here, but I thought it was pretty cool.”

Nudging the rose back in front of Weiss, Ruby watched her stare, and stare, and stare...until Ruby started to worry that the gift wasn’t as cool as she thought it was.

Then Weiss’ eyes filled with tears.

“Oh, no!” Ruby gasped, wrapping an arm around Weiss’ shoulders to comfort her.  “I’m so sorry!  I didn’t mean to - to -”

To what?  What had she even done wrong??

“It’s ok,” Weiss said, sniffling and wiping her eyes.  “I just...I really love it…”

Weiss picked up the rose and held it as delicately as she might hold a real flower.  After turning it over several times, she set it in the center of one palm and stared down at it.

“I’m not drunk,” she stated, and Ruby dutifully nodded.  “But this is important,” Weiss added, lightly tracing a petal with one finger.  “Very, very important.”

“Uh, I guess…”

“Will you hold onto it for me?” she asked, looking at Ruby with hopeful eyes.  “Just for tonight?”

Ruby immediately smiled at the sweet request.  Weiss didn’t often ask Ruby to do something for her - so when she did, Ruby jumped at the opportunity.  Unless Weiss asked her not to jump.  In which case, she would try really hard not to jump.

“Of course!  I’ll hang onto it for you.”  Picking up the flower, which wasn't as delicate as Weiss was making it seem, Ruby stuck it into her pocket for safekeeping.

With any luck, Weiss would forget all about the gift between now and tomorrow so that Ruby could see that reaction again.  Hopefully, Weiss did the ‘open sesame’ part again too.  Although...Ruby really, really doubted that sober Weiss would ever utter those words - unless it was in the phrase ‘Ruby, don’t you dare say ‘open sesame.’’

“Thank you for thinking of me,” Weiss added, smiling softly at Ruby before her gaze flitted to Ruby’s lips.  Ruby could practically feel the impending kiss, but the moment was dashed when Blake slid into the booth and Yang collapsed onto the seat beside her.

“What’s up, sugar cups?”

“‘Sugar cups?’” Blake repeated.

“Yeah, like cups of sugar!”

Blake shook her head at the phrase but let it go.

“I thought you were getting a drink,” Ruby commented, noticing that they’d returned empty handed.

Confusion flickered through Blake’s eyes, but she quickly shrugged and said, “Drank it already.”

“You did?” Yang exclaimed.  “Do you need another one?  I’ll get it!  Jeez, such a bad girlfriend -”

Yang was already sliding out of the booth when Blake grabbed her by the arm.

“You stay here,” Blake said, using a slightly stern voice that glued Yang’s butt to the seat.

“Yes, ma’am.”

When the two of them started giving each other a look that implied other people, especially close relatives, should turn away, Ruby shook her head and focused on Weiss instead.  Yang’s words echoed in her mind though, enough to make her think of something.

She was a bad girlfriend, too!  Here they were, in a bar, and Ruby hadn't offered Weiss anything to drink.

“Do you want anything, Weiss?  I can get you a drink,” she said, but Weiss’ brow adorably creased.


“Let me get you something!”  When Weiss eventually nodded, Ruby grinned but realized she needed Weiss to slide out of the booth first.  “Uh...” she said, motioning to the exit.  Following Ruby’s hand and seeming to understand, Weiss smiled sweetly…and didn’t budge an inch.

“Right, uh, I can go over,” Ruby muttered before carefully scrambling over Weiss, almost positively feeling a hand slide up her thigh as she did so.  Blushing as she made it out of the booth, Ruby dusted off her hands and shot Weiss a thumbs up.

“I’ll be right back,” she said before heading to the bar.  Fortunately, no one else was waiting at the moment, so she caught the bartender’s attention quickly.

“Hi!” she said with an awkward and unnecessary wave.  Only then did she realize that she had no idea what to order.  She wasn’t exactly a master of drinks - that was Yang.  But what would an already-drunk person want to drink?

“Uh, could I have a glass of water?  A big one?”

“Sure thing.”

While pulling out a plastic cup and filling it with water, he nodded over Ruby’s shoulder.

“You’re in charge of the white haired one?”

“Yup!  That’d be me.”

He chuckled at Ruby’s cheerful response.

“I warned her not to try to keep up.”

“She’s so competitive though…” Ruby sighed, and he laughed while sliding the cup over to her.

“I could tell.  Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone take a drinking game so seriously.”

“That’s Weiss.”  Even though he chuckled, Ruby was strangely proud of how competitive Weiss was.  Sure, sometimes it made things...interesting...but Ruby loved a good competition every once in a while.  It just went a little too far when they had to race putting away groceries or brushing their teeth…

She was about to turn away when a question sprang to mind.

“How much did she drink?”

“Uh...I think she only had one,” he said, pointing at a pint of beer that belonged to someone sitting at the bar.


Based on how Weiss was acting, Ruby thought it would be a lot more than one glass.

“In her defense, it was a strong one,” the bartender said before gesturing to the cup in Ruby’s hand.  “Want anything else?  Something for yourself?”

“No, thanks.  Just gonna get her some water and hopefully head home.”

He nodded, but before he could respond his eyes drifted over Ruby’s shoulder.  And before she could turn to see what he was looking at, a hand wrapped around her arm and dragged her backward.

“Woah -”

“Excuse me, sir,” Weiss snapped, glowering at him while pulling Ruby into her side.  “But this is - my girlfriend.”

“Weiss,” Ruby interrupted, quickly moving to block the man from Weiss’ view.  “I was just getting you some water.  Remember?”

Ruby smiled and held up the cup she had somehow managed to not spill all over the floor.  Clear blue eyes studied the cup before returning to Ruby’s eyes and, suddenly, Weiss looked like she was about to cry again.

“Ruby…” she said, taking the cup as if it was filled with liquid gold.  “You’re just...the sweetest person ever…”

Chuckling at the whiplash of emotions, Ruby set a hand on Weiss’ shoulder and led her back to the booth.  “Nooo problem,” she said, mouthing a quick ‘sorry’ to the bartender as they went.  While they made their way across the bar, Weiss drained nearly the entire cup in several large gulps.

“Are you thirsty?” Ruby asked while motioning for Weiss to sit near the wall, thinking better of trapping herself in again.


With Weiss sliding into the booth, Ruby sat down and tuned in to Blake and Yang’s conversation.

“I’m just saying…” Yang said while one of her hands tugged at the bottom of her shirt.  “You’re that hot -”

“I appreciate that,” Blake said, reaching out and grabbing Yang's hand.  “But you can keep your shirt on.  You look good in it.”

Grinning at the compliment, Yang (momentarily) stopped trying to remove her shirt.  “You look good out of it,” she quipped with a wink.  Even though Blake shook her head, her pleased smirk suggested that she enjoyed the compliment.  She also probably enjoyed that Yang was constantly trying to undress around her too, but that was just Ruby’s suspicion.

“Weren’t you wearing a jacket?” Ruby pointed out.

“I dunno, was I?”  Yang grinned at Ruby, completely unperturbed about losing articles of clothing, but Blake lifted up a jacket for them to see.

“Oh!  That’s my jacket!”  When Yang reached for it, Blake pulled it away and set it beside her.

“I’m holding onto it so you don’t lose it.  I know how much you like this one.”

Blake used a tone implying that her thoughtful gesture was no big deal and that they shouldn’t make a big deal about it, but Yang was too drunk to follow the unwritten rules right now.

“You’re the best girlfriend in the entire world.  Seriously, no one even comes close to how amazing you are.”

When Weiss huffed, Yang looked her way.

“What’s up, Miss Two-Drinks-Behind-Me?”

“Only one now,” Weiss retorted, lifting her empty water cup and earning Yang’s eye roll.  “Ruby made me a gift,” she continued, smiling at Ruby now.  “And it’s incredible.”

Ruby beamed at the compliment, and Yang smiled across the table at her.

“Did you?  Can I see it?”

Ruby was already pulling the rose from her pocket when Weiss shook her head.

“She...can’t?” Ruby asked.

“She'll break it!”

“No, I won't!”

“Yes, you will,” Weiss huffed.  Looking back and forth, Ruby tried to decide what to do.  She wanted to show off her hard work to Yang, but it was also Weiss’ gift...

“I can hold it,” Blake suggested.  “That way she won’t even touch it.”

When Blake held one hand across the table, Ruby turned to Weiss for permission.  Weiss was still pouting, her brow adorably furrowed while her lips were pursed, but eventually she nodded and Ruby handed the rose to Blake.

“It’s not that fragile,” she commented while Blake held it up for Yang to see.  “I mean, it’s made of metal...”

“But it’s important,” Weiss reiterated, her eyes trained on Yang.

“This is really cool, Ruby,” Yang said, oblivious to the watchful gaze.  Blake then pulled out the center petal and showed Yang the little compartment inside.  “That’s even cooler!  It’s got a little, like, secret cubby hole!”

“Thanks!  I thought it was pretty cool, too.  Definitely worth all the knicks and cuts I got.”

While Ruby chuckled and trailed her fingers through her hair, Weiss nodded triumphantly.

“That’s why Ruby's the best girlfriend ever,” she said while Blake returned the rose.

Blake caught Ruby’s attention and rolled her eyes at the never-ending competition.  Good thing Ruby and Blake weren’t competitive with one another.  Otherwise, their house would be in a constant struggle to prove who had the better girlfriend.

“How about we call it a tie?” Ruby proposed.

Yang shrugged and returned her gaze to Blake, but Weiss considered the offer long and hard before whispering in Ruby’s ear, “As long as you know that you're really the best.”

This time Weiss nipped the bottom of Ruby’s ear before pulling away with a pleased giggle.  Eyes widening, Ruby didn’t dare look at Weiss while her cheeks decided that now would be a great time to mimic the surface of the sun.

Yang was right across from them!  And Weiss just - she just - did that.

Trying not to burst into flames, Ruby coughed into one hand before fiddling with Weiss’ empty cup.  Thankfully, Yang hadn’t noticed because she was too busy twirling a lock of Blake’s hair around one finger, but if she had noticed...the teasing would never stop.

“So...uh...maybe we should head home?” Ruby suggested before turning to gauge Weiss’ reaction.  It was supposed to be a great idea - getting them out of public spaces and all - but Weiss’ smile fell.

“Why?  Do you not like it here?”

“What?  Of course I like it here!  This is, like, the best place ever!”  When Weiss bit her lip, Ruby scooted closer and quickly kissed her cheek.  “I really like being anywhere with you, Weiss,” Ruby added, her internal panic ebbing away as Weiss’ smile grew.

“Then we can stay longer?”

“Yup!  Of course.”  Surrendering to her fate, Ruby leaned back against the booth and tried not to imagine what Yang was whispering in Blake’s ear that had her blushing so brightly.  Instead, she swirled Weiss’ empty cup around one finger until she realized something important - Weiss was drunk, and her cup of water was empty.

“I should get you more water.”  Ruby grabbed the cup and hopped out of the booth.  “Be right back?”

Instead of agreeing, Weiss slid across the seat and stood up.

“And allow that buffoon to hurl himself at you again?” she quipped before shaking her head.  “I think not.”

When Weiss stalked toward the bar, Ruby hurried to keep up.

“Weiss, he was just being nice.”

Weiss scoffed and tossed her hair to the side.

“I don’t trust anyone with you.”

“But you trust me, right?”

The question froze Weiss in her tracks.  Slowly turning around, she wore a confused yet tender expression.

“Of course I trust you…” she said.  “With all my heart.”

Bringing her hands up to her chest, Weiss then extended them to Ruby as if actually giving her heart to Ruby.  Then she smiled - another one of those pure, bright smiles that Ruby couldn’t believe existed.

“I’ll just run to the restroom then,” Weiss added, completely at ease with the situation now that she remembered how much they trusted each other.  She placed a sweet kiss to Ruby’s lips before walking away, and Ruby watched her head to the restrooms before noticing that a girl sitting nearby had just witnessed that entire interaction.

“That was cute, right?” Ruby asked, and the girl smiled and nodded.

Grinning at the positive response, Ruby went over to the bar and set the cup on the counter.  There was a line now, but she daydreamed about Weiss while watching the bartender make an assortment of drinks for the people ahead of her.

Weiss was a lot of things - beautiful, smart, generous, passionate, competitive - but she wasn’t really ‘cute’ in a traditional sense.  Ruby thought Weiss was cute all the time though.  Just...hardly anyone ever agreed with her.  But drunk Weiss was really, really cute - and someone else just confirmed it.

Drunk Weiss was so cute that Ruby wished they could go home and cuddle and kiss and do all sorts of other cute things.  If only she could convince Weiss to leave somehow...

Finally catching the bartender’s attention, Ruby only gestured to the cup before he quickly refilled it and moved on to the next customer, probably unwilling to risk another scolding from Weiss.  Taking a tiny sip for herself, Ruby made her way back to the booth and was surprised to find only Blake and Yang sitting there.

“Uh...where’s Weiss?” she asked, tearing their attention away from one another.

“I thought she was with you.”

“Yeah, thought you two snuck off to the bathroom for some privacy,” Yang added, smirking as she pulled Blake into her lap.

Blushing at Yang’s comment, Ruby turned away from the table and scanned the room.  She found Weiss almost instantly - it wasn’t exactly difficult to spot someone with bright white hair, after all.  And Weiss was...talking to a stranger sitting at one of the high tables near the dartboards.  Curious, Ruby walked over - and walked faster when Weiss pulled out her checkbook.

“Weiss!” Ruby called out, touching Weiss’ elbow for her attention.  “What’re you doing?”

Weiss turned to Ruby and beamed.

“I’m buying this...establishment...for you.  Since you like it so much.”

A chorus of ‘awe’s played in Ruby’s head, but she still snatched Weiss’ checkbook.

“You really don’t have to do that,” she said before giving the random man a second glance.  “Do you even own the bar?”

He shrugged and returned to his drink while Ruby gently took Weiss by the arm and dragged her away.

“Ok, I’m holding onto this -”  Ruby held the checkbook up in the air.  “Until you’re sober again.  No buying bars!”

“But I...I really wanted to buy it for you.”

Weiss looked and sounded so genuinely upset that Ruby reached out and gently set her hands on Weiss’ sides.

“Weiss, you don’t have to buy me anything.”

That was supposed to make Weiss feel better, but her brow furrowed instead.

“But you made me that wonderful rose…and I can’t make anything for you.”

“You make me happy!”  When Weiss’ smile still didn’t return, Ruby searched for anything else to fix the situation.  “Ok, how about if you really want to buy something, you can buy me a cookie later?”

“A cookie,” Weiss repeated, her lips pursing as she considered the suggestion.  “A cookie...a cookie...but what kind of cookie?”

“Any kind, Weiss.  As long as it’s from you, I’ll be happy.”

“Will you?”

“Of course!”

Ruby smiled but, when Weiss’ blue eyes shimmered, realized that Weiss was a tad too emotional right now.  And the cure for anyone who was really emotional?  A hug, of course.

So Ruby wrapped her arms around Weiss’ back and buried her face in the crook of Weiss’ neck, breathing in the scent of flowery shampoo mixed with a tiny hint of perfume.  She really, really lov...liked...the way Weiss smelled, and the way Weiss fit so perfectly into her arms, and the way Weiss would melt into her as if they could somehow fuse into one.

“You’re so wonderful, Ruby...” Weiss whispered before pulling her head back to meet Ruby’s gaze.  “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“You did a lot of things.  Like you’re so kind, and generous, and funny - and I just, I like you so much.  You’re amazing.  And I love - being with you…”

That wasn’t exactly what Ruby’s heart was shouting right now, but Weiss seemed moved regardless.

“You do?”

“I do.”

After one more affirmative nod, Ruby grinned when Weiss finally looked reassured.  And how did Ruby know that Weiss was reassured?  It was all in her eyes.  Those clear blue eyes gave away a lot more than Weiss thought they did.

“Hey Ruby.”

Turning toward her name, Ruby found Blake walking over to them.  But this wasn’t the normal Blake - this Blake was really out of breath and had eyes that looked like black orbs.

“What’s wrong with your eyes?” were the first words out of Ruby’s mouth.  The question made Blake blink in surprise.

“What do you mean?  Nothing’s wrong with my eyes.”

“Your pupils are, like, huge.”

“That’s because it’s dark in here.”  Blake quickly rubbed her eyes before dropping her arm to her side.  “Listen, Yang and I are heading home now - will you two be ok?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess.”  Ruby glanced at Weiss, who shrugged, before turning back to Blake.  She noticed Yang standing near the exit now, and Yang was looking suspiciously close to removing her shirt.

“Yeah, you better go,” Ruby said, shooing Blake away.  “She won’t have anything left to take off soon.”

“That’s the point…” Blake muttered, walking away with a smirk while Ruby scrunched up her nose and considered washing out her ears.  After Yang followed Blake outside like a lovesick puppy, Ruby took Weiss’ hand and led her back to the booth.

“Want some more water?”  She pushed the cup over to Weiss, who hummed before grabbing it and drinking half of it.  While Weiss did that, Ruby glanced around the crowded bar and tried to figure out what to do.  Without Yang and Blake, should they just sit here and talk?  Honestly, Ruby wanted to go home and cuddle or sleep.  Sleeping sounded nice.  Falling into a nice, soft bed after a long day…

But how was she supposed to do that when the suggestion of leaving offended Weiss?  Ruby didn’t want to hurt Weiss’ feelings or imply that she wasn’t having fun, but…if Blake and Yang were gone, Ruby didn’t want to inherit the title of ‘most excessive PDA in the bar.’  There were a lot of things she hoped to inherit from Yang one day (her motorcycle chief amongst them), but that title was not on the list.

“Weiss?” Ruby finally asked, earning Weiss’ somewhat-focused gaze.  “I know you’re not drunk right now, but you’re the one I always go to for help so...I need your help.  How do I get you to go home?”

Rather than being offended or hurt, Weiss actually tried to think of an answer for Ruby’s sake.  With her brow furrowed and her fingers tapping the table, she eventually came up with one too.

“I’ll gladly leave if you promise something...better.”  Weiss slowly dragged one finger down the front of Ruby’s shirt with the word, then giggled when Ruby’s cheeks heated up.

“Is like...a nap better?” Ruby asked hopefully, but Weiss put on the most adorable pout and shook her head.

“You -” she said, setting one finger on Ruby’s chest.  For a second, she looked confused about what she wanted to say, but then she smiled and said, “You are better.”

“So you want me?  Then you’ll leave?”


The hungry gleam in Weiss’ eyes suggested a very specific type of ‘want.’  But she probably didn’t even remember trying to buy the bar a few minutes ago, so…

“Then you can have me!” Ruby agreed.  “But at home, not here.”  Ruby added the stipulation when it looked like Weiss was prepared to collect her reward immediately. “Now can we get out of here?”

Weiss smiled and stood up.  Then, after waiting for Ruby to collect her bag, Weiss held Ruby’s hand as they walked to the door.  “Let me get it,” Ruby said, opening the door and holding it long enough for Weiss to walk through.

“Goodbye fair bar,” Weiss called out as the door shut, sealing in the sound of music and voices while leaving the two of them on the far quieter sidewalk outside.

The air had chilled as nice crept upon them, but the quick walk home would keep them plenty warm.  At least, Ruby thought it would be a quick walk home until Weiss took three steps and stumbled in her heels.  She would have fallen if she hadn’t been holding Ruby’s hand, giving Ruby the chance to catch her arm and hold her upright.

“You ok?” Ruby asked, still holding Weiss’ arm as she huffed and straightened her hair.

“These sidewalks are horrible.”  Weiss scuffed one toe against the ground and scowled down at it.  “Who poured these concrete monstrosities?”

Looking down at the...perfectly normal sidewalks...Ruby shrugged.

“They seem fine to me…”

“That’s because you’re amazing, Ruby,” Weiss sighed.  “You’re just amazing at everything…”

Ruby grinned at the huge compliment and led them onward, but Weiss made it only a few more steps before wobbling again.

“I’m talking to the mayor about these,” Weiss grumbled, oblivious to her teetering balance.

As cute as Weiss’ anger at the sidewalk was, Ruby now had serious doubts that they could make it home without one or both of them taking a serious tumble.  Ruby tripped over her own feet on a good day.  If both of them were tripping…that was asking for trouble.  As luck had it, a genius solution presented itself at that moment.  Well, maybe not a genius solution, but it was a solution.

“Hey, know what would be fun?  Let’s take a taxi home!” Ruby said, waving a hand for the driver’s attention.

“A taxi?  Why would we take such an inferior mode of transportation?  I’ll call a chauffeur -”

“But the taxi’s already here!  See?”  Opening the door, Ruby gestured Weiss inside and silently begged her to do so without insulting the driver.  Taking a cab would be much easier than trying to keep Weiss upright for several blocks, plus Ruby didn’t want to wait for a limo to pick them up.

“Come on, it’ll be fun!” she added, waving Weiss in first and trying to look as enthusiastic about it as possible.  If Ruby looked excited, Weiss would play along for her sake - hopefully.

“Hmm…” was all Weiss said, but she got into the cab and Ruby practically jumped in behind her so she couldn’t change her mind.

“Where’re you ladies headed?” the driver asked.

“Corner of Winston and Clarke,” Ruby answered before Weiss opened her mouth.

“You got it.”

As soon as the taxi started moving, Weiss scooted over until she was pressed into Ruby’s side.  Then she crossed her legs so that one of hers rested over Ruby’s.  And then she turned to the side and leaned close enough that her breaths dusted across Ruby’s cheek.

Now that Ruby thought about it, this might have been a bad idea...

“You know what I’ve always wanted to do...” Weiss whispered, casually walking her fingers up the front of Ruby’s shirt.  The fact that it was so casual made it worse.  How was Weiss doing that so casually?

“W-what?” Ruby stammered, struggling to breathe while staring into Weiss’ twinkling, mirthful eyes.

“Make out in the back of a taxi.”

Weiss smiled innocently, but Ruby chuckled nervously while her heart started racing.

“H-have you really?” she asked, shooting a glance at the front seat and noticing that the driver was pointedly keeping his eyes away from the rearview mirror.


“I thought you didn’t even want to take a taxi?” Ruby asked, trying to direct the conversation to anything but the way Weiss was looking at her right now.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“But -”

Ruby’s brain froze and she lost the opportunity to divert the conversation.  Weiss leaned in and pressed a kiss to Ruby’s neck instead.  Then another, and another.  Weiss’ tongue flitted out with each one, taking a little taste that became harder and harder to ignore.

But Ruby tried.  She tried really, really hard not to make any suggestive noises while Weiss kissed down to Ruby’s collarbone and then up again.  Of course, Ruby’s lack of response only seemed to egg Weiss on.  Her kisses grew more fervent, hungry, demanding, and Ruby squirmed in the seat as desire tingled down her spine.

While Weiss kissed every inch of Ruby’s neck and cheek and collarbone, her hand slowly slid up Ruby’s thigh - and Ruby grabbed it before it reached the top of her pants.  That was when teeth tenderly bit into her neck, and a low moan slipped out right as she caught sight of a familiar building outside.

“Home!” she called out, grabbing her wallet and tossing more than enough money at the driver before dragging Weiss out of the car behind her.  As the taxi drove off, Ruby led Weiss up the front steps with Weiss giggling all the while, pretty pleased about what she just did.

At least one of them was giggling.  Ruby’s heart was beating a million miles a minute and her neck was tingling as if more kisses were on the way.  Still keeping one steadying hand near Weiss at all times, Ruby quickly unlocked the door and led them inside.  The entryway light had been left on for them, but their housemates were nowhere to be found.  Most likely, Blake and Yang were already sequestered in their room and wouldn’t be seen again until late tomorrow morning.

Finally blessed with privacy, Ruby sighed, kicked off her shoes, and dropped her bag on the floor.  After turning off the light and making sure the front door was locked, she reached out for Weiss’ hand once more.

“Let’s get you upstairs,” she said, smiling when Weiss accepted her hand and followed her upstairs.  The first door on the right was Weiss’ bedroom - the cleanest and most immaculately decorated of them all.

“Ok,” Ruby said, flipping on the lights before dropping Weiss’ hand.  “If I were pajamas, where would I be?”  After tapping her chin, Ruby walked to the bed and lifted the pillow.  “Aha!”

Picking up the neatly folded pajamas, she took them over to Weiss.

“Here you go,” she said, pressing the clothes into Weiss’ hands.  “You can get changed, and I’ll get you some more water and medicine for tomorrow.”

Ruby was about to leave when Weiss reached out to stop her.

“You’re taking care of me?”

For a second, Ruby wasn’t sure how to respond.  Of course she was taking care of Weiss!  Sure, maybe this never, ever happened, but she was willing to do anything for Weiss, including this.

“You take care of me all the time,” she replied.  “It’s only right I do the same for you.”

“Thank you, Ruby…”  After glancing at the pajamas in her hands, Weiss looked up at Ruby with a tender smile.  “You know, I really love you.”

Ruby froze at the words - at first unsure that she heard them correctly and then unsure that she could move without falling over in surprise.  But Weiss just said -?  That had definitely been a ‘love,’ not a ‘like.’

“You do??”

With that same caring smile, Weiss nodded and said, “I do.”

“You - you l-love me?” Ruby clarified.  The word stumbled out of Ruby’s mouth, but Weiss nodded as if this was the easiest conversation in the world.

“I do.”

Ruby stared, soaking in Weiss’ certainty while also steaming with disbelief.  She had worried about saying that word for so long that she kept using more ‘really’s in its place.  But Weiss just put it out in the open - love.  It was just a four-letter word, but it was an incredible feeling to hear it out loud.

“I love you too!” Ruby squealed, rushing forward to wrap Weiss in a hug.  Weiss might not remember this in the morning, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t true.  If anything, this was even better because now Ruby could say it first.  And she knew that Weiss felt the same way about her, so there was nothing to be afraid about.

After pulling away from the hug, Ruby kissed Weiss on the lips - and that kiss was returned with a hungry one.  Before Ruby could back away, the neatly folded pajamas fell to the floor and an arm wrapped around her neck to drag her into a deeper kiss.

“I love you,” Weiss whispered again as if she really liked hearing it out loud.  Ruby would have said it back, but Weiss’ lips were already on her own, greedily taking every bit of breath Ruby had to offer.  Which was basically everything...but they were at home now, so...that was ok.

Placing one palm on Ruby’s chest, Weiss slowly pushed Ruby back until her legs hit the edge of the bed.  When Weiss kept pressing forward - her kisses growing even more passionate - Ruby obediently sat down and let Weiss climb on top of her.

With Weiss straddling her legs, Ruby was forced to tilt her head up to continue accepting Weiss’ kisses, which she willingly did as her skin buzzed with energy.  She ran her hands up Weiss’ sides as she burned with craving, silently calling for Weiss’ hands to rediscover every bit of her.  But Weiss’ hands were currently tangled in Ruby’s hair, grabbing and weaving while her tongue demanded Ruby’s full attention.

Any thought of cuddling flew out the window when Weiss pushed Ruby flat against the bed and looked down at her with such a predatory smirk that chills raced down her spine.  Then Weiss leaned down, her hair falling onto Ruby’s chest while she nipped Ruby’s ear.

“You said I could have you, remember?” she whispered, biting again before licking away the brief moment of pain.

“Y-you remembered that?”

“Of course I remembered,” Weiss huffed before kissing Ruby again and mumbling against her lips, “Now...let me take care of you...”

Sliding a hand down Ruby’s side, Weiss made it to Ruby’s hip before pausing.  Briefly confused, their kisses stopped while she felt around Ruby’s pocket.  Eventually, she reached inside and pulled out the little metal rose that Ruby had made for her.

Sitting up on the bed, Weiss smiled at the rose while gently lifting the center petal to look at the compartment inside.  “Hmm…” she mused, completely caught up in the rose while Ruby willed her to return to what they had been doing.  But Weiss moved at her own pace, thoroughly studying the rose before giving it a nod.

“A ring would fit perfectly in here,” she commented, giving the box another thoughtful look before setting it on the nightstand and kissing Ruby passionately.  Hearing a disgruntled noise after much fumbling, Ruby laughed against Weiss’ lips and reached down to undo her own pants.

It might not be cuddling or sleeping, but Ruby wouldn’t complain.  Because she really, really loved this.  And she really, really loved Weiss - any version of Weiss.  Drunk, sober, clumsy - every single one.



This is definitely much appreciated after the pain of yesterday’s episode

Ben Lockwood

Thanks for this Miko! Had a rough morning and this was a really nice bright spot for me. Put a smile on my face and got me in a good mental space. Love me some good ol' Ruby/Weiss fluff!