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You voted for it (a while ago) and here it is!

So I decided to end Tracy's Growvember in a special finale!
I originally intended to just finish the last 3 days until the end of January, but I didn't think it would honor this story in a way it deserves... So instead on TOP of those last 3 days I'll be doing not one, but TWO short comics revolving around Tracy & Amber. The first one will be a continuation of the short comic I already started last year, showing Amber & Tracy working out together at Day 10 of Tracy's Growth. The second will happen around the end, where they meet again ✨ So many of you wished for more TracyXAmber so I'll be glad to (hopefully) deliver! Keep in mind that these comics will be much shorter, around 4-6 pages each.



Dr. Whoopass

I love it!! But what’s the difference between page 1 and 4 lol

What a Mass!

There's none! Page 1 is Page 3 🙈 when I update a comic I usually put the newest page in front and then in the chronological Order a second time!