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The environment solidified around them, but the first thing Blake noticed about this new chapter was that she and Yang were still holding hands - their fingers still intertwined, with Yang seeming to have no intention of changing that anytime soon. Rather, she was looking around while tall walls replaced the gazebo, and they found themselves standing in the massive entryway of what appeared to be an exquisitely decorated palace.

The ceilings must be three stories above their head and were painted with classical images of royalty. There was a wide staircase to their right, covered in a thick red carpet and splitting off in two directions towards the upper levels. The white marble floor gleamed with fresh polish. The gold trim adorning majestic marble columns shimmered under the light of a strikingly-beautiful chandelier hanging above their heads.

On any other day, the palace itself would be the most remarkable sight to behold, but today it was the people stealing much of the attention.

The palace staff was rushing in all directions, coming and going and speaking excitedly amongst themselves as they went. Some were cleaning, some were carrying vases of flowers or platters piled with food, and some were just rushing - as if they didn't know precisely what to do, but knew they needed to do something.

Turning in a slow circle, Yang’s eyes drank in as many details as possible before her gaze landed on Blake.

“What's going on?” she asked, her eyes flitting to the side as a maid rushed past them.

“They’re preparing for a celebration.” 

While Blake spoke, she nodded towards two butlers hurrying towards the front doors. These particular doors towered over any man, made of solid wood and appearing exceptionally heavy by the way one of the men tugged heartily in order to pull it open.

The sound of cheers and many, many voices burst through as soon as the door was opened an inch. Curious about the noise, Yang stepped closer to Blake and looked through the doorway while the butlers rushed outside and disappeared from view.

The palace grounds were filled with people. Everyone was laughing, cheering, talking - a celebration already underway while they waited for the main event.

“I knew you liked to party,” Yang joked, nodding outside with a grin.

“Probably a different kind of party than you're used to.”

“Eh…” Yang shrugged and turned back to Blake after a third butler shoved the door shut and cut the crowds from view. “To be honest, I'm having a much better time here with you than I’ve had at any party.”

Between Yang’s words, her prior admission, and the way she was looking at Blake right now, Blake felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment and happiness. She had no idea why Yang might like her, but over the course of these chapters, they'd grown impossibly close - close enough that the discomfort she’d once felt had almost completely disappeared. Not only was it easy to spend time with Yang, but it was also enjoyable - it was something she wanted to do. And it seemed borderline miraculous that Yang felt the same.

“I'm glad you’re having a good time here, with me,” Blake replied in a soft whisper as her cheeks grew hotter. There was a chance the words would be swallowed up in the hustle and bustle surrounding them, but Yang heard them clearly - and smiled so brightly Blake wouldn’t dare look away.

“Do you think it’s weird that I’m enjoying this so much?” Yang asked, taking a step closer and making Blake’s heart pound in anticipation. At this minimal distance, Blake had to tilt her head up to meet Yang's eyes...

“No,” she answered, never turning away from Yang’s gaze. “I felt the same way the first time. And every time since then...” 

When Yang laughed, Blake smiled and soaked in the feeling of warmth emanating from the person in front of her. 

“Totally wish I could’ve seen that,” Yang admitted, her eyes sparkling joyfully at the idea. And, when another thought popped into her head, her smile grew. “You know, it feels like we’ve known each other a really long time.”

“It does,” Blake replied, agreeing with the statement wholeheartedly.

Though they started this journey as acquaintances, at best, the experiences they shared had broken down the walls of unfamiliarity. They might not know everything about each other just yet, but she was confident that was a trivial barrier that could be lowered over time. If she had questions, all she had to do was ask - and she could ask, she was sure of that now.

Reaching out, Yang gently pushed a strand of hair out of Blake’s eyes, making her unwittingly shiver when fingertips lightly grazed her temple.

“You're really pretty, you know?”

Whether or not Blake believed that statement, it was impossible to disagree with Yang's eyes right now. They were filled with certainty and determination, along with a great deal of anticipation and a dash of nerves mixed in.

When Yang took a half step closer, the two of them now close enough that Blake could feel warm breaths brushing across her cheek, she was positive her eyes reflected the same expectation and nerves - especially when Yang smiled and leaned closer.

“Hello, Sir -”

“Good morning, Sir -”

The sudden chorus of respectful greetings caused Yang's eyes to drift, and that moment - whatever it had been - faded away. Released from the magic of lilac eyes, Blake turned around and found a tall, well-dressed man making his way through the slew of workers buzzing about the palace floor. His pants were smartly creased at the sides; his jacket was neatly pressed and adorned with an array of colors symbolizing various titles. Every person he passed paused to greet him and dipped their heads in respect before hurrying on to their next task. 

He gave each person a nod in return, but never faltered in his path towards the staircase that would lead him to the second level of the palace. There was a clear limp in his gait that implied a recent injury not yet fully healed, but the pain seemed to bother him little. If anything, it was nothing but a minor hindrance preventing him from reaching his destination as fast as possible.

“Now that’s our character,” Yang said before looking to Blake for confirmation. “Right?”

“You’re getting pretty good at this,” Blake replied with a nod. When Yang laughed, Blake smiled - still silently thrilled that Yang was having so much fun figuring out the course of these chapters.

The next second, Blake’s heart jumped in surprise when - without an ounce of hesitation - Yang slid her hand down to Blake's and led them after the man.


They’d almost made it to the staircase when the voice cut above the noise of the palace and stopped the man in his tracks - which stopped Yang, and therefore Blake as well. Sighing at the sound of his name, the man threw on a smile while turning towards the sharply-dressed man navigating through the workers to catch up with him.

“Yes, Everett?”

“Where are you going?” Everett demanded, stalking right up to Alexander with purpose earned through years of service.

“I'm going upstairs to get ready. You'd prefer me to be early than late, wouldn't you?”

With a pleasant smile, Alexander knew that the question trapped the over-organized head-of-state in a philosophical quagmire. Of course, Everett wasn’t naive enough to fall for Alexander’s thought-out explanation - not anymore, at least.

But before a response (or an order) could be issued, a third man ran up to them - although he was less of a man and more of boy. Out of breath from whatever distance he’d just crossed, he slouched over as he delivered his news.

“Sir! There's a bit of a problem - with the salute.”

The words caught Everett's full attention.

“What do you mean, a problem with the salute?” he snapped. “What problem could there possibly be with a salute?”

When the younger boy simply shrugged - the answers to those questions clearly out of his scope of responsibilities - Everett sighed and shot a stern look at Alexander. “I'll see you upstairs,” he said before rushing off with the messenger to solve this latest problem.

As soon as the pair disappeared from the room, Alexander smiled to himself. One problem out of the way, he continued on his original path leading upstairs.

“Ohhh he totally planned that, didn't he?” Yang remarked, practically bouncing up the royal red steps to the second floor. “Look at him - he's all smug about it too!”

“He’s trying to do something he’s not supposed to,” Blake explained while they followed Alexander up the stairs. Like all of the other palace workers, he knew exactly where he was going - up the stairs, to the left, and to the left again. The directions led them towards the front of the building on the second story, while still walking on clean marble that reflected light from the decorative sconces placed every few feet.

“Lemme guess - that Everett guy is always making him follow the rules?”

“Or trying to,” Blake replied as they trailed their character at his slow gait down the hall. Turning to the side, she looked at Yang - whose perfect waves of golden hair and bright smile seemed to fit in these halls. “You know, this place suits you.”

“You mean it suits us,” Yang replied, sending that blinding smile Blake’s way - along with a good dose of sincerity. “I’d like to think we deserve it after what we’ve been through,” she added, playfully nudging Blake’s shoulder when they slowed to a stop at the end of the hall. Feeling Yang’s fingers intertwined with her own, Blake gave them a short squeeze - at the same time strangely comfortable with the gesture while wondering if her heart would ever stop beating so quickly when they held hands.

Alexander made it to the very last room on the right-hand side of the hall, which would be easy to find due to the two guards stationed outside - one standing at attention on either side of the door.

“Test number two,” Blake commented, watching Alexander walk right up to the door. As expected, both guards immediately stepped forward to prevent him from moving any closer.

“Sorry, Sir. We were given strict orders not to let you pass.”

Another sigh slipped out while Alexander surveyed the two men standing between him and the mission he was determined to see through to the very end.

“He really put you up to this?” he asked, likely referring to the hard-nosed steward he thought he’d distracted downstairs.

“It's tradition -”

“Screw tradition,” Alexander interrupted, for the first time sounding moderately annoyed at being kept from his goal. Sighing again when he heard the tone of voice, he shook his head and found a small smile.

“Today's supposed to be a celebration,” he said, his warm brown eyes imploring them to understand. “I haven't seen her in two days, and I'd just like to talk to her before we're bound for eternity. Is that really too much to ask?”

The two guards shared a look while they debated his words, their resolve clearly weakening.

“Besides - Everett might be upset, but I can assure you that she'll be plenty happy.” Gesturing towards the door, Alexander grinned. “And who would you rather make happy today - that old stick-in-the-mud or your new queen?” 

The appeal to reason worked, as the two men shared another long look before glancing down the hall in every direction to see if anyone else was around. Finding the hallways currently empty of witnesses (besides Blake and Yang, of course), they finally stepped out of the way and turned their backs so they couldn't see the door. Smiling in success, Alexander opened it and slipped through.

“I need to take some smooth-talking lessons from this dude,” Yang said, quickly following Alexander into a room that was just as opulent as the foyer downstairs. The furniture was traced in gold, there was another chandelier hanging from the ceiling - a smaller version of the one downstairs - and every wall from floor-to-ceiling sparkled majestically.

But, unlike the frenetic activity being carried out elsewhere in the palace, this room was quiet, still, and empty - save for a woman sitting at the large window overlooking the palace grounds. She was dressed all in white - an exquisite white gown that sparkled with rows and rows of tiny diamonds. Her dark brown hair was pinned up in a refined bun - on which a tiara sat, adding more diamonds and more sparkles to her already glowing persona.

Upon seeing her guest, she stood and rushed over to give him a big hug - one that he returned willingly, embracing her warmly.

“You made it,” she said, the words coming out like a sigh of relief. When she stepped away, she held onto both of his hands, content to maintain their constant connection.

“Of course I did. I promised you, didn’t I?”

“But the guards -”

“Were hardly any trouble,” he finished, squeezing both of her hands while looking at her dress. “Cecilia…” he breathed out, meeting her eyes and smiling. “You look beautiful.”

“Me?” she asked in return, placing one hand on her collar before shaking her head. “What about you?”

“Well, I know I'm beautiful. Wouldn't have caught your eye otherwise.” 

The grin he wore only grew when she laughed at his joke.

“That's true,” she agreed. “I am incredibly vain, you know.”

“You’re anything but,” he replied, pulling her close and leaning down to kiss her on the lips. The kiss was chaste and sweet, but when they pulled apart she sighed happily and leaned into his chest.

“Can you believe we made it through everything in one piece?” 

“Almost in one piece,” he added, reaching down and patting his leg.

Glancing to the side, Blake found that Yang was watching the interaction with a silly smile on her lips - clearly delighted by the conversation. Her expression made Blake inexplicably happy because...without knowing it, she’d managed to find another chapter that Yang really enjoyed. And this was their happy ending - just like Yang wished for.

“Your parents would be really proud,” Alexander said, but the comment earned him an amused look.

“What about your parents?” Cecilia countered with a partial grin, reaching up to straighten his collar. “I'm sure they never expected their ornery son to become a hero.”

“l never expected that either,” he answered. “But then I met you.” 

“Oh bull,” she immediately replied, sounding not at all princess-like while she playfully shoved his shoulder. “You were every bit a hero when I met you.”

“Are you sure about that?”

Reaching out, Alexander tickled Cecilia’s sides, grinning all the while as she laughed and tried to escape his grasp.

“God, they're so cute,” Yang said, turning to Blake and smiling.  “I could listen to them tease each other forever.”

“Should I leave you here then?” Blake asked, playfully motioning towards the door and taking a step in that direction. She was stopped by their still-joined hands, as Yang gently tugged her close again.

“Don’t you dare - this wouldn’t be half as enjoyable without you.”

The comment made Blake blush, especially as she felt Yang’s warmth seeping into her side and shoulder - the two of them standing so close that it wouldn’t be much of a leap for Yang to wrap her arms around Blake right now.

It was unbelievable that Blake thought it could actually happen, too - that they were that close now, and that there was a small voice in her head willing Yang to do it.

“I do wonder what the world has in store for us next,” Cecilia asked, looking up into Alexander’s eyes with unconcealed hesitation.

“Whatever it is, we’ll conquer it together,” he assured her.

A double-knock landed on the door then, drawing their attention away from each other. No one entered the room, but the signal was enough to let them know that it was time to leave this sanctuary behind. It was time for them to get back to the rest of the story - and the rest of their lives.

Looking away from the door, Alexander smiled once again.

“Are you ready?” he asked, extending one hand to the girl of his dreams, the love of his life, and his soon-to-be wife. After looking at his hand for a second, she smiled up at him as she took it.

“I’m ready if you are.”

Hand-in-hand, the two of them walked towards their happy ending. 

“By the way,” Alexander commented before opening the door. “There are two guards outside who are probably deserving of a promotion.”

Laughing at the comment, Cecilia shook her head, smiling all the while as he opened the door and bowed her through first.

“We aren't even married yet and you're already handing out promotions?”

“Anything for the opportunity to see you a few minutes sooner.”

On the other side of the door, the two guards bowed as Cecilia walked out. Pausing for a moment, she dipped her head to them in return.

“l greatly appreciate your use of discretion,” she said with a smile. “It may not be tradition...but it might be time for some changes around here.”

With that said, she smiled again and continued away from the room - her head held high even though her stomach was still filled with butterflies.

“Yang,” Blake said, pulling them out of the room and trailing the regal couple towards a gathering of people directly ahead. Turning to her right, she smiled at Yang’s slightly confused, yet expectant expression.

“Are you ready?” Blake asked, her own excitement building at the impending end of this story. Even unknowing what was coming next, Yang responded with a bright smile.

“You know it.” 

The answer lifted Blake’s heart as the two of them stopped near the group of people standing in front of a large pair of double doors in what was the center of the building. Several high-ranking palace staff and guards stood at attention while the princess and her hero joined them. Their hands were still linked - the two of them ready and willing to face this next chapter of their lives together.

A prominent member of this group was the man who’d tried and failed to stall Alexander downstairs - and, as Everett watched the two of them approach together, he looked very much like he was sucking on a lemon.

“Everett, do drop the sour look," Cecilia said teasingly. Her words lacked any form of command, but Everett immediately complied.

“My apologies, Your Highness," he replied with a bow. “l shouldn't be surprised that you want to do this your way - you’ve insisted upon breaking with tradition ever since you were a little girl.”

“And you’ve been there to make sure I knew which traditions needed to stay,” she replied, reaching out and pulling him into a loving hug that he returned. For a brief moment, he lowered his constant professionalism and smiled before letting her go and resuming his rigid posture.

“Now then,” he said, straightening his jacket as if that gesture had meant nothing to him. But when he turned back to Cecilia, it was with caring eyes. “Are you ready?”

Before answering the question Cecilia looked up at Alexander, who smiled down at her. Taking Alexander’s hand once more, Cecilia turned to Everett and nodded.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

At some invisible cue, two of the palace staff reached out and took hold of the polished brass door handles in front of them. In practiced unison, the double doors were pulled open at the exact same moment, and sunlight streamed into the hallway as the sound of cheers filled their ears.

There was a large, white balcony outside that overlooked the palace grounds and, further in the distance, the sprawling city leading down to a shimmering bay. Today, the view was of a sea of people filling the courtyards and beyond, stretching nearly as far as the eye could see.

Taking one last look to her right, Cecilia smiled up at her companion before the two of them stepped out onto the wide balcony together. 

“Come on,” Blake whispered, pulling Yang through the doors right after the couple - just in time to catch the crowd erupting into applause upon seeing their new rulers approach the railing. When the princess raised her free hand and waved, the cheers grew louder. Whistles punctuated the sound as a series of horns sounded from somewhere nearby - the perfect salute to the young woman on her impending wedding.

The energy was infectious. The celebration reached deep inside and lifted Blake’s heart on a swell of joyful emotions - because here, from atop the balcony, it was almost believable that the crowd was cheering for her...for her and Yang. It was as if, by completing these seven chapters together, they were being congratulated in their own way. For their ability to overcome their initial fear of the unknown and learn to embrace the opportunities they were given, and for learning a thing or two along the way about what it meant to be bold and willing to fight for something or someone they believed in.

Leaving the crowd behind, Blake turned her full attention to Yang - being much more interested in Yang’s reaction than in soaking in the feeling of victory. And Yang’s eyes were currently sweeping across the overjoyed masses, moving back and forth while her mouth hung open in either surprise or amazement or both.

“After this, they’ll go to the chapel -” Blake explained, nodding towards the beautiful white building nestled amongst the city streets across the way. “That’s where they’ll be married.”

The book never described the details of the actual ceremony, opting instead to inform the reader of the impending nuptials but end the story at this moment - where the main characters were lifted up by the very people they’d sacrificed so much for. But to anyone standing here, feeling this moment, it was very clearly a ‘happily ever after.’ There was no other way to describe the crescendo of emotions other than joy and relief bubbling over.

Even though Blake hadn’t participated in their war, she could partake in their triumph. At this moment, it felt as genuine and real as any victory she’d known - and she was extremely grateful that she wasn’t experiencing it alone.

Eventually, Yang turned to Blake with that shocked expression still in place.

“Blake...this is incredible.”

Smiling at the perfect summation, Blake squeezed Yang’s hand as her heart did a happy somersault in her chest.

“It is,” she agreed, allowing the jubilation to sweep through her as the cheers of the crowd suddenly multiplied - a surprised fervor filling the air. Turning to the side, she smiled when she saw that Alexander was pressing a loving kiss to Cecilia’s lips - another tradition broken in front of thousands of onlookers, and a clear statement that change was on the horizon. But after the past few years of turmoil, change was probably for the better.

“He’s not supposed to do that either,” Blake said with a light laugh. When she turned back to Yang, she found eyes filled with marvel.

“This is incredible,” Yang repeated, looking out over the crowds. “This entire thing...being here with you...it’s incredible.”

While Yang stared at the people in wonder, Blake watched with a smile.

The way Yang appreciated these adventures made it immensely rewarding to share them with her. Not only did she appreciate them, but she experienced them in ways Blake had never even considered before.

“Can I do this with you again?” Yang suddenly asked, turning away from the balcony as the main characters shared another kiss and sent even more fervor through the crowds. Ignoring them, Yang picked up Blake’s other hand and pulled her close, staring down into her eyes all the while. “Can we do this again?”

Before today, if Blake had been forced to choose one person to share this secret with, it probably wouldn’t have been Yang. But, after sharing this adventure together, she doubted anyone else would have been as enjoyable to spend this time with. She doubted anyone else could have made what was already a wonderful experience...even more wonderful.

“Absolutely,” she replied, smiling as she nodded. “I’d love to.”

The positive answer made Yang grin, and Blake’s heart did a double beat while the two of them shared in that feeling of elation and...intimacy. The longer they stood there, so close together, a bubble of yearning grew in Blake’s chest - a feeling that boiled over when Yang leaned forward.

The cue was silent, yet Blake felt it all the same - and she met Yang’s lips halfway for a kiss.

The horns sounded again, three long salutes to the triumphant prince and princess, and the crowd cheered in jubilation when the wedding procession finally began. But Blake’s happiness was no longer stemming from them - it was coming from Yang, whose lips were soft and warm as they pressed against her own, expressing a rush of emotions to Blake through action rather than words. A hand appeared on her lower back, pulling her closer as she reached up and wove one hand through Yang’s hair.

Admittedly, Blake had daydreamed about what it would be like to kiss Yang. Experiencing it in real life...was far better than she’d ever imagined, as her heart pounded in her chest and her skin tingled with excitement.

When they finally broke apart, with Yang’s hands still resting on Blake’s hips and Blake’s hand falling to Yang’s shoulder, they laughed - both of them probably feeling equally surprised at how unexpected and amazing that had just been.

“I, uh…” Yang started to say before another delighted laugh slipped out. “I’m sorry, I just - god, I’ve wanted to do that forever.” 

The comment caught Blake off guard, as did the way Yang reached up and twirled a lock of Blake’s hair around one finger.

“You have?”

“Yeah. Basically since...since that macro econ class our first year.”

Shocked by the revelation, Blake briefly glanced to the side - as their main characters shared one last, long kiss - before looking back into Yang’s eyes.

“Then I hope...it was ok?” she asked, suddenly more embarrassed at what they’d just done. At least, she would have felt embarrassed had it not been for Yang’s beaming smile and reassuring lilac eyes.

“That was way more than ok…”

At that moment, the characters in the story disappeared and, with them, the sound of the crowd as well. Left alone on the balcony, Yang looked around the suddenly quiet space and then took Blake’s hands in her own, intertwining their fingers together.

“Would it be lame if I wanted to kiss you again?” she asked, staring at their joined hands before finally meeting Blake’s eyes.

“No.” With a slight shake of her head, Blake stepped closer. Her heart was pounding again - even louder this time because she knew to expect what was to come. “That wouldn’t be lame at all.”

“Then...can I kiss you again?”

What reason could Blake possibly have to say ‘no’ to that question? This wasn’t supposed to happen, because they’d fallen into this adventure together by mistake? They’d hardly spoken before this secret had been revealed? They belonged in different social circles, had different friends, or any of the other excuses Blake had used to explain her lack of courage in trying to forge a relationship?

None of those reasons actually mattered, which was why her heart had already made a decision.

“Yes,” she answered, her breath catching when Yang smiled.

The environment began to blur, but neither of them was paying attention to it any longer. When Yang leaned forward, Blake tilted her head up to accept the kiss. When her eyes fluttered shut and excitement buzzed through her veins, it ceased to matter if they were standing outside of a royal palace, on a war-torn battlefield, or out in the middle of a snowy field - as long as Yang was here with her.

She couldn’t say she’d ever thought about what it might be like to kiss someone in the midst of a romance...but it was absolutely incredible.


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