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2024 Poll 27: Blank's Birthday Picks Poll!!!

  • Airheads (1994) 76
  • Species (1995) 94
  • Tin Cup (1996) 31
  • Ravenous (1999) 24
  • The Hunted (2003) 21
  • 2024-06-17
  • —2024-06-24
  • 246 votes
{'title': "2024 Poll 27: Blank's Birthday Picks Poll!!!", 'choices': [{'text': 'Airheads (1994)', 'votes': 76}, {'text': 'Species (1995)', 'votes': 94}, {'text': 'Tin Cup (1996)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Ravenous (1999) ', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'The Hunted (2003) ', 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 24, 16, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 17, 17, 31, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 246}


What up, peeps! Time for another poll, but this week, it's one I'm excited about. That's because it's Birthday Time for Blank coming up (4th of July), so these are all Blank picks that Blank wants to see J watch. Some of these are gonna pop up no matter what, so this will just give them priority. LoL

So, as usual, get those votes in and let's see what it's gonna be. Good luck, peeps!


Bekah June

Happy early birthday Blank!


Ngl I thought the 54 Gojira was gonna be on here

Robert H

Gotta go with Airheads.

Cat Charbonneau

Come on airheads!!!!! 🤞🏻


We must not ignore Airheads

Echo Moon

Happy upcoming birthday Blank!!! I hope it's the best one yet. :)

Tom C



He really wants to watch Airheads. Happy Birthday Blank! 🎉🥳

Echo Moon

I had to go with The Hunted because I love Tommy Lee Jones and Benecio Del Toro in it. :)


Airhead STILL not winning!?!? What in the actual efff!! J, I think you're just gonna have to say fuck it and jump on that one anyway 😅


I had to vote for the "key to the plot" choice.


I think I've come to the conclusion that not enough people have seen Ravenous to garner enough votes to ever win a poll. I will still always vote for it when it comes up though.


I think Species is the only one I've seen. And the "key to the plot" in this movie is actually legit lol!

g g gooding

Trick question. Lemmy is god.

lawson brady

my first pick was tin cup but how things are going I decided airheads Lenny is god lol


Airhead's all the way. The White Zombie cameo is Fire