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Thought I would give you a bit of insight into my plans for 2024.  

In short, my plans are very similar to 2023:

-continue the same pace of releases

-continue my focus on Her Desire, with a sprinkle of College Times

-continue with the "Fun" and "What if?" renders

-continue with polls to include you in the game's creation

Beyond that, my other goal is it to hit 500 Patrons by the end of year.  We blew past my expectations this year, which has helped me to continue putting in the hours I need to keep up this pace.  On top of that, I would like to upgrade my video pc a bit for faster renders/imaging.

Lastly, don't hesitate to message me or reply in posts if you ever have thoughts or feedback.  I enjoy the communication :)


Wack Daddy


AVN Lover

Love what you do WD, your games are among the best... I would only ask for more scenes with the main characters over side characters as they are usually much hotter. Would have taken a longer hot tub scene over the scene in the alley for example.... Either way, Amber is an amazing character. Hope we see much more Her Desire for a long time... Anyways, just wanna say thanks. You rock.


What video card are you using right now? Great game btw.


3080, which isn't bad, but I'd like to go better this year if I can. Doubt 50 series cards come out this year