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2024 Poll 26: Drama Poll!!!

  • Taxi Driver (1976) 73
  • Do The Right Thing (1989) 19
  • What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) 77
  • The Road (2009) 27
  • Whiplash (2014) 37
  • 2024-06-10
  • —2024-06-17
  • 233 votes
{'title': '2024 Poll 26: Drama Poll!!!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Taxi Driver (1976)', 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Do The Right Thing (1989) ', 'votes': 19}, {'text': "What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) ", 'votes': 77}, {'text': 'The Road (2009) ', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Whiplash (2014) ', 'votes': 37}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 17, 16, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 15, 3, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 233}


What up, peeps! Another EOM Poll, and this week, it's dramas. Next week is gonna be Blank's Birthday Week poll, so be on the lookout for that next week as we kick off July. But first things first, and that's the last poll movie for June. So, get those votes in and let's see what it'll be!


Cat Charbonneau

I saw Taxi Driver in high school and it left a huge impression on me with what a movie could be. I hope it wins! Can’t wait to watch it with you!

La Toya Sheri

I heard taxi driver is good . I've never seen it. I definitely think do the right thing is good for the culture and is so important to watch. Imo it's one of Spike Lee's best work.


I've not seen the middle one, and DTRT didn't do it for me, so The Road it is. I've never got through that one, despite the accusations that TLOU copied it. Which is rubbish, of course.

Philip Davetas

TAXI DRIVER is a total mind fuck. DO THE RIGHT THING is just awesome as all the fucks. That should've won.


I love all of these movies, they're all great options. "The Road" is a fantastic movie (so is the book) It's a hard watch, but Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn from Lord of the rings) makes it a must see. "Easter Promises" would also be a great film to watch (Starring Viggo).

Matt Wagner

Guys come on…how is Whiplash not at 100% of the vote?!

Echo Moon

Gilbert Grape is such an underrated film, all the actors do such a wonderful job. The lady who plays Gilbert's mom was such a wonderful actress, I wish she had done more roles before her passing. This was the first film I saw Leonardo in and I honestly thought at the time he was truly the way he was in the film in real life until I saw him in something else later on. Whiplash would be my second choice cuz it's insane! But I won't be mad if any of these choices win. Just crossing the fingers Gilbert will win. :)

Big Frank


I am the walrus

Good lord just have him watch all 5 back to back lol. Gotta go with Scorsese and Deniro at there finest though.


Gilbert Grape finally making the poll! 🤗 Such a slept on good flick with a good little cast of familiar actors.

Renee S

I wish Do the Right Thing was getting more love, but Taxi Driver is a good movie. That would be my second choice.

T.J. Gengler

Here’s the kicker, I absolutely detest WHIPLASH. It’s brutal, at times almost senselessly cruel and triggers me in ways that don’t need to be aired here. It’s also powerful and calculating in its narrative. Any time a performance can productively provoke disquieting emotions like this film can, take note. It something very special indeed.

Big Frank

Good lord this one is tight 😳


Just have to speak up for The Road. Can't leave the reason I think it's so important here so I don't spoil anything, but great movie. Just really rough.

Trey Nicholson

Whiplash, Whiplash, Whiplash!!!

Big Frank

Would you change to taxi driver? (Please) I'll pay you back the vote on a future poll O promise!!!🤝🤝🤝


A tie thus far. 32/32 I may have to make a new account and vote twice. Perfect screen name to use would be Henry Krinkle. *wink