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gina brown

I love your tshirt if I picked a dwarf it would def. be grumpy, congrats on being an uncle I am sure you would get along with kids; I used to go to group therapy up here in the hills and now they do not have it, it's good to listen to you talk. I am fat but no one really calls me fat to my face, but this one time my brother drove in a jeep that very high off the ground well anyways he started making that sound from the story that was the barforama scene in stand by me boomba boomba, I couldn't say anything because I was laughing so much,

Jeff B.

Congrats on starting carnivore. I started with keto back in 2019 and switched to carnivore in 2020. I dropped over 150 lbs in two years and have kept it off staying carnivore to this day. It's great. I love the food and it works. I hope you have tremendous success!