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Finished "script flavoring", "stats" and "paths" (description's of what that means at the end of this post).

Now, I just need to play through it a few times to make sure things read right and then finish it up with the music.

So, looking on track for BETA starting tomorrow (starting from Diamond-Tier on down).

A look ahead after BETA and Public Release of Chapter 7: 

I plan on trying to write as much of the script as possible for the next Chapter (Chapter 8) before I go out of town next Wed., that way, when I return I can just focus on renders.  I like the 1-2 month release window (usually closer to 1 month lol) - the Patreon growth, retainage and the poll we did,  makes me think it's a good path to stay on.

Look out for update tomorrow


Description's for those new and old:

"script flavoring": The pink text describing the mc's thoughts and the actions observed. 

"stats": The stat increases/decreases and the stat minimums needed for certain choices

"paths": Figuring out what "choices" or stats are required for certain paths and also keeping the paths flowing properly (one of the harder things to do)


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