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The next morning arrived sooner than expected, but excitement kept Weiss from feeling as exhausted as she should have.  Falling asleep hadn’t come easily with so many thoughts to sort through, all revolving around who Ruby was now and who she once was.  

After hours of overanalyzing every interaction they had shared so far, Weiss wished she could say she reached an epiphany, or some kind of actionable conclusion, but she hadn’t.  She knew that she was very, very attracted to Ruby, both physically and emotionally, but couldn’t say how Ruby felt about her.  Was Ruby just happy to have an old friend back, or was there another reason behind her apparent joy to have Weiss around?

Hopefully, today provided more clarity.  For that reason alone, she didn’t feel the effects of limited sleep.  Instead, she rushed through her morning routine and said a silent thanks that Blake was in an equal hurry to start the day.  Of course, Blake was probably just as eager to see Yang as Weiss was to see Ruby.

“What’s our plan?” Weiss asked while brushing her hair, which had finally dried from her early-morning shower.

“Look at the second place and make a decision,” Blake answered before shrugging.  “Then...see what else Vale has to offer?”

“Pretty sure you’re only interested in one thing Vale has to offer.” 

“I’m sure there’s more to see.”  After considering her reflection for a few seconds, Blake walked into the room and searched through her bag.  “Although...I’ll admit I’m more excited about moving here now.”

“Well please don’t show it, Blake,” Weiss teased.  “The world might implode if you look excited about something.”  

When Blake responded with an impressively-unamused look, Weiss smiled and set her brush aside.  

“And I might be warming up to moving here too,” she admitted.  

Considering Blake had been on the receiving end of Weiss’ complaints for the past few months, it was no surprise that her brow rose.  Before she made Weiss admit why her feelings had changed, however, someone knocked on the door.

“Hey Weiss?” Ruby whispered a second later, and Blake sent Weiss a knowing smirk as she hurried to open it.  

Her first glimpse of Ruby for the day, and her heart stuttered.

It didn’t seem to matter what Ruby wore - she looked gorgeous.  Casual, dressy, casual-dressy...her wardrobe was flawless.  But her outfits were only the icing on an already wonderful, inherently-beautiful cake.  Even if she wore a trash bag, Weiss would still want to tear it right off of her.

“Sorry to bother you,” Ruby said, thankfully unable to hear Weiss’ thoughts.  “I just need to grab a shirt.  Spilled hot sauce all over this one.”

When Ruby pointed at the stain on her shirt, Weiss stepped aside and motioned her into the room.

“Thanks,” Ruby said while heading over to her dresser and opening the top drawer.  “And good morning!” she added, throwing a warm smile over her shoulder before searching for another top.  “I hope you slept ok?”

Ordinarily, Weiss would answer the question.  But words were suddenly hard to come by when Ruby picked out a new top, stood up, and pulled her shirt over her head.  Blessed with a front-row view of Ruby’s white, lacy bra and toned stomach, Weiss couldn’t look away - she should look away, for decency’s sake, but she was still staring when Ruby tugged the new shirt into place and smiled at her.

“Looks like you got some on your jeans too.”

When Blake pointed to a spot on Ruby’s jeans, Ruby looked down and laughed.

“Oh damn, there too?”  

As soon as Ruby unbuttoned her pants, Weiss averted her gaze and willed her cheeks not to catch fire.  Ruby was obviously confident in her body - as she damn well should be - but that didn’t mean other people possessed the same level of confidence in their self-restraint.  

But Weiss couldn’t help sneaking a look Ruby’s way.  The instant she saw Ruby’s matching underwear, however, she spun away and blew a long, slow breath of air through her lips.  It was way too early to be this aroused, but her imagination was already running wild.  Especially with all that white lace covering silky smooth skin…

“Good catch!” 

Mercifully clothed again, Ruby sent Blake a thumbs up while Weiss gave her roommate a sarcastic smile.

“Yes, great catch, Blake.  Ruby couldn’t have walked around with a tiny stain on her jeans, after all...”

“Not with Miss Put-Together around,” Ruby said while wrapping an arm around Weiss’ shoulders and tugging her close.  “You look amazing, by the way.  But you always do.”

The compliment wiped Blake’s transgression from Weiss’ thoughts, and she suddenly found herself blushing again.  Apparently, that’s how today was going to go...with a side of sexual torment thrown in.  Why did that make her even more excited?

“How do you guys feel about another omelet for breakfast?” Ruby asked, dropping her arm from Weiss’ shoulders and backing towards the door.  Once they both nodded, she clapped her hands and headed towards the kitchen with a light, “I’ll start now!”

As soon as Ruby was gone, Weiss set her hands on her still-warm cheeks and wondered how she was going to survive the day.  More importantly...did Ruby usually wear lace or was this a special occasion?  Could Weiss somehow find out without making it obvious that she peeked?

“Need a few minutes to settle down?” Blake teased, gently nudging Weiss’ side to break her concentration.  On the verge of embarrassing herself yet again, Weiss managed an eyeroll while grabbing her purse and pretending she wasn’t at all affected by seeing Ruby in her underwear.

“There will be repercussions for that...” Weiss muttered to Blake as they left the room.  As soon as they spotted Yang in the living room, however, she stopped and glanced at her roommate.

“Although it looks like I won’t have to do anything,” she added while Blake’s eyes locked onto the blonde, who had decided that a sports bra and spandex shorts were appropriate for a Sunday morning.

“Morning!” Yang greeted them.  “Just finished a workout,” she explained with a gesture, either purposefully or not, to her abs.  

“That’s…”  Struggling to decide which flattering word she wanted to use most, Blake eventually cleared her throat and settled on a simple, “Great.”

“Ruby and I usually take turns trying to kill each other on ab days, but not after meets.”

“I’m supposed to rest today,” Ruby explained from the kitchen.  “Otherwise, Yang would be in a lot more pain right now.”

After making a face at her sister, Yang ran a hand through her ponytail and turned her smile up to an eleven.

“What about you?” she asked, blatantly checking Blake out yet again.  “You look like you work out.”

“Not as much as I should…”

“Maybe we can hit the gym sometime,” Yang immediately offered.  “Or we could workout here.  If Ruby’s teaching Weiss to wrestle, I can show you how to pin someone so they can’t even hope of getting up.”

“That sounds...useful,” Blake replied, her cheeks already rosy at the thought.

“Definitely useful.  By the time we’re done, you’ll be able to pin me so hard that I’ll be at your mercy.”

It didn’t feel like they were talking about wrestling anymore, especially with the way they were looking at each other.  From the hungry expressions, they were ready to start pinning each other right now and see where that led them.  Obviously, everyone knew what would happen if the two of them got their hands all over each other - and Weiss didn’t need a front-row seat to that.

“Need to use the restroom again?” she whispered to Blake before dodging an elbow and joining Ruby in the kitchen.  No sooner had she sat at the bar did Ruby slide a freshly-made omelet in front of her.

“Thank you,” she said while picking up a fork.

“No problem.  I like cooking for you.”  Already making a second omelet, Ruby only briefly glanced up and smiled.  “Especially now that I can make things that aren’t mud and rocks.”

While Ruby chuckled to herself and stirred the ingredients in the pan, Weiss felt her heart warm while taking her first bite.  It was delicious, but the fact that Ruby made it for her made it even better.  From mud chocolates to real, delectable meals - who could have guessed how far they would come?

“When’re you looking at the second place?” Ruby asked as Blake finally joined them.

“This morning.”

“In just under an hour, actually,” Blake added while Ruby set her breakfast in front of her.  “Thank you.”

Waving off the gratitude, Ruby set her hands on the counter and smiled.  

“Do you have plans after?  Or do you maybe want to hang out with Yang and me again?”

Weiss only had to glance at Blake to confirm that they both felt the same way about the offer.  Ruby, unfortunately, interpreted the look as hesitation.

“You don’t have to!” she hastily added.  “If you want to explore on your own, we’ll understand.  But if you want company or something, we’d love to hang out some more.”

By the time Ruby ended her ramble and flashed one of those winning smiles, Weiss couldn’t help the little laugh that slipped through her lips.  The briefly-flustered moment was just too cute, especially when she wanted to spend time with Ruby more than she wanted to look at another apartment.

“We’d love to hang out with you too,” she replied, somehow tempering her excitement while internally celebrating another wonderful day.

“Cool!  Then...that’s what we’ll do.”

Ruby made no such attempt to hide her excitement, and she cleaned up the kitchen while sporting a smile that hadn’t been there before.  She kept sneaking glances Weiss’ way too, which only made Weiss more excited for the day.

“Hey beautifuls.”  Now fully dressed, Yang walked over and set a hand on the back of Blake’s chair.  “Did Ruby convince you to let us tag along today?”

“Well…” Blake began but dropped the tease as soon as Yang’s brow shot up.  “Yes,” she said instead.  “But it was touch-and-go for a while there.”

“What was the sticking point?”  Smiling now, Yang seamlessly slid her hand from the chair to Blake’s elbow.  “Do you need me to prove my worth?  Because I’m more than willing.”

“And how would you do that?”

“However you want me to.”

Apparently, a ten-minute separation had done nothing to cool those two down, as they picked right up where they left off.

“Weiss and I can head out while you do that,” Ruby interrupted before they went any further.  The tiny smirk on her lips suggested she knew she just threw a bucket of cold water on their flirting, but they finally remembered they weren’t alone and stepped away from each other.  

“We should probably get going...” Blake mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear and glancing anywhere but at Yang.  

“Let me just grab my shoes.”

As Yang hurried into the living room to put on a pair of shoes, Ruby caught Weiss’ attention and subtly rolled her eyes.  The gesture proved that she was aware of Blake and Yang’s flirting, and understood that the two were just waiting for the opportunity to push some boundaries.

“Meet us downstairs?” she asked while motioning Weiss to the door.  After glancing at Blake, who looked perfectly content waiting for Yang, Weiss grabbed her bag and followed Ruby out of the apartment.

“Maybe they’ll get it out of their system,” Ruby whispered as they headed down the hall.

“I don’t know...it could get worse before it gets better.”

“Then we’ll miss the next five minutes, at least,” Ruby bargained as they stepped into the elevator, and Weiss smiled while shaking her head.

“Sure you’re ok with us tagging along?” Ruby asked not long after.  “I don’t want to bother you or anything.”

“How would you bother me?” Weiss asked, sending Ruby a look as the elevator reached the lobby.

“I don’t know...maybe you’d rather hang out with Blake?  I’m sure you weren’t expecting me to tag along all weekend.”

Ruby might be right about that, but Weiss also hadn’t expected to experience so many strong emotions upon reconnecting with her childhood best friend.  Physical attraction was easy to understand - Ruby was very, very hot - but everything else was exciting, new, and a little scary at the same time.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” she said while following Ruby outside.  “But Blake isn’t exactly chomping at the bit to hang out with me.”  

Once Ruby chuckled at the joke, Weiss held her gaze and smiled.

“Besides...I like spending time with you, Ruby.  You’ve become...a pretty cool person.”

‘Pretty cool’ was the lamest description she could have used, but one wouldn’t think so from Ruby’s smile.  Her heart responded by fluttering in her chest, compelling her to glance at the buildings across the street in an effort to compose herself.

When Ruby smiled at her like that, maintaining her composure was so hard to do.  She didn’t want to be composed in those moments; she wanted to let go and follow those feelings as far as Ruby let her.

“Where’s this place anyway?” Ruby asked, and Weiss embraced the subject change.

“On Seventeenth, near Bleeker.”

“You’re kidding, right?”  When Weiss shook her head, Ruby laughed.  “Let me show you something.”

Taking Weiss by the hand, Ruby led her over to the nearest intersection and pointed to the street sign.

“This is 17th,” Ruby said before pointing down the road.  “And do you see the intersection three blocks down?  That’s Bleeker.”  

When Weiss’ eyes widened, Ruby laughed again.  

“Seriously,” she said before Weiss even asked.  “We’d practically be neighbors!”

That was an unexpected twist, and Weiss looked at Ruby one more time before staring down the street.  She knew that both apartments were near Ruby and Yang’s, but she never thought to map out how close.  They were more concerned with how close the apartments were to their new office or nearby stores...


Exciting?  Enticing?

“- great,” she settled upon, hopefully not giving away just how exciting the new information was.  If they lived that close...they could see each other all the time.  They might randomly bump into each other on the street, or at the store.

“Hey Yang!” Ruby called out, breaking Weiss out of that daydream as Yang and Blake finally joined them.  “Guess where this apartment is?”

“It’s at least across the street, since you have to hold Weiss’ hand to get there.”

“What?”  Looking down and finding that she was still holding Weiss’ hand, Ruby quickly let go and shook her head.  “That’s not...it’s on 17th and Bleeker!”

“You’re joking.  That’s literally right down the street.”

“That’s what I was saying!”

“Really?” Blake asked, glancing at Weiss for confirmation while Yang grinned at her.

“Let’s check it out!  And remember to hold someone’s hand while crossing the street...for safety.”

After making a face at her sister, Ruby nudged Weiss in the right direction and whispered, “Don’t listen to her.”  

Though Weiss smiled at the reassurance, she was a little disappointed when they crossed the next street without holding hands.  She didn’t mind holding Ruby’s hand, if that’s what Ruby was worried about, but how could she make that known without explaining why she liked holding hands?

Three blocks passed without a solution, and soon she focused on another apartment building rather than how much she liked feeling like Ruby’s girlfriend.  Though this building was objectively similar to the one from yesterday, its proximity made it more significant.  She tried not to let that outweigh her other observations though.  At least, that’s what she told herself while walking into a lobby that was slightly bigger and moderately-cleaner than the other.

“Where’re we headed?” Yang asked after Blake pushed the call button and one of the elevator doors opened.

“Fourth floor.”

The low-level floor was even better for taking the stairs - a small perk Weiss and Blake had already discussed.  Elevators were a pain sometimes, especially if they were slow or perpetually crowded.  

Fortunately, the elevators didn’t seem to be slow, and the building didn’t seem exceptionally busy for a Sunday morning.  Weiss made note of those additional positives as the doors opened and they stepped into the hall on the fourth floor.

In terms of cleanliness, the two buildings were on equal footing.  She didn’t find anything to complain about while following Blake to an apartment door at the other end of the hall.  

“Only one neighbor,” Blake reminded her before ringing the doorbell.  A soft chime sounded in the room beyond, and only a few seconds passed before a young, slender woman with long amber hair opened the door and smiled.

“One of you must be Blake Belladonna,” she said, looking between each of them.

“That would be me.”  With a polite smile of her own, Blake dipped her chin.  “I hope you don’t mind, but we brought some...friends...who live here in Vale.”

“Not at all.  The more the merrier.”  After nodding to them, the woman backed away and motioned them inside.  “And this is the only showing I have this morning, so feel free to look around as much as you’d like.”

“Thank you.”

“Absolutely.  Let me know if you have any questions.”  

After one last smile, the woman graciously bowed out of the conversation so they could speak privately.  Left alone at the entrance of the apartment, which seamlessly fed into the living room, Weiss looked around and nodded at what she saw.

“Looks like the photos.”

“Only...bigger?” Blake asked, turning in a circle before her gaze landed on Yang.  “Bedrooms?” she asked, and Yang snapped her fingers.

“You read my mind.”

When the two of them wasted no time heading to the bedrooms, Weiss caught Ruby’s gaze and nodded towards the kitchen instead.  With Ruby falling into step beside her, she walked into the kitchen and was even more pleasantly surprised.

“Woah…”  Standing in the middle of the room, Ruby held her arms out and slowly spun in a circle.  “This place is huge!

“That’s one of the reasons we liked it.”  After looking over the appliances, which appeared almost brand new, and the plentiful cabinets, Weiss nodded.  “It looks even nicer in person,” she added before smiling at Ruby.  “Think you could cook here?”

“I could totally cook here!”  

When Weiss chuckled at the exuberance, Ruby gently grabbed a hold of her elbow.

“Wait, but I really could,” Ruby added much more earnestly.  “This place is so close, I could walk over and make dinner for you.”

The thought of seeing Ruby after work was enough to release butterflies in Weiss’ chest.  But for Ruby to come over and cook dinner for her?  She couldn’t possibly deserve to be spoiled so much.

“How about we cook dinner together?” she offered in return.

“I’d love to.”

When Ruby looked overjoyed at the prospect of cooking together, another wave of butterflies took flight in Weiss’ chest.  Not only did cooking together sound incredibly fun, but they would also be spending more time together - time that Weiss couldn’t seem to get enough of right now.

“It’s one of the largest kitchen floor plans in the building,” the realtor piped in, drawing their gazes as that moment abruptly ended.  “I think you two would be really happy here.”

Picking up on the implication, Weiss shook her head.  Ruby, however, laughed and nudged Weiss’ elbow.  

“I wish, but she’s way out of my league.”  

“Oh, I’m sorry.  You just seemed -”  After gesturing between them, the woman shook her head and threw on a polite, if not slightly embarrassed, smile.  “My mistake.  It would be a fun kitchen to cook in though, for whatever friendly get-togethers you have.”

With that said, the woman made a hasty retreat to the other side of the apartment.  Weiss, meanwhile, frowned at Ruby.

“I’m not out of your league.”

Ruby shouldn’t have looked so surprised by that response, but she did.

“But...you’re Weiss Schnee,” she said as if it answered everything.

“And?  You’re Ruby Rose.”

“That’s not the same!”

“Of course it’s not,” Weiss replied with a laugh.  “We’re different people.”

“Yeah, but you’re Weiss.”  When Weiss smiled and shook her head at the path they were about to repeat, Ruby waved her hands.  “You’re...special...to me,” she concluded, and Weiss’ smile briefly faltered.

Ruby was special to her too, which made her feel even more foolish for not getting back in touch years ago.  Why hadn’t she reached out in high school?  Or even in college?  Why had she assumed that because they grew up and grew apart, they couldn’t recapture what once made their friendship so unlikely and extraordinary?  

Why had she let Ruby hold onto all those memories alone?

“Ruby -” she began but stopped as soon as Ruby’s gaze slid away from her.

“The bedrooms are nice,” Blake said while she and Yang joined them in the kitchen. 

“I’d move into one in a heartbeat,” Yang joked before pulling open the refrigerator and glancing at the empty shelves inside.

With the added company, Weiss held onto the apology for now.  Instead, she caught Ruby’s gaze and nodded across the room.

“Want to check those out?”

“Of course!”  

The prior conversation easily faded away, as Ruby was quick to smile and loop her arm through Weiss’.  Weiss’ heart fluttered in the process, but Ruby was none the wiser while leading them across the living room and into the short hallway separating two bedrooms.

Glancing through the open doorways, Weiss estimated that these bedrooms were more equal in size, which was perfect.  If the rooms were comparable, no one would settle for the ‘worse’ room.  They would also have their own bathroom, which was a luxury she didn’t want to live without.

“Oh.”  Based on the placement of the doors, another important feature jumped out at her.  “I think I know why they liked the rooms so much.”


“They’re across the hall from each other.”


“They’re further apart.  So there’s more...privacy.”

“Oh…”  Finally catching on, Ruby shook her head and followed Weiss into one of the rooms.  “Of course Yang likes that.”

“Does that mean she’s…?”  

“No!”  Quickly picking up on Weiss’ concern, Ruby shook her head and waved her hands in front of her.  “Not at all.  I mean, she flirts a lot sometimes.  But when she’s serious, she’s serious, you know?”

Considering Ruby looked mortified at accidentally implying that her sister was something of a womanizer, Weiss didn’t need to hear anything more.  They might have spent a long time apart, but she still trusted Ruby completely.  If she needed to worry about Blake, Ruby would make sure she knew.

“I believe you.”  

Adding a smile to ease Ruby’s concern, she opened one of the closet doors and looked inside.  Space-wise, it was a little smaller than her current closet, but it had some nice built-in cabinets that would come in handy.

“And, um, same goes for me.”

Surprised by the comment, Weiss turned around and was met by Ruby’s hesitant smile.

“In case you’re wondering,” Ruby added before sticking her hands in her pockets and scuffing her foot across the floor.

Thinking that Ruby was a womanizer had never crossed Weiss’ mind, even after witnessing multiple attractive girls practically throw themselves at her.  Flitting from person-to-person just didn’t seem to fit her very well.  Considering how sweet and caring she was, she probably wanted one person to shower with her love and affection - a position anyone would be lucky to earn.

“I never thought any differently,” Weiss admitted, and offered a reassuring smile before walking over to the window.  

The view was nothing to write home about, but her heart needed a few moments to settle down.  And her mind needed a few moments to stop dwelling on what it would be like to have Ruby’s full, undivided, romantic attention.

“So...which room would be yours?”

“I’m not sure…”

Grateful for the subject change, Weiss left the window and walked across the hall to see if one of the rooms was better than the other.  The closet appeared identical, though the room itself might be a smidge smaller than the first.  The view was better though, which she liked.  Most importantly...if this was her room, where would she put her furniture?  Her bed, her dresser - would everything fit the way she wanted it to?

“This one seems fine,” she concluded, though she would discuss with Blake before making any final decisions.

“Think we should test it out then?”

“Test what out?” 

“How private it is.”  

Just like that, Weiss’ warm blush returned with the force a full-fledged wildfire.  Ruby couldn’t possibly mean what Weiss was thinking, right?  Because her thoughts focused on one very-specific interpretation, which only solidified when Ruby moved closer.  Just one more step and they would be touching, which was exactly what Weiss hoped Ruby meant.

“How would we do that…?” she asked softly, praying that nothing interrupted this moment.  Especially not when Ruby smiled down at her...one of those effortlessly beautiful smiles that prodded her heart to beat even faster.

“Easy.  You’ve just gotta moan and see if they hear.”

The suggestion was so cavalier, Weiss wasn’t sure she heard it correctly.  When Ruby grinned, however, Weiss lightly slapped her across the shoulder.

“Ruby!”  Worried that Blake or Yang would burst in at any second, Weiss glanced at the door before lowering her voice.  “I’m not doing that.”

“Come on!  You know moans travel.”

“I -”  Before making an admission that embarrassed her even further, Weiss stopped and shook her head.  “I’m not doing that,” she reiterated instead.

“It’s foolproof and you know it,” Ruby teased, poking Weiss’ side at the same time.

“Not happening unless someone makes me.”

As soon as the comment slipped through Weiss’ lips, Ruby froze.  Weiss froze too, though her reason for freezing was far more embarrassment than she could handle.  Ruby, meanwhile, stared at Weiss for the longest time before leaning so close that every detail in her dazzling silver eyes became clear.

“Is that a challenge?”

From the sparkle in Ruby’s eyes, she was enjoying this.  Weiss was enjoying this too...possibly a bit much.  But that wouldn’t stop her from seeing what happened next, as she held Ruby’s gaze and felt the smallest of smirks slip onto her lips.


For a split second, the word hung in the air between them, an open offer that Ruby alone could act upon.  She didn’t have to - she could walk away.  Instead, she set her hands on Weiss’ sides, eliciting a shiver of thrill in the process, and backed Weiss into the wall by the door.

Weiss’ back hardly touched the wall when Ruby pressed closer, their bodies melding together while her eyes never strayed.  Without words, she sought permissions that Weiss willingly granted.  Because Ruby was allowed in her space.  Ruby was allowed to touch her.  Ruby was allowed to do whatever she wanted.

Still, Ruby searched Weiss’ eyes for answers, silently asking if this was ok.  She would accept whatever Weiss wanted - her eyes said as much.  Yet Weiss didn’t move.  Her heart was racing, her skin tingled where Ruby’s hands rested, but every inch of her burned with the desire for more.  It wasn’t until she nodded, however, that Ruby leaned forward and kissed her neck.

Regardless of how softly Ruby’s lips touched her, Weiss sucked in a breath as pleasure surged through her veins.  

“God...” she breathed out, tilting her head to the side while Ruby trailed light, delicate kisses along her neck.  Each one was so soft yet sent waves of ecstasy pulsing through her, compounding with every touch.  

Her breathing was already growing deeper and more erratic, especially when Ruby’s hands started moving.  First, gripping her sides, then sliding around to the small of her back and pulling their hips flush together.

Feeling Ruby’s body pressed against hers sent her to another level of bliss, but she clamped back on the sound growing at the back of her throat.  The moan wanted to come out - so, so badly - but she didn’t want Ruby to stop.  She wanted this moment to last much, much longer.

But her breathing was heavier now, and her desire expanding out of control as Ruby’s kisses grew more fervent.  Her lips hardly left Weiss’ neck, sliding from one spot to the next before pressing messier and messier kisses into place.  Weiss couldn’t hold out much longer, as the immensely-pleasurable torture became almost too much to bear.  She wanted to give Ruby what she wanted - and Ruby wanted to hear how good her lips and touch felt.

Running her hands through Ruby’s hair, then wrapping them around Ruby’s neck to keep her from moving away, Weiss leaned her head back against the wall and tried to stifle the pressing urge to vocalize her pleasure.  She needed more but couldn’t take it at the same time.

Then Ruby softly bit her neck, and a moan finally escaped.

Both of them froze at the sound, which broke the silence of the room before fading away.  After waiting a few seconds longer, during which time nothing but their labored breathing could be heard, Ruby finally smiled.

“Guess you were right,” she whispered in Weiss’ ear before brushing her hair out of her eyes and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead.

That kiss was impossibly sweet and gentle, but Weiss could only stare while trying to catch her breath.  And her heart...her heart had no idea what to do right now.  It wanted to beat out of her chest and seize up at the same time.

Was she dreaming, or had that actually happened?  It seemed too good to be true.  It felt too good to be true.  Yet Ruby had no issue stepping away and sweeping a hand through her hair...as if kissing someone’s neck like that was just another Sunday morning.

Or Ruby had heard Blake and Yang before Weiss did, saving them from being caught in another compromising position when the two walked into the room.

“There you are,” Yang said while Blake cast an intent gaze between them.  Knowing how easily Blake could interpret a situation, or jump to conclusions, Weiss casually rubbed her neck and threw on a hopefully-normal smile.

“Ruby and I were just testing out the rooms.”  A half-truth, but she moved on before Blake picked apart the answer.  “What do you think?”

Fortunately, Blake’s gaze swept around the bedroom when Weiss waved that way.

“I think it’s really nice.”

“Right?” Weiss replied, only to pause when Ruby fidgeted.

“Sorry, we should let you guys discuss.”  Before either of them argued, or assured her that it was fine for her to stay, Ruby grabbed Yang by the arm and dragged her out of the room.  “We’ll wait in the living room!”

Smiling at the blatant attempt to give them privacy, Weiss watched Ruby go before turning back to Blake.  The consideration was unnecessary but appreciated for its thoughtfulness.  Plus, now she and Blake could speak freely about all matters regarding this apartment.

“It is nice,” Blake picked up where Weiss left off, and Weiss nodded.

“It’s what we’re looking for.  Clean, newer, close to work -”

“And close to their apartment.”

“You said it, not me.”

“You were thinking it,” Blake countered, and Weiss scoffed but didn’t argue.  They knew each other well enough by now to know when one of them was lying.  Fortunately, they didn’t know each other well enough to know when one of them nearly got a hickey from their childhood friend turned massive crush...

“Ok,” she admitted before Blake noticed her blush.  “Let’s just say we both like that it’s close to their apartment.  But we shouldn’t make a decision based on that alone, right?”

“Right.”  Even though Blake verbally agreed, it didn’t look like she believed the answer.  “You’re right, but this one’s still better than the one yesterday.”

“I agree.”  Once they both smiled, relieved to be in agreement, Weiss laughed and waved one hand.  “Do we have any reasons other than it being close to their apartment?”

“Well...the layout of the bedrooms is better in this one.”

“Of course you went there first,” Weiss teased with a shake of her head.  “But I also like the rooms - because they’re closer in size.”

“Exactly.  And the kitchen’s nicer, with more storage.”

“Then you’re ok with it being a little more expensive?” Weiss asked, and watched Blake purse her lips before nodding.

“I think it’s worth it, don’t you?”

Obviously, Weiss thought it was worth it.  Based on the past couple of days, she would pay much more for the opportunity to be so close to Ruby.  

“I do,” she said before looking around the room one more time.  “So...is this our place?”

“I think it is.”  Smiling now, Blake glanced around before nodding towards the doorway.  “Let’s tell them?”

After nodding, Weiss followed Blake into the living room.  Her excitement built with each step - the result of finding the perfect apartment, but also in anticipation of telling Ruby that they would be neighbors soon.  Living right down the street was a luxury they never had in childhood, and she couldn’t wait to see how it impacted their relationship now.

As she and Blake walked over to their weekend hosts, who leaned against the kitchen island while talking amongst themselves, that sense of anticipation grew.  She hoped the news made Ruby happy.  She thought it would, but...she would find out very soon.

“We’ve made a decision,” she said, drawing Ruby and Yang’s attention before motioning for Blake to deliver their verdict.

“We like this one better -” was all Blake got out before they pumped their fists and broke into huge grins.

“That’s awesome!” Ruby added before hurrying over and wrapping Weiss in a strong, wonderful hug.  “I was hoping you’d choose this one!”

“Definitely.”  Walking over to Blake, looking almost compelled by some unspoken force, Yang smiled and set a hand on Blake’s arm.   “We should celebrate.  You know, welcome you to the neighborhood and all that great stuff.”

Yang’s intent gaze and overly-friendly posture suggested the type of celebration she had in mind, and Blake had no issue smiling at the offer.  Or maybe she was smiling because Yang had gone out of the way to make physical contact yet again.

“Let’s show them the cool spots around here first.”  After nudging Yang’s side to interrupt the moment, Ruby grinned at Weiss.  “We can show you all our favorite places to eat and shop!”

As far as Weiss was concerned, nothing sounded better than exploring their new neighborhood with Ruby.  And it only took one glance at Blake to know she felt the same about Yang’s company.  Why would they ever explore by themselves when two gorgeous, affable beauties - who happened to live nearby - were willing to spend the day with them?

“I’d love that,” Weiss admitted, and another smile sprang into being when Ruby’s happiness soared.  Before losing herself in that light-hearted joy, however, she motioned towards the last bit of business separating her from fully enjoying Ruby’s company.

“We just need to fill out some paperwork first...”

“That’s fine,” Ruby quickly assured her.

“Yeah, take your time.”  After waving them away, Yang smiled and gently elbowed Ruby in the side.  “We don’t mind waiting years if we have to.”

While the unusual response gave Weiss reason to pause, there was no opportunity to dwell over what it meant.  Not when Blake grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the realtor.

They were successful in choosing an apartment, which was a huge relief, yet Weiss still felt a great sense of anticipation at what was to come.  The entire day to explore, the entire day to marvel at the person Ruby had become.  By the end of it, Weiss would probably have an even bigger crush on the girl who once thought a backpack shaped like a squid was the coolest thing on the planet. 



This was so uplifting! In addition to all the wonderful flirtiness and one (1) Saucy Challenge, there was this unceasing sense of affection throughout the chapter. The flowers and the bees are clearly smitten with their respective partners, and it is simply joyous to behold. I do have concerns that Ruby's idolization of Weiss may be to the detriment of their relationship as it develops, but hopefully they can work through that. On the same note, I hope that Blake and Yang don't let their overabundant lust get in the way of getting to know each other. (Though let's be real here, the same goes for Ruby and Weiss. They still need to learn more about each other again.) You've been making my Wednesdays so enjoyable with this story. Thank you for being wonderful and providing us with such enjoyable writing.

Ben Lockwood

Nice work! A great way to end the day

Shyguy the Masquerage

I really enjoy this series. Which makes me a little sad that it's gonna end in a few chapters. I honestly wouldn't mind if this series just became domestic fluff that lasts for another 20+ chapters.

Joe Hutson

I really hope we get to see how Ruby has grown as she's gotten old. She seems to be an excellent cook, is any of her mechanical prowess going to show up to impress weiss?