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Another oneshot!  This completes my 'elevator vs. closet' series.  XD


Few buildings in Atlas were as overtly intimidating as Schnee Tower, the colossal, imposing skyscraper at the heart of downtown.  Even at night, after most of the workers had gone home, the monolithic building lit up the skyline, serving as a landmark for wayward tourists and drunk revelers alike.

In a location where every inch of space came at a premium, the sprawling, tree-lined courtyard cost a literal fortune but served no purpose other than showcasing the company’s vast wealth.  Five sets of double doors lined the entryway, with only the middle pair unlocked after hours.  The marble-floored lobby, highlighted by several extravagant crystal chandeliers, was even flashier than the exterior, and round-the-clock security emphasized the important work done here.

Ruby had learned to ignore the way her footsteps echoed in the near-empty lobby, same as she’d learned to smile while approaching the guards’ station.  “Hey James!” she greeted the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk.  “Is she still up there?”

“Will she ever leave is the better question,” he replied while motioning her towards the silver elevators on the far side of the room.

“That’s what I’m here for.”

After flashing an upbeat grin, Ruby waved and made her way to the fanciest, and therefore most visually important, elevator.  The button on the wall only illuminated once James granted permission, but the doors slid open as soon as she pressed it.

Once inside, she pushed the button for the top floor and checked her reflection in the polished metal doors.  Running a hand through her hair accomplished next-to-nothing, as her short brown hair chose its own directions to stick up or out in, but she still winked and playfully shot a pair of finger guns at what she saw.

“Oh yeah, she’s not ready for this,” she joked before taking a deep breath to calm the pesky butterflies fluttering around her stomach.  As the elevator raced towards the top floor, she shuffled her feet on the marble floor, then leaned against the polished silver railing running the perimeter of the spacious cube, and eventually resigned herself to watching the small silver numbers above the door illuminate one by one.

The longest elevator ride in the city ended with the smoothest stop, and the elevator doors opened to reveal another expansive, opulent lobby.  During regular business hours, a handful of assistants took turns answering the phones, making copies, and offering guests freshly brewed coffee or tea.  Employees and visitors alike would claim the many chairs placed around the lobby, stuck between potted trees and plants.

The lights were still on, and the office doors on either side of the room were open, but the assistants had already left for the day.  When Ruby stepped out of the elevator, however, a slender woman with snow-white hair held in a pristine bun walked out of one of the offices.  Perhaps the elevator’s soft chime had alerted her to a new arrival because her blue eyes immediately searched out Ruby, and a nod of recognition followed close behind.

“Good evening, Ruby.  What brings you here?”

“Same thing as always!”  Before the young woman responded, Ruby motioned towards the office on the opposite side of the room.  “Is she in there?” she asked while heading that way.

“Of course, but -”

Before that sentence concluded, Ruby walked into the only other office worth mentioning on the top floor of Schnee Tower.  The fancy, dark wood furniture looked almost comically small in the massive room with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and windows offering the best view money could buy, but none of the ostentatious signs of wealth or power earned a second thought.

The young woman standing behind the desk captured Ruby’s full attention.  Though shockingly similar in appearance to the young woman Ruby just spoke to, there were several noticeable differences.  Rather than be tied up in a bun, her beautiful white hair cascaded down her back before ending with a gentle curl.  Her light blue eyes were like drops of ice on a cold winter’s day yet held unrivaled warmth and softness.  Her pristine white blouse, sharp black skirt, and matching black heels made her enviably attractive.  And her very presence made Ruby’s heart dance just like in some cheesy romance novel.

“Weiss,” Ruby breathed out.  The name rolled off her tongue easily, and a smile followed as soon as that vivid blue gaze snapped her way.

“Ruby?”  Weiss glanced over Ruby’s shoulder before leaning in so Ruby could kiss her cheek.  “What’re you doing here?”

“Picking you up for our date!”  Ruby held out both arms to mark the occasion but, when Weiss’ brow knit together, reached into her pocket and added, “I made a reservation at your favorite place and got tickets to that movie you won’t admit you want to see.”  Ruby held up the two slips of paper, which briefly garnered Weiss’ attention, before continuing.  “Afterward, I was thinking we could get ice cream or coffee or something.  I know you love that place by the theater…and you know I love their hot chocolate.”

Ruby grinned at her expertly crafted plans, but Weiss looked between the movie tickets and Ruby’s smile before sighing.

“Ruby…didn’t you get my message?  Something came up; I have to stay late tonight.”

“Oh.”  Ruby’s smile briefly fell, but she quickly forced it back into place.  “Sorry, I’ve been running around getting the tickets and stuff so didn’t have time to charge my phone.”  She pulled out her phone to show the dark screen but, when Weiss’ brow furrowed even further, hastily put it away and waved her hands in front of her.  “That’s alright though.  We can reschedule.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be!”  Ruby shook her head and lightly squeezed Weiss’ shoulder.  “Stuff comes up - that’s not your fault.  I’ll just see you when you get home.”

Weiss was still frowning, so Ruby kissed her cheek again.  This time, however, Ruby lingered long enough to breathe in the uniquely wonderful combination of Weiss’ shampoo and perfume before pulling away and smiling.  “You look great, by the way,” she added, motioning to Weiss’ outfit while backing towards the door.  “Sexiest CEO in the world, hands down.”

The flattery earned a scoff and eyeroll, as Ruby expected, and she grinned while leaving the office behind.  “See you later, Winter,” she told the young woman making copies at the printer, then silently counted down from five while walking to the elevator.

“Ruby, wait.”  Ruby stopped, but her heart raced as she turned around and found Weiss hurrying after her.  “Let me walk you out, at least,” Weiss offered while reaching for Ruby’s arm.

“A great consolation prize,” Ruby said, her smile growing when Weiss pulled her close and leaned into her side.

“Winter?”  When Weiss turned around, her soft hair brushed against Ruby’s chin, and Ruby’s heart soared.  “I’ll be back in a few minutes, alright?”

“Of course,” Winter replied, but Weiss missed the subtle eye roll that followed as she walked Ruby back to the elevator.

“They’re letting you up without a pass now?” Weiss asked after pressing the button and leading Ruby inside.

“Yup!  Guess they think I’m important or something.”

“About time they learned…” Weiss grumbled, but her vague aggravation only lasted as long as it took the elevator doors to shut.  Once granted some privacy, she let her shoulders drop while a sigh slipped through her lips.

“I’m really sorry…we’ve just been trying to sign this company for ages, and they decided to send us a contract that expires tomorrow.  I messaged you as soon as Winter told me…”

“It’s alright, Weiss, really!  This is just what happens when you have such an important girlfriend.”

“But you went through all this trouble…”

“Not trouble!  Besides, any effort is worth it for you.”

Ruby smiled earnestly, and Weiss gave her a heartmelting, if not also a little sad, smile in return.  “Well, I’d much rather be with you,” Weiss eventually said.

“Me too.”  Ruby squeezed Weiss’ hand before glancing at the numbers illuminating one by one above the door.  “Too bad the building isn’t taller,” she joked.  “Feels like this is when I get the most uninterrupted time with you.”

“That’s not true…” Weiss began before her brow furrowed.  “Is it?”

“Kind of,” Ruby admitted but squeezed Weiss’ hand when that perfect brow knit closer together.  “Don’t worry though - I like it!  It’s like…our own little sanctuary.  Somewhere no one can bother us.”

Ruby shrugged before kissing Weiss’ cheek, hoping that erased Weiss’ frown.  Instead, Weiss bit her bottom lip and briefly watched the floors disappear before abruptly pushing one of the buttons on the wall.  The elevator suddenly stopped, and Ruby would have lost her balance had she not grabbed the railing to steady herself.

“Weiss!”  After making sure Weiss was fine, Ruby glanced at the illuminated, red ‘stop’ button and laughed.  “I don’t think you’re supposed to do that.”

“It’s my elevator.  I’ll do what I want with it.”

Ruby chuckled and shook her head before looking above the door, where the number seven was steadily illuminated.  Granted a few more valuable minutes, she grinned at the unapologetic girl standing beside her.  “Is it weird that I think it’s really hot when you talk about everything like you own it?” she teased.

“This is my building.  I do own it.”

“Exactly like that.”

Weiss rolled her eyes, then paused for a split second and smiled at Ruby as if she’d just said the most wonderful thing in the world.  Ruby smiled right back, probably looking like a fool in love but not caring in the slightest.  Then Weiss’ gaze dipped ever so slightly, and she edged close enough that Ruby’s hands instinctively settled on her waist.

Weiss leaned in first, her beautiful eyes fluttering shut and her chin tilting up, but Ruby willingly met her halfway.  The moment their lips connected, Ruby smiled, earning a slightly disgruntled huff encouraging her to pour that unbridled happiness into the kiss instead.

Suspended in this moment in time, that kiss soon became something more.  Their lips fell into a rhythm they knew all too well.  Weiss’ fingers found their way into Ruby’s hair, her cool fingers weaving through the short strands.  Her other hand rested on the back of Ruby’s neck, her perfectly manicured nails lightly digging into Ruby’s skin as soft sighs slipped through her lips.

For as much as Ruby joked about Weiss owning everything - literally, she owned nearly half of the city - moments like this proved that wealth and prestige were two surprisingly small parts of her.  When pried away from the boardrooms and piles of work demanding her attention, she was open, earnest, and vulnerable.  She was sweet, tender, and passionate - though that passion fell from her lips tinged with a hint of desperation.

Ruby wouldn't be caught dead using that word in Weiss’ vicinity, but there was an element of neediness in the way Weiss melted into Ruby, draping her arms around Ruby’s neck while their lips seamlessly moved together.

Were it not for the internal timer that went off in Weiss’ head, Ruby would have stood there forever, kissing the girl of her dreams in the fanciest elevator in Atlas while all other obligations took the backseat.  But their kisses slowed before becoming fervent, and Weiss eventually pulled away.  She didn’t go far though; she kept her arms loosely wrapped around Ruby’s neck and played with the ends of Ruby’s hair while smiling.

“You know what?” she asked, her blue eyes never shying away from Ruby’s.  “I’m leaving with you now.”


“Yes.”  Weiss only separated from Ruby to restart the elevator, but she quickly returned and ran her hands across Ruby’s shoulders.  “I want to go to dinner with you,” she said, her gaze on her fingers as she smoothed out Ruby’s collar.  “Then I want to go see a movie with you, and then I want to take you back to our wonderful home and spend the night with you, just like you planned.”

“But…what about work?”

Rather than respond, Weiss pulled out her phone, dialed a number, and motioned for Ruby to wait.  “Hey Winter,” she said once the call connected.  “I’m going home now.”  While Winter responded, Weiss smiled and held Ruby’s hand.  “I know,” she eventually said.  “But we’ve already worked all day, and we have lives.  We own the building, remember?  It doesn’t own us.”

Ruby beamed at that comment, and Weiss squeezed her hand while listening to Winter’s response.  Whatever Winter said, it made Weiss smile and say, “That sounds like a good idea.  I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.”

By the time Weiss ended the call, put her phone away, and brushed off her hands, Ruby was grinning from ear to ear.  “Now that that’s settled,” Weiss said, retaking Ruby’s hand before offering the most gorgeous smile Ruby had seen yet tonight.  “Shall we?”

“We definitely shall.”

Ruby stole a kiss right as the elevator doors opened, and beamed at Weiss before they crossed the extravagant lobby together.  Weiss held her hand the entire way and gave no indication that she would let go anytime soon.  Rather, she leaned against Ruby’s shoulder and nodded to the night watchman as they passed.

“Goodnight, James.”

“Goodnight, Miss Schnee,” he replied before tipping his head to Ruby.  “Miss Rose.  See you tomorrow?”

“Same time, same place!” Ruby joked, earning a sideways glance from Weiss as they walked outside.  Before Weiss asked questions, Ruby surprised her with a kiss and then beamed while tugging her towards one of their favorite restaurants.

Sometimes, it took a little encouragement to wrest Weiss away from the never-ending meetings and work associated with Schnee Tower.  Fortunately, Ruby had developed a pretty foolproof way to do it.

Step one: offer an alternative to working through the night for yet another business opportunity.  
Step two: accept that sometimes Weiss couldn't leave for one reason or another.  
Step three: support Weiss’ decision no matter what.

The elevator part was new though.  Ruby needed to figure out how to make that happen again…


Ben Lockwood

Love it! That’s how you care for a partner! Also private elevator rides FTW!