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2023 Week 23 Poll: Mixed Bag of Films J is Interested to Watch Poll!!!

  • Batman (1989) 78
  • The Others (2001) 19
  • The Ring (2002) 50
  • Pacific Rim (2013) 14
  • The Meg (2018) 11
  • 2023-05-22
  • —2023-05-29
  • 172 votes
{'title': '2023 Week 23 Poll: Mixed Bag of Films J is Interested to Watch Poll!!!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Batman (1989)', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'The Others (2001) ', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'The Ring (2002) ', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Pacific Rim (2013) ', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'The Meg (2018) ', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 14, 35, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 22, 16, 21, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 172}


Another week, another EOM Patreon Poll.  These are all movies J is interested in seeing, and seeing him request slots for horror/thriller movies lets me know J is growing up right in front of our eyes.   So proud of him.   JLoween may have actually done him some good.   

But, we're here to vote, so get them in ASAP.   You got a week, so let's see what it's gonna be, peeps.    Voting lasts a week as usual, so let's see what it's gonna be!



God damn dude. These are all reaction gold for one reason or another. Not saying what I voted for because it’s gonna change 5 more times

Rae Rae

I was too scared to watch The Ring. Otherwise, Batman and The Others are good. Pacific Rim was good for one watch but not sure I'd watch it again.

Hot Indie Media

I'm surprised "Pacific Rim" isn't doing better in this poll :-(

T.J. Gengler

I accept that I’m the demented freak but I really want to see J’s reaction to the ‘66 Batman with Adam West. Yes, my therapist is aware of my interest and we are discussing treatment options.

Hot Indie Media

Oh my goodness, I had no idea Tom Morella from Rage Against The Machine had a had in this theme? https://youtu.be/pnFdDqSDRDE

Eva Combs

I hope you do all of them at some point. These are all great choices.

Renee S

Speaking of horror, since J has done Friday the 13th I want to get in my early vote for Sleepaway Camp as the follow up for next Jloween. Let's really blow his mind with that one, lol.

I am the walrus

His horror reactions are pure gold so I gotta vote for the ring. Would love to see him watch the movie "smile" or "barbarian"


This is only funny to me because comic movies don't usually do as well on the channel, and we almost didn't put Batman on here. Now it's maybe the most lopsided poll we've done. LoL

Big Frank

I feel like I'm going to need to wash my mouth with soap, voting for a horror flick... But The Ring is one of the few horror movies that I like!!!!


The Ring! But you WILL have to watch cartoons after that one. 🤣

g g gooding

Mine of a mind makes a mookie.

mike baker

The one true batman all other batman are just imitating

g g gooding

Well Blank, now y'all gotta poll The Shadow, The Rocketeer, the Dolph Punisher and He-Man, Black Mask, the never-released Corman Fantastic-4, the proper Super Mario... I *know* from his comments that JL's already seen The Phantom, the ghost who walks. SLAM evil! (bitch)


From what i have been told by people who have seen the flash, they went to cinema con and they showed the whole film. the must-see films before see the flash are both Keaton Batman films, Man of Steel, and the Theatrical version of justice league, esp JL, that the films build off of where the flash is at the end of that film. The theatrical is the official WB cannon even if most viewers i think prefer the HBO max 4-hour one. though I myself like the theatrical version most.

Charles Clover

Yeah, man. We gotta start you off with Batman

Big Frank

Hey Blank would you consider rotating The Ring if it gets second place, at a latter date???


The Ring, and Sinister ("scientifically" the scariest movie ever, as measured by the number of times viewers' heart rates spiked)


Please if Batman wins do Batman Returns, just nothing after that lol


Batman and Robin is the one I want J to see the most. That’ll be an epic reaction. LoL


with the recent passing of Tina turner, it struck me that the theme song for Goldeneye- the james bond film already on the channel is sung by turner, might be something to think about putting over on YT, a little extra tribute intro by J. just something to think about.