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Welcome to Sneak Peek Week!  Or Sneak Peek Day, I suppose.  I’m really excited about this!  Nervous, but also excited.  

First off, thank you all for being here.  You have no idea how encouraging it is that you’ve signed up and are willing to support my writing endeavors.  It’s really encouraging, and makes me want to write more (hopefully better) stories for you.  I’m also trying to think of a few more rewards to offer you on an ongoing basis.  I’m still in the process of figuring out exactly how those will work, but I’ll make an announcement if/when I get everything sorted out. 

As for this sneak peek...I have a lot of ideas in various stages of completion, but I picked a few that are closest to being finished to share snippets with you.  I know in the Patreon goal I mentioned that I’d share from ‘my next’ story, but I found it really hard to pick which of these might be next.  These excerpts might change by the time you read them in final form, but this is how they currently appear.

In the interest of allowing your imaginations to run wild, I’m not going to provide any further information on the stories other than the titles and the excerpts.  I think there’s enough here for you to get a good feel for what’s going on.  Plus, I don’t want to ruin the plot for anyone!


Welcome to Vale High

When the bell finally rang, Yang practically skipped into the lunchroom with wings on her feet.  Finding Pyrrha already seated at their table, but no Blake in sight, she jumped in the back of the lunch line to grab her food before rushing over to join her friend.

“Pyrrha Nikos,” she said in her best demanding voice while sitting down.  “Is there something you want to tell me?”

The question and tone made Pyrrha frown in confusion.

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Yang hemmed.  “Might there be something important that you’ve never mentioned to me?  Like - and I’m just saying this off the top of my head - but maybe a certain nickname that apparently everyone’s been calling me?”

Bursting into laughter at the question, Pyrrha waved one hand delightedly.

“Oh that,” she said with a chuckle.  “I thought you knew about that!”

“How would I know about it if people are using it behind my back??” Yang exclaimed.

“What’re you guys talking about?” Ruby asked while setting her tray down, with Weiss following close behind. 

“The ‘Blonde Beauty of Vale High’ just found out about her nickname,” Pyrrha explained with a grin, the words making Weiss scoff while Ruby giggled.

“You all knew about this?” Yang asked in disbelief.  “And none of you mentioned it before?”

“I thought you knew!” Ruby replied.  “I only hear it all the time.  I figured you would have too.”

What was more embarrassing...the actual nickname or the fact that it had taken Yang three years to learn about it?

“You guys suck,” she grumbled, earning another round of chuckles at her consternation.

But her pretend disgruntlement disappeared the instant she spotted Blake walking into the lunchroom with a group of late arrivals.  Yang’s eyes followed Blake intently as her pulse rose in anticipation of whenever their next conversation might be.

“I see you’re staring again,” Pyrrha commented after following Yang’s gaze.

“I can’t help it!  She’s so...confident.  Nothing fazes her.”

“And this just in - another public service announcement courtesy of Yang’s massive crush,” Pyrrha teased.

“What was that, Mrs. Arc?”

Instantly blushing, Pyrrha continued in a far more diplomatic tone, “I’m just saying...we’ve only been back a couple of days, but you haven’t stopped talking about her.”

It was probably true.  Yang’s thoughts drifted to Blake a lot.  It was that smile - like Blake knew something that Yang didn’t.  God, she loved that smile.  She didn’t even care that she had no idea what made Blake so amused.  As long as it was Yang on the receiving end of those smiles...she would blissfully spend forever not knowing.

A disdainful huff pulled Yang out of her blissful thoughts.

“I don’t know what you could see in her,” Weiss quipped, flipping her hair for good measure while Yang stared at the girl like she had three heads.

“What could I see in her?  I dunno, she’s gorgeous to start.  But also incredibly smart, funny, kind, confident…”

When Pyrrha started laughing, Yang’s cheeks started to heat up in realization.  Yup.  It was a crush.  Dang, that had developed quickly.  

Catching sight of Blake walking over to join them, Yang straightened in her seat and waved.  When Blake reached the table, she set her tray hesitantly across from Yang while carefully watching Weiss to gauge her reaction.


“Hey Blake, grab a seat,” Yang said, pointing to the chair Blake was already about to pull out.  While Blake sat down, Yang shot Weiss a look that said she’d better be nice.  It was like asking a spoiled child to share their toys in the sandbox.

“Thank you,” Blake replied while sitting down.

“So Blake…” Weiss began to ask, the tone already giving away that there were ulterior motives attached to whatever words were coming next.  “What upper level classes did you take at Menagerie?”

“Umm...world history, biology, chemistry, literature, calculus, and statistics.”

The list visibly surprised her, but Weiss quickly regained her composure.  

“Well, I’ve taken all of those too!” she retorted, making Yang shake her head.

“Chill out, Weiss.  Why can’t you admit that you’re practically the same person?  Except if you strip out the intelligence, Blake is sweet and kind, and you’re bossy and pompous.”

From the way Weiss pursed her lips, it was easy to tell that she wanted to argue but knew that Yang had a whole assortment of examples to draw from - many of which she probably didn’t want her sworn enemy to know about.

“But Weiss is super sweet too!” Ruby piped in before taking a big bite of her cookie that disappeared in only several bites.  “She’s also generous and funny!”

While Yang rolled her eyes at the typical Ruby effusiveness, she didn’t fail to notice that the compliments made Weiss blush ever so slightly.

“Thank you, Ruby,” Weiss replied softly.  Yang expected to see a self-satisfied smile, but instead Weiss smiled at Ruby in genuine gratitude before turning back to Blake.

“So have you chosen a topic for our physics project?” 

“I was thinking of exploring skyscrapers and their resistance to wind and earthquakes.”

“That sounds interesting,” Weiss replied, glancing away and tapping two fingers on the tabletop as if the opposite was true.  “If you haven’t already chosen a partner, maybe I could work with you on that?”

Blake shot Yang a look of complete surprise before turning back to Weiss with a smile.

“Absolutely.  I’d love that.”

“Great,” Weiss said before turning back to her tray and picking up her food.  “Can’t let you get a better grade than me, after all.  This way we’ll get the same grade.”

Grinning across the table at Weiss, Yang was both pleasantly surprised and super impressed that Weiss had actually been able to do something nice and inclusive.  Of course, Weiss refused to make eye contact and accept the acknowledgement - just like she usually did whenever she did something she knew Yang would appreciate.

Which didn’t happen all that often!  But knowing that Weiss was embarrassed or...something...about being a nice person, Yang didn’t comment on the civil gesture.  Instead, she let it slide right past them and changed the subject.

“So Ruby, what do you think of that new water fountain on the second floor?” she asked nonchalantly, knowing that any question would launch Ruby into a slew of unrelated, but entertaining, tangents.

Seriously, one of Ruby’s teachers had to comment on her talking too.  Otherwise Yang was never going to live that little remark down.

“Oh my god.  So I got to school the other day and I was walking around looking for my math class.  They moved the math classes this year, you see,” Ruby explained to Blake before continuing on.  “And the hallways are so longgg that I got thirsty just walking from one side to the other!  It’s like a freaking desert up there!”

“Uh huh…” Yang commented while taking a bite of her lunch and glancing at Blake with a grin. 

“Have you guys ever wondered what it’d be like to be in a desert?” Ruby continued without pause, already forgetting the water fountain entirely.  “Like how hot must it be?”

“Depends on where you are,” Weiss commented absentmindedly.  “Depending on the location and time of year, it could easily get into the triple digits.”

Ruby stared at Weiss in amazement for several seconds before grinning.

“Why do we have a triple jump but not like...a fripple jump?”

The question nearly made Pyrrha snort out her drink in surprise.

“And what exactly would a fripple jump be?” she managed to ask after coughing into her hand.

“Four jumps!” Ruby replied before her brow creased.  “Isn’t that what we call four of something?”

“Yup!” Yang answered proudly.  “It goes double, triple, fripple, for sure.”

“Thought so.”  As Ruby nodded her head in confirmation, Yang glanced across the table and caught an amused grin from Blake and an expression of disdain from Weiss.

“I have a twin in one of my classes,” Ruby continued without fail.  “Not my twin but like...half of a twin set.  You know.  I thought they always got the same schedules so they wouldn’t be separated, but then I talked to him and he had a whole bunch of cool twin things to tell me!”

Laughing, Yang ate the rest of her lunch while throwing glances across the table probably every other second as Ruby rambled on.  Every time she looked up, she caught Blake’s gaze and smiled.  

It was an awesome, awesome lunch.

The Winter Challenge

As Ruby and Yang launched back into a complicated decision-making process as to which of Ruby’s newest creations made the cut this evening, Weiss subtly moved her attention to Blake.  She had to be careful though - if she was too overt about it, Blake would notice and question Weiss’ motives.  But if Weiss casually snuck a glance over every so often, no suspicions were raised.

What was interesting was that Blake listened to the conversation intently, but her eyes drifted in Yang’s direction every few seconds - as if she was checking to make sure Yang was still sitting beside her.  And whenever Yang spoke, Blake turned fully towards her partner and listened with such rapt attention that a bomb could probably go off next door and she might not hear.

Again, this was so obvious.  For more observant-minded people, of course.

But their relationship had been stuck this way for quite some time now.  Weiss kept expecting something...anything...to happen, but nothing ever did.  It was actually becoming quite agitating.  It was clear they both liked each other.  It was clear they got along great together.  And yet...nothing.

Maybe they would get together eventually, but...Weiss wasn’t exactly known for her otherworldly levels of patience.

It wouldn’t be called meddling if it was well-intentioned, right?

With the detailed discussion of battle strategies over and their new team movements picked out, Yang leaned back in her seat and casually dropped one arm on the back of Blake’s chair.  Weiss grinned when Blake tried not to look too happy about the nonchalant gesture, but also wondered if it was as nonchalant as it appeared.

“I’m sooo looking forward to holiday break,” Yang said, impossible to read if she was nervous about her arm’s proximity to Blake’s shoulders.  “No classes, no homework, no practice...just five days of hanging around being lazy.”

The words tore Weiss’ attention away from what she swore was a small blush growing on Blake’s cheeks.

“That’s...so incorrect,” she said, startled by Yang’s lack of understanding about the impending break from classes.  “You realize we’re going to have projects for every class that will be due right after break?  And we’ll still be holding regular practices, plus competing in The Winter Challenge.”

For all the grief Yang gave Weiss about ‘knowing what was going on,’ she looked like a deer in headlights right now.

“Uh, the what now?”

Heaving a loud sigh, Weiss passed the cookie from her lunch tray to Ruby while giving Yang a look of annoyance.

“We won’t have classes, but there’s still a lot to do.  You should probably look further in your calendar than today,” she replied, opting for a light insult instead of explaining something Yang should already know plenty about.  They’d received a handout just last week from Professor Port that went over the details, after all.  Of course, they probably hadn’t even read it...


Turning away from Yang, Weiss found that Ruby was just as confused as her sister.

“What’s The Winter Challenge?”

Sighing again, Weiss already knew she would explain to Ruby when she refused to be as lenient with Yang.  But Ruby was her partner - and she alone was responsible for making sure their somewhat-bumbling leader stayed on top of things.  Otherwise, they’d never have practice or finish their team projects on time.

“The Winter Challenge is a series of small events each team competes in over break,” she explained to Ruby (if someone else at the table happened to overhear, that was unfortunate but acceptable).  “There are a lot of team-building activities, but also a fighting tournament.  Teams earn points based on how many activities they finish and how well they do.  The team with the most points at the end of break wins.”

There was a challenge for every day of the week, with some rather goofy while others were more serious.  Teams were allowed to pick and choose what they wanted to try, or they could attempt everything if they were extra ambitious.

“Is it mandatory?” Ruby asked.

“Well, no, but it is if you want to win.”

At Weiss’ answer, Ruby and Yang shared one of those looks that said the two were considering not participating in favor of relaxing and taking the embarrassing loss.  Weiss sighed again.  Everything was carrot with these two - they wouldn't get out of bed if they weren’t offered a reward.

“The winning team gets unscheduled access to the upper level sparing rooms for the rest of the year.”

As suspected, Ruby and Yang’s eyes bugged open and their jaws dropped in unison.

“Are you serious??” Yang asked in a high-pitched voice.  “That’s awesome!

“We have to win that!” Ruby added, reaching across the table to give her sister a high-five.  Weiss shook her head and tried to share a look of commiseration with Blake...but Blake was too busy looking disappointed that Yang had moved her arm in order to slap Ruby’s hand.

Well, if Blake had been paying attention, she and Weiss could have shared again their woes of having such a...dynamic duo...of sisters for partners. 

Fortunately, Yang and Ruby were exceptionally easy to deal with once you figured out how to bribe them.  Offer anything shiny, ‘awesome,’ valuable, or (in Ruby’s case) sweet and they’d practically trip over themselves trying to earn it.

In this instance though, the reward justified their enthusiastic pursuit.  The upper level combat rooms were way better than what the underclassmen were traditionally given access to.  Top of the line technology allowed almost infinite combat scenarios.  They could spawn Atlesians - thousands of them if they wanted to.  And unscheduled access...they could walk in whenever they felt like it.  

All of the teams in the lower years were excited about it.  Even Blake, who rarely got excited for anything other than a new book, appeared to be interested in such a big reward.

As for Weiss...well, she’d had just such a room growing up, so she personally knew how advantageous it was to have access to that technology.  It would take their team to the next level.  And hopefully to the top of their class - or the school.

The Vale Voice

“Good morning, Blake.”

“Good morning, Lola,” she said, hardly turning away from the email she was typing while Lola sat down at her desk and got to work.  Recognizing that the workday had begun, Blake’s eyes shifted to the door every few seconds - sitting on pins and needles expecting Weiss’ employee to arrive.  Would they be early?  Late?  Right on time?

When the door opened next, Blake’s heart jumped - only to fall back into place when it was only Velvet and Victor walking in, the two of them chatting softly before separating towards their desks.  Velvet caught Blake’s eyes before gesturing one ear towards the desk beside her.  When Blake raised both hands to show that she had no idea when they’d arrive, Velvet nodded and got right to work.

With the moment of truth upon them, Blake tapped her fingers against her desk and debated whether or not to start editing only to be interrupted midway through.  The decision was made for her when the door opened (giving her another mini heart attack) and Sun bounded in with a big smile.

If there was one person who might hurt their chances, it was Sun - although that thought felt far too harsh knowing what Blake knew about him.  There was a reason why he’d stuck around so long, and it wasn’t for her (even though that was the answer he’d undoubtedly give).  He wanted the world to be a better place, and he was trying to help them get there.  He just believed in having a good time in the process, something Blake had never been able to emulate.

He was as dedicated as the rest of them, but she knew it might not appear that way.  The last thing she wanted to do was ask him to change, but she was also loathe to allow some stranger to judge him incorrectly.

Standing, she walked to the door right as he dumped his bag onto the desk in front of her.

“Hey Sun,” she said, gesturing him forward when she’d captured his attention.  “Can you come here a second?”

“Sure!”  With a huge smile, he jogged into her office and leaned against the chair in front of her.  “What’s up?  Free tonight?”

“Still busy,” she answered before lowering her voice so as not to be overheard - although in an office of Faunus that was basically an impossible task.  “I have a small favor to ask.  We’re going to have a visitor in the office for a little while.  Can you make sure you’re on your best behavior?”

“Of course!  Anything for you.”  When he dropped his voice and winked, she rolled her eyes.

“I appreciate it regardless.  You don’t need to go too far out of your way, just...tone it down a little bit?”

“Pfft...tone it down?  Blake -” Sun shook his head.  “You know I’m always trying to tone up!

When Sun grinned and flexed his muscles, Blake gave an incredulous shake of her head.

“Ok, got it -” Quickly ruffling his perpetually-ruffled hair, he gave her a thumbs up.  “That’s what I should be ‘toning down.’”

“Only for a few weeks,” Blake assured him.  “As soon as they’re gone, you can go back to…‘toning up,’ as much as you need to.”

From Sun’s blinding grin, the permission was music to his ears.  As Blake was about to add an addendum, she picked up a feeling that was out of place - a disturbance that was difficult to put her finger on until she turned back to the office and it immediately became clear.

Everyone was here, yet someone new had just walked through the door.


Watching through the glass walls of her office, Blake listened intently as their new arrival caught Velvet’s attention.

“Am I in the right place?” the girl asked.  “This is The Vale Voice, right?”

“Uh, wow.”  

Sun’s summation was pretty appropriate.  Weiss’ ‘trusted employee’ was something of a looker - tall, blonde, with a model’s physique and a model’s wardrobe.

“Is that who you want me to be on my best behavior for?” Sun asked, still gawking through the open office door while Velvet shook the girl’s hand.  “Cuz I can totally...do...that…”

“Get back to work,” Blake said, nudging him out of his nearly-drooling trance.  She didn’t want to make a bigger deal of this than it was.

When Sun flew out the door and right up to the girl to introduce himself, Blake shook her head and sighed in exasperation.  Still, she watched the office attentively - reading everyone’s reactions to their visitor.

Sun was elated, as evidenced by his cheshire-cat grin.  Velvet was surprised, but almost pleasantly so.  It was Victor and Lola who were staring in visible shock - although hopefully it was pure surprise and not agitation.

Still talking animatedly - with the new girl listening with a smile - Sun looked like he’d stand there forever if Velvet hadn’t cut in and said a few words before pointing the girl towards the office.  When the two of them made eye contact and the new girl headed over, Blake walked behind her desk and mentally prepared herself for the impending introduction.

She was unwilling to sacrifice who they were, but she could at least be cordial.

“Uh, hey!” 

Looking up and catching the new girl’s eyes - a vivid lilac that Blake likely wouldn’t forget - she put on a pleasant smile and waved their visitor forward.

“Come on in,” she said, keeping her desk between them as the girl walked right up to it and extended a hand.

“I’m Yang.” 

“Blake,” she responded while shaking Yang’s hand.  As soon as Blake let go, Yang clapped her hands together in front of her as if she wasn’t entirely sure what to do with them.

“Weiss sent me over.  Said you guys could use a hand.”  A spike of indignation shot through Blake at the insinuation that they needed help with their daily work, but Yang continued unaware.  “Sorry I’m late.  This place is kinda off the beaten path.  Got lost a few times.”

“I’m glad you were able to make it safely,” Blake replied.  “I can write down directions if you need them…”

“I think I’ve got it now, but thanks for the offer.”  Yang grinned before sweeping her eyes quickly around the small office.  “So you’re in charge here?  I’m guessin’ cuz you’re the only one with an office.”  

“Yes, I’m the editor-in-chief, accountant, marketing department, babysitter, all of the above,” Blake replied, feeling tired just thinking about it.

“Woah, sounds like you could use some extra hands.”

“Unfortunately, there’s no money for that,” she answered honestly.  “That’s why you’re here.  But Weiss didn’t give me any of your information - which newspaper did you work at before?”

“Uh, none of them,” Yang replied with a shake of her head.

“None?” Blake asked in surprise.  “Do you have any experience in print journalism?”

“Do you count reading the paper every once in a while?  Otherwise, no.”

“What about advertising?”


Yang’s honest answers left Blake completely miffed - and more than a little annoyed.

“How are you supposed to accurately gauge our capabilities if you have no experience in this industry?” she asked, mostly rhetorically.

“‘Gauge’ you?  Weiss asked me to come over and help you guys out with whatever you need.  I’m just supposed to tell her how it goes.”

Opening her mouth, nothing but a small scoff slipped past Blake’s lips.  This hadn’t started at all how she’d expected.  She’d thought that Weiss would send some seasoned veteran of the journalism world who would instantly find a hundred tiny processes they could be doing better, not...a complete novice.  More than a complete novice - someone who probably had no right to be in any type of news environment.

“What are you supposed to help with then?” Blake asked, and Yang shrugged her shoulders.

“I was thinking you’d tell me that.  Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it.  I’m more than happy to help with anything.”

Blake peered at Yang closely.  The words, tone, demeanor, everything seemed genuine.

“You can shadow some of the other writers today,” she finally said, unable to come up with anything else at the moment.  “Get an idea of how things work around here.  Victor can show you how to set up the computer.”

“Cool!  I can do that,” Yang replied with another big grin, nodding her head in agreement.

She was chipper.  Very chipper.  Of course, what didn’t she have to be happy about?  She’d won the genetic lottery.

“Ok, then…” Blake said, nodding towards door.  Taking the hint, Yang headed that way.

“It was nice to meet you,” she added before leaving.

“You too,” Blake replied, sitting down and turning her attention back to her work.  Hearing the door close, she looked up and watched Yang introduce herself to Victor and Lola.  

At least she seemed friendly.  Time would tell how real that friendliness was.

Blake refused to pander to her though.  If they were going to win over Schnee Industries’ business, it would be by remaining true to who they were.  If Yang spent time here and found flaws in their process, then so be it.  How’d she’d find flaws when she had no journalistic experience...Blake had no idea.  

In the meantime, she would continue searching for other companies to fill the spaces in their pages.


And there you have it!  I hope you enjoyed looking into these upcoming stories.  I’m really excited to finish them up so that you can see what happens!

Again, thank you for all of your support.  With this finished, I’ll get back to writing.  :D

Until next time, 



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