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Ruby was on a mission.  

And no, it wasn’t defeating Salem or saving the world.

Well, technically she was on that mission too, but she had another mission.  And, while it might not save the world, it was still important.  To her, at least.  It was very important to her, and grew more important with every minute they spent waiting for the inevitable to happen.

It was simple - she just wanted to spend three minutes with Weiss.  Was that really too much to ask?  Three minutes for them to sit down and maybe have a nice talk about life outside of this mess they found themselves in.  And to ask Weiss how she felt now that they were in Atlas, and do all the good things good partners should do.

And maybe a hug.  A hug would be nice, too.

Instead, Ruby kept being dragged into meetings and repeatedly told how important this was and how the world rested on her shoulders and how failure meant the end of life as they knew it.  The first few weren’t so bad - they made her feel determined and important - but after that...Ironwood kept harping on the same things, which only kept her away from her team.

The end result was that she didn’t have her partner around while everyone pointed out that - no big deal - but if she messed up, everyone kind of died.

She wanted a hug.  Not just any hug - a Weiss hug.  

And maybe some food.  Food would be nice, too.  How was she supposed to save the world on an empty stomach?

But she had a plan.  She really shouldn’t be the one to come up with plans - that was Weiss’ job - but desperate times called for desperate measures.  First, she would utilize the only foolproof, question-proof excuse in existence.

Actually, first she would summon the courage to interrupt Ironwood, because he was a little intimidating when he ranted on and on like he was now.  But if she waited for him to pause and take a breath...

“Uh...hold that thought,” she interjected as soon as she had the chance.  Without wasting a second, she got up and backed towards the door.  “I really need to use the bathroom.”

Ironwood frowned but nodded for her to go.  Her uncle, meanwhile, turned and gave her a more amused look.

“Didn’t you just go like fifteen minutes ago?”

Internally, Ruby cringed at the reminder of how well this plan worked last time.  But that was last time, and this was this time.  This time would work.

“Yeah, but I drank a lot of water right before this.”  While they watched her closely, she backed towards the door until her hand grasped the handle.  “Be right back!”

Before they argued - or worse, told her she couldn’t leave - she threw open the door and raced out of the room.  She didn’t have to use the bathroom - that was a lie.  But she needed a way out of there.  Now that she was free of their adult clutches, she could find Weiss, and maybe get that hug.  The only question was...where was Weiss?

Knowing she didn’t have much time, she used her semblance to aid in her search through the giant house serving as their hiding spot and homebase.  But Weiss wasn’t in the room they were sharing, or the dining room or kitchen or living room.  That left outside.

As soon as Ruby threw open the front door and raced onto the patio, she was met by a burst of cold, Atlas air.  That didn’t bother her in the slightest though, because she found Weiss - and Blake and Yang - but also Weiss.  Mission somewhat successful.

“Hey guys!” she called out while bouncing over to her teammates.  After briefly wondering whether or not she could hug Weiss right now, she convinced herself out of it.  As much as she needed a hug, Weiss didn’t know that.  Neither did Yang or Blake, so it would just look awkward.  

“What’s up?” she asked instead.

“Just hanging out,” Yang said, glancing at Blake before focusing Ruby.

“Is the meeting over already?” Weiss added.  As usual, she seemed to know or sense that something was up.  That explained her slightly furrowed brow and the way her clear, blue eyes trained on Ruby so intently.

“We’re taking a break,” Ruby fudged.  “Just wanted to say hi.”

“Well, hi.”  Yang added a grin and wave with the response, and Blake gave a small smile.  And Weiss...Weiss studied Ruby for a few more seconds before smiling too.

It was no Weiss hug, but Ruby would take that smile straight to the bank.

“Ironwood talks a lot,” she added before they lapsed into silence.  “And he’s always so...serious.”

“Sounds like him…” Blake mumbled while Yang nodded.  “Learned anything new?”

“I wish.  Just the same old ‘saving the world’ stuff…”

Ruby didn’t mind saving the world.  If that’s what she was supposed to do, that’s what she would do.  But sometimes it felt a little...too much for her to handle.

“Do you want me to go back with you?” Weiss offered, and - even though the honest answer was a big yes - Ruby couldn’t put Weiss through that.  As much as she wanted the company, she didn’t want Weiss to have to listen to the same lectures and suffer the same pressure.

“Naw, it’s ok.”  Ruby waved off the offer while looking around the patio, which looked loads more fun than sitting in the stuffy room.  “They should be done talking soon, I think.”


At the sound of her name, she turned and found Uncle Qrow motioning her back inside.  Stifling a sigh, she looked once more towards her team before she had to leave.

“Guess I should go...see you later though?”  

The question was meant mostly for Weiss, but Yang and Blake replied with nods.  Weiss eventually nodded too, although she kept that thoughtful gaze trained on Ruby, as if trying to read Ruby’s mind.  When she didn’t say anything, however, Ruby turned and followed her uncle inside.

“Getting bored, kid?” he asked as they walked, so she forced a smile rather than dwell on her wish to stay outside with Weiss.

“Of course not!” she said before falling silent and trudging after him to hear more of Ironwood’s lecture.

That hadn’t exactly been the resounding success she’d hoped for, but it was better than last time.  At least she got to talk to Weiss for a little bit!  Sure, not alone.  And sure, she didn’t get a hug - she didn’t even get any food - but it was better than nothing at this point. 

Except now she actually needed to use the restroom…


“Poor Ruby...” Blake mused as silence returned to the patio.

“She’ll survive - she’s tough.”

Blake hummed her agreement with Yang’s statement before falling silent, but Weiss said nothing while staring at the door Ruby had just disappeared through.  

They’d spent so much time together recently, yet somehow it felt like nothing.  That was probably because they were always surrounded by other people.  If it wasn’t Blake and Yang, it was Oscar or Ironwood or the perpetually drunk uncle.

So they were spending time together, but it also felt like they were being kept apart.  These meetings were especially bad, as the two of them were physically separated for long stretches of time.  Weiss wouldn’t mind sitting through the meetings with Ruby.  She wanted to know what Ironwood had to say, but she also wanted to be there to act as a support for Ruby.  

Ruby had grown up - that was for sure - but she was still young.  Yet everyone seemed content to treat her like an adult.  Actually, they were treating her like more than an adult, because Weiss had never met an adult who suddenly found the fate of the world on their shoulders and handled it as well as Ruby.

That didn’t change the fact that...well, it sounded stubborn, but they were partners, which meant Weiss  felt somewhat entitled to Ruby’s time.  And she wanted Ruby’s time without the constant presence of others.  She wanted to have a private conversation for three tiny minutes and make sure Ruby was doing ok.

Which meant that she needed to pry Ruby away from the adults.

Ordinarily, such an endeavor would take some time and careful planning to avoid coming off as impolite or overstepping her boundaries.  At the moment, however, she didn’t care very much what anyone else thought about her.

“I need to go talk to someone,” she directed towards Yang and Blake before walking inside.  She knew they would ask who she needed to talk to, but that answer should be obvious - she needed to talk to Ruby.  Fortunately, she knew exactly where Ruby was.

How Ironwood still found words to say went beyond her, but he’d monopolized Ruby’s time in the same meeting room for the past few days.  Enough was enough.  What he didn’t understand was that Ruby would and could do anything he asked of her, but he didn’t need to ask until he was blue in the face.  Ruby understood her position, and she would put her life on the line in order to help.  But...even heroes needed a break sometimes.

Pausing outside the door, Weiss took a deep breath to calm herself.  Once done, she summoned all of the confidence and self-assuredness she possessed and strode through the door as if she owned the entire house.

“Excuse me,” she interrupted while walking straight to Ruby’s side and taking her by the hand.  “I need to borrow Ruby for a few minutes.  I’ll bring her right back.”

Whether confused or caught off guard by her abrupt entrance, the only response Ironwood and Qrow gave were stares as Weiss pulled Ruby out of the room and down the hall.  Knowing that they could be easily found in any of the downstairs common areas, she led Ruby upstairs instead.  There, she found an unused bedroom that should be a good hiding spot for a few minutes.

After releasing Ruby’s hand and shutting the door, she realized that now she needed to explain herself.

“Sorry,” she said while turning around, only to take a step back in surprise when Ruby threw her arms around her neck for a hug.  The surprise quickly wore off, however, and she sighed while wrapping her arms around Ruby in return.  

“Sorry it took me so long...”

“Better late than never...” Ruby muttered into her shoulder.  And, rather than let go - because she really didn’t want to let go - Weiss leaned further into the embrace.

“How are you holding up?” she asked even though the hug was pretty telling in itself.

“Ok...how are you?” 

Ruby tried to pull away then, but Weiss tightened her grip and didn’t let Ruby end the hug too soon.  They still had at least three minutes of this before it would feel like remotely enough.

“It’s...fine.”  When her thoughts touched upon some of her recent memories of home, she sighed and burrowed her face in Ruby’s neck.  “Better now.”

As long as she and Ruby were together, she felt capable of anything.  No matter where they were, no matter who they were up against, they would make it through just fine.

As long as they were together - which hadn’t been the case over the past few days.  They were staying in the same house, but that wasn’t the same as being by each other’s side.  That wasn’t the same as being near enough to support each other for this next chapter of their story.

They weren’t supposed to be apart...Weiss could feel that now.  With Ruby’s arms wrapped around her neck, and their bodies pressed so close together, she knew that this was how they were supposed to be.  Inseparable.  Supporting each other.  Relying on each other.  Through something as simple as a hug.

Something as simple, and wonderful, and enjoyable, as a long overdue hug.

When Weiss sighed and rubbed her hand up and down Ruby’s back, Ruby finally pulled away and flashed a more normal smile.

“Ok, I think I’m better now.  What about you?”

“I feel...much better.”  At the onset, Weiss hadn’t thought she was particularly morose.  After sharing that hug with Ruby, however, she felt...uplifted and restored.

“Good.  Then...think we can make it to dinner?”

“Pretty sure we can.”  When Ruby nodded and moved towards the door, however, Weiss caught her hand to slow her down.  “But we’re making it to dinner together.”

Without argument, Ruby smiled, and the two of them walked downstairs hand-in-hand.  It went unspoken that Weiss wouldn’t leave Ruby’s side, just like it went unspoken that Ruby wanted her to be there.  No matter what their lives held next, they would be there to support each other - even if that meant sitting through Ironwood’s lectures together.

Honestly, the closer they were, the better Weiss felt.  So, she would make it her mission to stay by Ruby’s side as much as possible from here on out.  

And they should hug more.  They should definitely hug more.