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Blake couldn’t believe her luck.  After racing around the country for public appearance after public appearance, her parents had finally given her a break.  Some time to ‘rest and recharge’ as they put it.  They even followed up by sending her away from the palace to a quiet, secluded resort with great food and even better massages.

It was heaven.

In the back of her mind, she wondered if this was truly a reward for the work she’d done or a preemptive apology for something they’d yet to tell her.  But she wasn’t going to focus on that right now.  The only thing she wanted to focus on was her upcoming massage, if it ever started.

Even though she’d only been laying on the table for a few minutes, she was impatient.  Impatient for a massage...that summed up her recent stress levels when it came to family obligations.  But she must have done something right, otherwise she wouldn’t have earned the break to begin with.

Finally hearing the door open, she glanced over her shoulder and froze.


“Your masseuse is running late,” Yang explained while walking over so Blake could more easily see her.

“And you had to come in here to tell me that?”

“I didn’t want you waiting in here alone, Princess,” Yang answered with a shrug, but Blake huffed at the lie.

For one thing, the room only had one entrance - Yang could easily keep tabs on the situation from the hall.  For another thing, Yang’s eyes weren’t concentrating very well on Blake’s face at the moment.  Instead, they roved across the blanket laid over Blake in a slow, methodical manner that made her very aware that she was half-naked underneath it.

That, combined with the subtle hunger in Yang’s eyes, sent a powerful, hot feeling creeping through Blake’s veins.  But she tried to ignore the growing heat and pretend that this was just a normal conversation...not a conversation she wished ended with both of them equally naked.

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?” she asked, lifting her head to look at Yang but making sure to hold the blanket in place.  Yang’s gaze snapped to Blake’s when she realized she’d been caught staring, but she considered the question for several seconds before smiling.

“Maybe just one more.”

“Yang, please stop calling me ‘Princess.’  It’s...weird.”

“It’s proper,” Yang corrected.

“Maybe before, but now...”

How could Blake explain that it felt weird to be called that by someone she regularly stole kisses from?  And the same someone she often daydreamed about doing some...decidedly un-princess-like things to.  Not only that, but she had too much respect for Yang to insist upon such formalities.  Even though Yang’s position was officially ‘only’ a bodyguard, Blake didn’t see it like that anymore.  Yang was so, so much more than that.

When Yang leaned close to her ear, Blake felt a familiar spike of desire and lust rush through her.

“As you wish...Your Majesty,” Yang whispered, her lips teasingly grazing Blake’s ear before she laughed and moved away.


Still keeping the blanket in place, Blake turned to keep Yang in view.

“It’s not ‘Princess,’” Yang teased, but Blake pursed her lips and shook her head.

“You know my name - use it.  At least when we’re in private.”

With a small smile pulling at her lips, Yang met Blake’s gaze and considered the instruction carefully.  After several seconds of that intent gaze, however, a full smile appeared.

“If that’s what you want...Blake.”

A shiver of thrill slipped down Blake’s spine at something so simple, yet unexpectedly intimate.  Yang seemed to feel the same, as she held Blake’s gaze and gently walked her fingers up Blake’s back.

“Blake…” she repeated softly, looking at Blake fondly while another shudder moved down Blake’s spine.

Blake wanted Yang to say her name again - so many times, in so many ways - but Yang moved out of sight instead.  Rather than turn to follow, Blake closed her eyes and savored the feeling of Yang’s strong, warm hand traveling across her shoulder blades before down her back.

“Why don’t you lie down?”

“Really?”  When Yang’s hand stopped moving, Blake lifted herself up and turned around, only to receive a serious nod in response.  “Ok…” she agreed, lowering herself back to the table and resting her head on the pillow.

She had no idea what to expect, but her excitement grew with every passing second.  With her eyes trained on Yang - and Yang’s eyes trained on her - she watched Yang grasp the edge of the blanket.  But Yang didn’t pull it back without searching Blake’s eyes for permission Blake willingly granted.

Only then did Yang pull the blanket back with such deliberate slowness that Blake’s skin tingled with anticipation.  First, her shoulders were uncovered, then her back, then her lower back, before Yang finally dropped the blanket and made a noise somewhere between a sigh and whine.

While Blake appreciated the response, her impatience had returned.  She wanted to feel Yang’s hands on her, now.


“Impatient, are we?” Yang whispered before setting her hands on Blake’s shoulders, the warmth in her palms making Blake hum with delight.  Then Yang slowly ran her hands, with fingers spread wide to capture as much skin as possible, down the length of Blake’s back.

Blake closed her eyes and sucked in a breath at the feeling, which only made her crave more.  Thankfully, Yang seemed keen to deliver, as her hands returned to Blake’s shoulders before slowly running down again - this time, closer to Blake’s sides, where her fingers trailed tantalizingly close to the sides of Blake’s breasts.

But Yang didn’t move any closer than that.  Instead, she returned to Blake’s shoulders and gently kneaded the skin and muscles there.  Her hands were calloused and strong from her training, yet remarkably tender at the same time.

When Yang found a particularly tight spot, a moan slipped through Blake’s lips as she sank into the table in pure bliss.

“God…” she breathed out while Yang unraveled the knot before moving on to the next.

At least, Blake thought Yang was moving on to the next, but then her hands disappeared entirely.  Suddenly absent the warm, captivating feeling, Blake turned around to see what Yang was doing.

“Yang?” she asked when she found Yang just standing there, staring at her back.

A second of silence passed, then Yang licked her lips, bent forward, and kissed the middle of Blake’s back.

The action was so unexpected and seductive, another soft moan slipped through Blake’s lips while more heat and desire flooded her veins.  Those feelings only grew stronger when Yang moved an inch upward for another kiss - this one longer and firmer than the first.

“Yang…” Blake got out as she melted back to the table.  She was only lying here, but she suddenly felt breathless, and Yang kept taking her breath away with each subsequent kiss.

Some were quick and close together.  Others were long and lingering.  They trailed up to Blake’s shoulder blades, which Yang peppered with kisses all the way across before moving back down.  Her lips dragged along Blake’s skin as she moved down to Blake’s lower back, and Blake clenched her hands into fists when Yang’s tongue flicked across the sensitive skin there.

“Blake…” Yang whispered, the single word shooting like an arrow to Blake’s core while Yang moved back up.

Yang grew greedier and more fervent as she kissed every inch of skin she could find, and Blake could hardly contain her hunger as the pleasure mounted.  She wanted to spin around and capture those lips with her own.  She wanted Yang to climb on top of her and continue those kisses, only this time down her chest.  She didn’t want Yang to stop until every inch of her had experienced those soft, gentle lips.

None of that was in the cards, however, as the sound of footsteps abruptly ended the shower of kisses.  Just before the door opened, Yang moved the blanket back into place and took one large step towards the edge of the room.  Somehow, she even managed to look nonchalant while a woman, who Blake would assume to be her masseuse, walked through the door.

“I’m so sorry for the wait!” she apologized before hurrying to Blake’s side.  “Would you like to start your massage now?”

Still breathless, and more than a little turned on by what just happened, Blake glanced at Yang before smiling at the woman.

“Actually, I think I’ll be fine without one today.  Can we reschedule for tomorrow?”

Confusion flashed through the woman’s eyes, but she was quick to smile and nod.

“Of course!  The same time tomorrow works.  And, again, I’m so sorry for the wait.”

“It’s ok, really,” Blake assured her.  “I...didn’t mind at all.”

Again, a flash of confusion, but the woman decided to let it go and be grateful no one was upset by her late arrival.  So, with a nod, she hurried out of the room.  Yang followed to give Blake some privacy to change, but didn’t close the door without winking her way.

Before even attempting to put her clothes back on, Blake buried her face in the pillow to muffle her groan of sexual frustration.  Now her fantasies had grown to include having sex with Yang on a massage table which...was just par for the course, really.

Blake knew she shouldn’t want Yang the way she wanted her, which was all the time and everywhere.  She knew she shouldn’t be with Yang in the ways that they were, stealing moments every time they had a moment alone.  But she did, she was...and she didn’t think she could stop.



As an actual massage therapist I have mixed feelings about this chapter 0_0