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First Time Watching Planet of the Apes for JL.  Patreon Exclusive/Patron Pick.   


PATREON Planet of the Apes 1968 Movie Reaction First Time Watching


Echo Moon

I have watched this one countless times but only today did I hear Heston say when the astronauts were walking around surveying the "new" planet that there was no moon. There are many discrepancies in the film if you look deep enough, like the no moon thing. If there were no moon there would have been no waves at the ocean/beach. Also, the apes crudely carve all of the buildings and furniture out of rock but they can also smelt metal because of the cage bars in the lab areas and bullets. Then there is the wood working with the wheels on the horse carts and finally the complex parts of the rifles. Everything is fairly primitive except the rifles which consist of small parts, mechanics, and finely carved wood stocks. It feels like the writers just put in many different "ages". Like during the stone age (like what is represented from all the crudely carved buildings) there would not have been anyone doing metallurgy...especially a complex item like a rifle. But...the film is supposed to be about the message in the story, not nitpicking the details. LOL I love this film and the franchise so much! I feel one reason this film has held up so well is that the awesome Rod Serling (the creator/writer/host of the OG Twilight Zone) helped write the script. :)


to be fair though we only see 1 small city, and it may be possible for different tech, to advance at different speeds, or what survived we had metal cages and rifles and horses as the main transportation for a long time. This is one of those older pop culture movies that i guess gets overlooked by modern audiences or those who have grown up with CGI and modern movie-making and older films where everything had to be creative practical effects and sets. If I remember right in the original Star Trek TV show the props for DR. McCoys medical implements were a salt and pepper set that happened to look futureistic lol.


Planet of the Apes (1968) Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972) Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973) Planet of the Apes (2001) Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)


yeah Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2011 to the 2024 films is basically an updated version of some of those later movies in the '70s the 2001 Aoes is the one with mark Wallburn which is OK but not as good as the original film, I don't think it did well at the box office.


I remember hearing that these productions took over so many of the makeup artists in the city, other productions were put on hold.

Ashley Minor

I did a full watch through of all the planet of the apes movies recently and the originals are so interesting even when they're not good. Such a dark series for how goofy it seems on the outside. Director's cut of Conquest of the is my personal fav

Miss Gigglebox

This is the first time I've seen this and really enjoyed it. So, from this ending they apparently landed back on earth the entire time and not a different solar system like they said? I was a bit confused when I saw the Statue of Liberty but I think that's what happened. Now, I'm just confused how apes took over and learned to talk. Looks like I might have to watch other movies to learn these answers.